Elf: Tree Fruit Dessert

Vol 2 Chapter 5: Farewell, Dr. Fuji

"Dane, Dane~"

A wonderful frog seed lay beside a cradle, gently shaking the cradle with a vine whip.

In the cradle lay a small baby, sleeping soundly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the old man was extremely excited, but he never expected that he really succeeded...

Looking at the wonderful frog seeds in front of him and the little baby in the cradle, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, a natural smile.

He remembered the scene when he first met the seeds of the frog.

Also remembered the scene when his wife gave birth to Xiao Ai......

It is understandable to see the person and Pokémon who are the most important to him once again, and the excitement of the old man Fuji is naturally understandable.

It has been a few weeks since the last time Lian came to visit, and now the little fire dragon, the jenny turtle, and the wonderful frog seeds have all grown up completely.

The jenny turtle has been sent to the original trainer.

The little fire dragon was put into the Pokémon house by him, and now there is a breeder he invited to help take care of the Pokémon.

Of course, it used the research funds approved by the Rockets.

As for Dream No. 2, it has grown to be about the size of a human, and it can feel a sense of power just by looking.

After the data test, its potential power is indeed more than fantasy...

Moreover, it does look very different from the dream...

So at Lian's suggestion, it was also renamed from Dream 2 to Mewtwo.

It means, beyond the dream.

This is also the reason why the Rockets asked to make it. Dream, at this stage, is considered by academia as the most precious Pokémon.

Although he believes that there must be other legendary Pokémon, but so far, the legendary Pokémon that has been confirmed to exist is indeed the most precious one.

Feng Wang in the Chengdu area has not appeared for many years, and there is considerable controversy in the academic circles about its existence.

As for the Three God Birds, there are many sightings all over the world, and their preciousness cannot be compared to fantasy.


Dream Fei was in the research institute, looking at the Pokémon created with its genes, and seemed curious, but what he was curious about was why this Pokémon looked different from it...

It is clear that the clone of the seed of the wonderful frog is no different from the deity.

"Okay, Dream, Sakagi will be here soon. You can take the seeds of the frog and Xiaoai as originally planned..."

The old man Fuji looked at his watch, and soon Sakagi would come over to check the results. He couldn't let Dream and Xiao Ai be seen, so they had to be transferred in advance.

And he has more important things to do.


Dream heard this, and her mischievous eyes narrowed a bit. It knew that this was a serious matter, so it had to be taken seriously.

I saw Dream gently spit out a pink bubble, wrapping the seed of the wonderful frog together with the cradle and Xiao Ai, and then using the power of thought to bring the bubble up.


In an instant, the little love frog seeds in the dream and bubbles disappeared in place...

Only the old man Fuji was left in the research institute.

What he has to do is to create an experimental accident and make Sakagi think he died in the accident...

This was Lian's idea. He was able to escape successfully before, largely because he didn't succeed in his research, and he didn't know much about the progress, which made the Rockets not in a hurry to catch him.

But it's different now. He has successfully created a Pokémon. If a researcher like him who has successfully created a Pokémon beyond the dream escapes, I'm afraid Team Rocket will try their best to find him even if they dig three feet into the ground. come out.

Moreover, he also discussed with Lian what to do with Mewtwo and keep Mewtwo by his side, so that it is always possible to be found by the Rockets. Moreover, in order to surpass the dream, Mewtwo has also been optimized in combat, and his temperament may not be a dream. So gentle.

However, if such a powerful force is handed over to Team Rocket, I am afraid it will still cause a lot of disaster.

So after discussing with Lian, the old man Fuji decided to give Mewtwo freedom.

When Sakagi is about to arrive, he will give Mewtwo a little destructive factor to stimulate Mewtwo's desire to destroy it.

Let Mewtwo destroy the laboratory by Sakagi himself, so that he has a chance to escape.

And Mewtwo, because of the destructive factor, escapes from this place that makes it full of pain.

He believed that if Mewtwo wanted to leave, no one should be able to stop him. In this case, Mewtwo would be free.

