"The two are the heirs of the Alliance Daoist Hall, so they can enter Area A with higher elven talent qualifications to select."

"However, Miss Xiaoxia, you are from the Hualan Water System Taoist Hall, so you can only choose the water system elves native to Kanto;

Miss Lika, you are from the Rainbow City Grass Dojo, so you can only choose among the native grass spirits of Kanto.

"This is the map of Area A, as well as the list of Pokémon with corresponding attributes, please put it away, if you need anything, you can call the staff to help at any time."

While explaining, the staff distributed three maps and manuals to the three people.

"Okay, thank you-" Xiao Xia thanked the staff in front of her, the young age, full of temperament made this staff member secretly admire in his heart.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

After completing the formalities on the staff's side, Xiaoxia and the three also officially entered the base to select the elves.

According to the manual map, the entire cultivation base is divided into two areas, A and B, and the division standard of the two areas is the talent qualification of the elves.

The elves cultivated in Area B, the talent qualification≤ the elves cultivated in Area B +

A, the talent qualification ≥ A-


is also thanks to Xiaoxia and Lijia are the heirs of the Taoist Hall, if they are ordinary hall owner personal disciples, or the children of the pavilion owner like the third sister Peony, they can only choose the initial Pokémon in Area B.

Of course, this is not to say that the elves in Area B are bad, and they already know that ordinary citizens in the area pay the initial Pokémon tax in full and on time.

When the child officially debuted at the age of 10, the initial Pokémon received were only B-level talent elves in Area B.

All in all, the elves in area B are not bad, only the elves in area A are better.

However, this is also a special benefit that can only be enjoyed by the heirs of the dojo and the children of the champions of the alliance kings.



The initial Pokémon cultivation base was very large, and after entering the base, Xiaoxia and the three of them walked for half a day to come to Area A.

"Lijia~ Then we will separate for the time being, you will go to the grass Pokémon area to stroll, and the Pokémon with a heart will be written down first, don't rush to choose."

"I'll go to the water system area to select the elves, and when the time comes, I will help you with the staff." Xiaoxia said.

"Okay." Lijia nodded obediently, after several hours of getting along, Lijia trusted Xiaoxia, who was obviously the same age as herself, but more mature and knowledgeable.

After that, the three of them also temporarily separated, and Lijia took the map manual and walked to the Pokémon Hall area in Area A.

On Xiaoxia's side, she and her third sister Peony walked towards

the area of the water system Pokémon - and after a while, Xiao Xia, Peony and their sisters also came to the water system Pokémon pavilion area.

Compared to the ones you encountered on the way, there are forests, grasses, sand, rocky beaches that inhabit Pokémon with other attributes

The water system Pokémon pavilion area is mainly composed of ponds, pools, streams, and wetland environments.

Like horned goldfish, king carp... These kinds of Pokémon that cannot be moved on the shore are honestly swimming in streams, ponds, and pools.

Amphibious water spirits, such as mosquito coil tadpoles, move in wetland waters or squat on the leaves of some water lily and royal lotus plants.

As for elves such as the Jeni turtle, they are more lively.

Except for a few swimming around the pond, most of them are chasing and playing on the grass on the shore, as if there is an endless amount of energy.


As the heir of the Hualan Water System Taoist Hall, Xiaoxia can only choose the water system elves, and she is also a native water system elf in Kanto.

And there are not many native water system elves in Kanto, excluding [Ammonite Beast, Fossil Helmet] that are 'not' fossil Pokémon in the base.

As well as through the water stone evolved into a water elf, but the initial form is not the water system of Eevee, the water system elves classified to the Kanto Pokémon Book are:

[Jeni turtle, duck, mosquito tadpole, onyx jellyfish, dumb beast, little sea lion, big tongue shell, big pincer crab, ink seahorse, horned goldfish, starfish, king carp, dragon]

Before Xiaoxia she about the initial Pokémon, she did several rounds of screening elimination, and finally only [water arrow turtle, fast swimming frog, The five Pokémon corresponding to the initial

form elves are [Jani Turtle, Mosquito Coiled Tadpole, Starfish, Big Tongue Shell, King Carp]

because Aunt Kona gave her a large tongue shell with a qualification demon.

So according to the previous plan, today her initial Pokémon should be selected from [Jeni Turtle, Mosquito Coiled Tadpole, Starfish, King Carp].

However, it is precisely because she now has a large tongue with outstanding talent and qualifications, and the conditions for the selection of 'Initial Pokémon' today can be more relaxed.

The conditions for the race value have not changed, it is still ≥ 500, of course, the final evolutionary race value like the Dumb Beast reaches 490, and it is not impossible to consider that it is very close to 500.

However, although the conditions for race values are relaxed, they will not be particularly relaxed.

Because her subordinates already have a big tongue shell, Xiaoxia's relaxed conditions are mainly reflected in the second condition when she was screened, and the number of elves eliminated is the largest:

[Can be out of water and move on the shore, can fight for a long time in a waterless environment on land. ]

at the time of the screening because of this condition, such as the final evolutionary race value of up to 540 Mo Seahorse, 535 Dragon Rider, 515 Onyx Jellyfish...

Many elves have been eliminated by her, and now that the selection conditions are relaxed, Xiaoxia naturally has to consider this part of the Pokémon that are worth cultivating as the main force, but they are eliminated by her everywhere.

Therefore, coming to the elf breeding base today, regarding the selection of the initial Pokémon, in addition to the initial screening after multiple rounds of successful promotion and retention:

[Jeni turtle, mosquito coil tadpole, king carp, starfish

] Now like [Mo Seahorse, Dragon Ride, Onyx Jellyfish] will also be re-included in the selection list by Xiaoxia.



"[Ling'er], scan the data of the elves in the small pond in front of you."

From the quartz plateau back to Hualan City, the return journey takes five and a half hours, the time is limited, and Xiaoxia, who came to the water system venue, did not grind and waste time.

Raised his eyes and glanced at the elves in the library area, and immediately gave instructions to the artificial intelligence assistant [Linger] in his heart to start screening the elves living in this library area.

[Scanning, please wait...

] ————————

[Onyx jellyfish]

Grade: LV.5


Characteristics: Constant Pure Body



Qualification: A- (Perfect Level)

Skill: Poison Needle, Water Gun, Dissolved Liquid


[Up to Duck]

Level: LV.5


Features: Weather independent



Qualification: A- (Perfection)

Skills: Grab, Wag Tail, Grab


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