Elf: Tree Fruit Dessert

Chapter 92: Returning, renovated new shop

"Ah this..."

Lian looked at the renovated shop in front of her, her eyes almost popping out.

The whole shop is decorated in light blue, and the wooden signboard is engraved with "Pokémon Dessert House" in dark blue letters.

The door adopts the design of glass floor-to-ceiling windows, which can see the scene of the store at a glance.

Of course, if you don't want to be seen, just draw the curtains inside.

This glass is also custom-made by Lotus at a large price. It is a tempered glass that can prevent ordinary Pokemon tricks. Of course, it can't stop Pokemon that are too strong...

Inside the store, you can first see the counter facing the door, with the same display cabinets as the cake shop.

The prepared desserts can be placed directly inside, which is convenient for guests to watch and fresh.

The glass wall on the side was directly replaced by a fish tank. The gap between the double-layer glass was filled with water, and several carp kings were swimming in it.

There are vents on the roof, and water pipes are connected to the side, which is convenient for the carp kings to change air and water.

There are fake corals, plastic shells and other decorations in the fish tank, and the bottom is covered with white soft sand and some ornamental lights.

As soon as the light is turned on, the entire fish tank will glow brightly, with the color of the water and the light blue decoration of the other walls, making it look brilliant.

The place where the guests sit is the design of small sofas and wooden tables that are commonly found in coffee shops, which was also deliberately negotiated by Lian.

Stroking the light blue wallpaper, Lian slowly shed tears of poverty... My dear, every brick here is full of money...

After walking past the counter, the kitchen is inside. The kitchen has not changed much, except that the oil was thoroughly cleaned, and new tiles and wallpaper that did not absorb oil were pasted. Finally, the kitchen utensils were updated.

Next to the kitchen is a staircase leading to the second floor, above which are renovated bedrooms and bathrooms.

The onion wanderer jumped out of the pokeball all of a sudden, but it doesn't care about the rest, it just wants to see how the bedroom is going!

The bouncing onion wanderer excitedly ran upstairs and kicked the door open in one breath.

There was no change in the room, but the bed was made a little bigger, and then a layer of wallpaper was pasted.

"Okay, with limited funds, it's pretty good to be able to decorate it as it is now."

Lian touched the head of the onion wandering soldier and comforted it.

Although I don't know why this guy is so interested in the bedroom...



Maneyan Werewolf with Erlang's legs crossed, sitting on a chair at the entrance of the small shop, holding a thermos cup in his hand, just like an old security guard.

Since he evolved, this guy seems to have changed from a little sunshine to an old man.

The carp king and his younger brothers were swimming happily in the wall of the fish tank. Anyway, this place is much more comfortable than the small pool before.

The scallion soldier was lying on the sofa where the guests were sitting with his scallion shield and scallion sword in his arms. Anyway, there is nothing to do right now, so he might as well rest for a while.

Pachiritz sat on a small sofa on the counter. This was a special sofa specially made by Master Lianchao. It was just right for him to sit on. It wouldn't evolve anyway, would it?

At this time, Lian was preparing new desserts in the kitchen with Shuang Daixian.

This time seems to be a more troublesome dessert, and it can be regarded as a test of skills.

Lian took out a small piece of butter and put it into a warm pot. The butter gradually melted in the warm pot. Then, she added moo milk and some water.

The butter was completely melted in the mixture of milky white milk and water, and the frost milk fairy stood aside and stirred in the pot with a spoon until the butter and the milk and water were completely mixed and turned into a yellowish liquid of evaporated milk.

"Next is this!"

Lian grabbed a small bowl of low-gluten flour and poured it into the pot at once.

Shuang Daixian stirred quickly to prevent the flour from being completely smeared in the pot. She was very skilled at doing this kind of thing, and she was quite familiar with it.

Lian also trusts the Shuangdaixian very much. According to Master Ma Shide, this Shuangdaixian is the child of an old dessert chef's assistant to cook Pokémon.

Therefore, since childhood, he was very skilled in making desserts.

After turning off the heat, let the batter rest for a while.

At this moment, a milky fragrance has spread in the kitchen. The fragrance of moo milk is not comparable to those of ordinary milk.

So this kind of milk fragrance is not greasy at all, and some have only intoxicating pure milk fragrance.

"Okay, it's almost cold."

Lian beat an egg into the batter.

Shuang Daixian stirred again, the batter and egg whites and yolks gradually dispersed and mixed into the batter. The originally creamy yellow batter turned dark yellow after the egg yolks invaded.

After stirring until there is no graininess at all, it is finished.

Pour all the batter into a piping bag. The so-called piping bag is actually the kind of tool that pastry chefs use to squeeze cream to draw patterns when making cakes.

Use a piping bag to squeeze the batter onto the baking sheet and form into small balls. They will expand naturally when they are cooked.

Next is the puff pastry on the outside of the puffs.

The practice of meringue is relatively simple. Put the whipped butter in a pot, and then...

"Shuangdaixian, it's your turn."

Lian put the small basin in front of Nanny Shuang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Nanny Shuang consciously condensed a small piece of cream and threw it into the basin, and continued to stir.

Beat an egg, add low-gluten flour in the same way, and freeze it in the refrigerator after stirring.

In the process of freezing, it is necessary to make the filling in the puff.

Lian immediately went out and carried the sleeping onion wanderer into the kitchen.


Hearing that it was going to be delicious, the scallion soldiers immediately cut all the fruit into pieces and mixed them together.

And Lian's side began to whip the cream that the Cream Milk Fairy condensed again.

Whip the cream in three batches, adding some crushed tree fruit each time and letting them mix.

Sandwich is complete.

Take out the frozen batter, cut it into thin slices with a knife, and spread it on the batter in the previous baking pan.

Put it in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius and bake for 30 minutes.

This is to make the puffs expand with high temperature.

Under the high temperature of the oven, the small dough gradually expanded, fluffy and fluffy to the naked eye, and the thin slices on it had also been baked into a crispy crispy skin.

Finally, cool down to 80 degrees Celsius and bake for another 5 minutes.

Take out the baked puff, take out the piping bag again, and squeeze the crumbled cream tree fruit from the bottom of the puff.

Because the puffs are very fluffy, a small hole can be completely closed again, and the crumble will not leak out.

Puff pastry cream puffs, done!

Lian took out the puffs one by one and placed them in the display cabinet. It was another new product.

However, the effect of this new product is still unclear...

Lian carefully recalled the consequences of letting the green onion duck try the pudding last time, and then looked at the new store she just renovated, or...let Xiaozhi try it this time...


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