After the effect of the disruptive factor wears off, it will return to its normal state, and then everything will be over.

The world is so big, Mewtwo can go wherever he wants, and an undiscovered Pokémon doesn't seem to be a particularly incredible thing.

There are always a few Pokémon that have not been discovered by humans. This is a normal phenomenon, so even if Mewtwo is witnessed, it should not have much impact.


As usual, Sakagi woke up from the big bed of dozens of square meters, looked at the Rolex on his wrist, and sighed. The life of a rich person is so simple and boring...

He put on a black suit and a red tie. He has important things to do today, so he needs to be more formal.

Sitting in front of his dining table, watching the butler bring plates of delicate breakfasts, he began to look forward to it.

After all, one of his favorite movies to watch is such a treasured and unpopular movie.

"Today's breakfast is a breakfast set co-branded by a chef named Lian, first of all, red dates and honey tea."

As the butler spoke, he poured out the reddish tea from the teapot.

As soon as he entered the cup, the aroma of red dates and honey spread all of a sudden, making Sakagi in a good mood.

A delicious breakfast always puts you in a good mood

"This is made by using good red dates. After soaking, take out the jujube pits, then twist the red dates into a jujube puree, add sweetness, and then brew it..."

While helping Sakagi introduce, the housekeeper watched in horror as Sakagi slowly raised the teacup to his mouth...

Suck it up...  

A small sip of tea was put into his mouth, and he was instantly refreshed. The taste of slightly sour red dates and sweet honey combined to make the taste buds energized.

"Honey red jujube tea has a good effect of nourishing blood and beauty. Adhering to taking honey red jujube tea can nourish qi, nourish blood, and beautify the face. At the same time, it is rich in vitamin C, which can promote the absorption of iron in the human body. The effect of qi and blood."

The housekeeper looked at Sakagi, who seemed quite satisfied, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief. Good guy, Boss Lian will not deceive me...

"Next is..."

The housekeeper immediately pushed the plate on the side to Sakagi, and lifted the lid on it...

A plate of crystal clear jelly-like food, lying quietly on the plate.

I saw that its surface was smooth without any flaws, and it contained some pulp...

"This dessert is called tree fruit crystal jelly. It is made from various tree fruits, with a mild taste and a stomach-nourishing effect..."

The housekeeper continued to help Sakagi introduce the name of the dessert.

Sakagi is a very mouth-watering person, and his usual breakfast is actually made by very senior chefs.

It's just that one day the chef was in a hurry at home and didn't come to work.

In a hurry, the butler brought breakfast to Sakagi from the small shop in Zhenxin Town, which is very popular on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, Sakagi's mouth has completely changed since he ate the breakfast there. All the previous chefs were fired, and he only ate breakfast made by Lotus every morning.

No way, he just went to the market to buy a lot of dessert brands co-branded by Lotus.

It is said that it is the exclusive secret recipe of Lotus, and it is produced by manufacturers with reliable internal relations.

In the past, this kind of fast food product, Sakagi didn't even look at it, but now it's quite addicting...

"Okay, it's almost time to leave..."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Sakagi immediately took his own helicopter, preparing to go to his maritime research institute to witness the birth of his dream Pokémon.

Sakagi on the plane even had the urge to hum a ditty, a perfect breakfast, and expectations to be fulfilled soon, what could be more perfect than this?

Nothing can ruin his good mood now, not even...


Sakagi was still thinking about this... The Maritime Research Institute not far away immediately made a loud noise and the fire was blazing into the sky...

Even the helicopter flying in the sky jolted a few times in this big battle...

Could it be... something happened to Chao Meng!

Sakagi quickly reacted and looked at the burning wreckage of the research institute. In the firelight, a white Pokémon with a long tail flew out through the flames and stopped in the air.

"Then... is that Super Dream?"

Looking at the figure of that Pokémon, Sakagi immediately smiled, and he could feel that this Pokémon was very strong, very powerful.

It is so powerful that I am afraid that the Pokémon of the Four Heavenly Kings will not be its opponents!

This is what he wants.

However, when he was in a trance, Chao Meng had already looked towards them.

Sakagi looked at Mewtwo like this.

Brutality, destruction.

Looking into Mewtwo's eyes, Sakagi could only think of these two words. He knew that this Pokémon was probably irrational right now.

Moreover, the destruction of the research institute is probably its masterpiece.

It's a pity that the instruments and researchers are gone. With an explosion of this magnitude, I'm afraid there will be no bones left...

Just when Sakagi was still thinking about what to do with Mewtwo, Mewtwo had already condensed a pitch-black shadow ball in his hand and threw it towards them.

The shadow ball undoubtedly hit the helicopter where Sakagi was, and then it exploded......

"It's really dangerous..."

The old man Fuji who was sitting on the back of the Tyrannosaurus was panting heavily, watching the explosion behind him with lingering fears.

Mewtwo's power is stronger than he imagined, but fortunately, Boss Lian kept the tyrannical carp dragon here just in case.

Otherwise, he really didn't know how to escape from the institute before the explosion...


Tyrannosaurus also let out a low roar, a little surprised, that white Pokémon is really powerful, and it can achieve that kind of power with a random shadow ball...

Surprised, but still surprised, the carp dragon continued to move fast on the sea. It didn't come to see that Pokémon destroyed, its mission was to send the old man Fuji back to Ziyuan Town safely...

Thinking of this, the speed of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon increased a bit...


"Well, it's still scary..."

Lian listened to what the old man Fuji said on the phone, Chaomeng blew up the research institute with a wave of his hand, and flew away. He relied on the tyrannical carp dragon to escape successfully, and now he has arrived at the Pokémon house.

"So, what are your plans in the future?"

"What are your plans for the future..."

The old man was stunned when he heard Lian's question, but looked at the innocent-looking Pokémon in the Pokémon House, sitting around the cradle where Xiao Ai was sleeping, humming what seemed to be a lullaby... …

He smiled slightly... This is life, the life he has always longed for...

"From now on, I think I'll stay here and live with Pokémon..."

The old man Fuji said happily to Lian that he had received too much help from Lian. He was able to return to the Pokémon home safely today, and he was able to bring Xiao Ai together, largely because of Lian’s help. help.

For him, Lian is already his greatest benefactor.

"Then, I wish you happiness..."

Lian felt a little emotional and didn't know what to say. After hesitating for a long time, he had to say a polite remark. He really didn't know what to say...

For so long, he has long regarded the old man Fuji as a friend. It is amazing to say that he has been here for so long, and the person he has known is Dr. Damu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xiao Mao, Xiaozhi, and the old man Fuji and Duo. .

Among them, the one who has the best relationship with him is of course the old man Fuji with whom he had a long-term relationship.

They have been through life and death together...

So he was sincerely happy for the old man Fuji.

Starting today, Team Rocket will never have a researcher named Dr. Fuji.

And in the Pokémon house in Ziyuan Town, a kind person who loves Pokémon reappears. He and his daughter will accompany these homeless Pokémon and spend their time with them. childhood...

"Goodbye by fate."

Lian sighed, the other party seemed to want to say something, but he had already hung up the phone in one breath.

From today onwards, the old man Fuji will start a happy new life.

However, because he has interviews from the media every three or five times, the old man Fuji is always inappropriate to come to the store in order to keep a low profile.

And he is going to go to Ziyuan Town, I am afraid it will take a long time, so it will be difficult to meet...

Looking at the Pokémon Ocarina on the table, the kind and gentle old man once again appeared in his mind.

In the world of Pokémon, there are still many warm and good people.

Lian couldn't help sighing, and at the same time he was relieved. The old man Fuji was safe, so he didn't need to worry anymore.

It's just that in the original book, Mewtwo was at least deceived by Sakagi for a while before leaving. Now that he has left, I don't know if it will affect the future...

Thinking of this, Lian looked at Miaomiao in the kitchen and was relieved. He had changed a lot of things, not bad for this one...

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