Elf, who made him the gym leader?

Chapter 340 Gu Xin, this is my trump card!

Dandy really didn’t expect that he would meet such a trainer one day.

It’s okay to use the power of time to slow down the speed of his main Pokémon, right? The referee said that this behavior is not a foul?

Of course, this did not violate the rules, but Dandy really couldn’t help but want to complain.

He usually loves fighting, and his vision is to make Galar stronger through fighting.

But Dandy suddenly felt that he didn’t seem to get any happiness from this battle.

No, it should be said that all the happiness was taken away by the guy on the opposite side, and he became his "happiness".

How to describe this feeling?

Weird, very weird.

"Dragon Wave."

Seeing that Dandy was lost in thought, Guxin ordered the Origin Dialga.

The Origin Dialga opened his mouth slightly, and the pure Dragon Wave condensed in front of his mouth.

Dandy noticed this, but after looking at the still "slow" Dragon Ball, he couldn't help but want to spread his hands.

What can he do in this situation? Shouting to Dragonball to "get out of the way"?

It would be better to just take the Poké Ball back to Dragonball, but it's meaningless.

This so-called "power of time" has already exceeded Dandi's understanding of creatures like Pokémon, and there is no such thing in his previous battle world.

How could there be such a "bug" in the world? And it was actually subdued by Gu Xin...


The fierce dragon wave hit Dragonball fiercely, and Dragonball screamed in pain and was blown away.

At this moment, the "time" applied to Dragonball seemed to have returned to normal, because Dragonball's scream of pain did not "slow down".

But it was meaningless.

"Dragonball lost his ability to fight, Dialga won."

The middle-aged referee swallowed his saliva, looked at the origin Dialga, who was still as majestic as a god, and announced the result of the battle.

Not only Origin Dialga, but also the man in black standing behind Origin Dialga, my god!

How to say it?

The middle-aged referee can be said to have the best business ability and mentality in the Galar League, otherwise he would not have been specially selected by Ross as the referee for the championship match between Guxin and the champion.

But the middle-aged referee felt that his legs were a little weak at this moment. It was nothing, he was not like those spectators, after all, he was very close to Origin Dialga.

He could feel the substantial sense of terror and oppression from Origin Dialga at a closer distance, even if Origin Dialga did not target him.

After the referee announced, the whole arena was quiet for a while, because this was the fifth one!

Dandi only had the last trump Pokémon left, that is, his Charizard.

But can Charizard make a comeback? Is it possible? Even Dandi's loyal fans have realized one thing at this moment.

That is, the gap between Dandi and Guxin is very large.

"What a strong suppression... and it's a comprehensive suppression."

"Who said it wasn't? I always thought that Dandi Champion should be the strongest trainer in the world. It turns out that my vision is too narrow."

"No, who asked Guxin Champion to come to Galar? Isn't it good to let this monster compete with champions from other regions? He will be defeated!"

"Woo woo... Guxin Champion is so handsome! He is so strong!"

"In fact, there is no need to be so pessimistic. I don't think it's that Dandi Champion is weak. It's obviously that Guxin Champion is too strong. I don't believe that champions from other regions can get a point from Guxin Champion with this lineup."

The scene began to hear constant discussions, and some people couldn't hold back. After all, it seemed that Dandi was going to be shaved bald in this full-member battle.

But many people can also see that it's not that Dandi is weak, but that the new Kanto Champion is too strong. It's so strong that the two seem to be in a different dimension.

"Big brother actually..."

The bronze-skinned, purple-haired boy looked at the field in disbelief, muttering to himself.

His name is Hepu, and he is Dandi's younger brother. His goal since childhood is Dandi. In order to become a champion like Dandi, he embarked on a journey.

"This Guxin champion is so amazing."

Beside Hepu is a girl with fair skin, pure and lovely face, half-long brown hair, wearing a pink dress, a gray hooded coat on the outside, and a green cute dome hat on her head.

She is Xiaoyou, the runner-up of the Champions Cup. She is a newcomer who just started traveling this year. Although she looks sweet and cute, no one underestimates her.

Because this girl is the biggest dark horse new star this year, she defeated all the gym leaders in Galar along the way, and defeated all competitors in the Champions Cup with a tough attitude, and finally stood in front of Dandi to challenge Dandi.

The final result is indeed a defeat, but everyone understands that Xiaoyou's growth is far from over.

This is only her first year since her debut.

"The champion of Dandi is not his opponent at all."

Xiaoyou's eyes flickered, and he tilted his head to look at the man in black in the field. He looked a few years older than himself.

But he was already the champion of Kanto. The most important thing was that Mr. Dandi, who he had tried his best but failed to defeat, was easily defeated by him.

So strong!!

On the field.

"If nothing unexpected happens, I'm afraid I'll be criticized for a while after today's battle." Dandi took back the Dragon Ball and couldn't help but feel helpless and a little funny.

In fact, Dandi could accept the result of winning or losing after agreeing to this sparring match. He was mentally prepared.

But Dandi never thought that he would be beaten so badly. Is this Guxin champion a human?

There is no doubt that after this highly anticipated battle, Dandi can imagine the public opinion on the Internet.

'Undefeated champion? The worst champion, right? '

'It's just that he is self-sustaining in the Galar circle. He will be shattered when he touches the Kanto champion. '

'The first undefeated champion to be defeated. '

These public opinions will definitely come out crazily. Originally, trainers in other regions would just laugh at the title of undefeated champion.

But now that this battle is over, there is no doubt that Dandi will suffer a lot of ridicule in the next period of time.

Dandi doesn't care about these remarks, nor will he be affected by his mentality, but it would be a lie to say that he is not depressed. The key is that he thinks he is really not weak!

"True gold is not afraid of fire. Anyway, you will have too many opportunities to prove yourself as Dandi Champion next year."

Gu Xin chuckled. Those who think Dandi is weak are really fools. Could it be that someone really thinks Dandi is weak through their battle and challenges him?

"Among the trainers I know, Dandi Champion, your strength is enough to rank in the top three now."

Gu Xin's words are really not nonsense. After all, Gu Xin has not met that old monster yet.

The other two are naturally Adu and Sakaki. As for Daigo Zhulan and others, Gu Xin thinks they are still a little worse than these three.

Chihong and others have not grown up completely.

"Then I really have to thank Gu Xin Champion for your affirmation."

Hearing this, Dandi couldn't help but smile. Good guy, he beat himself so badly, but he still recognized his strength?

Dandi could hear that Gu Xin was not lying, but that was why he felt it was outrageous.

The most outrageous thing is that Dandi actually thought that this sounded quite comfortable?

Well, after all, this was a sincere compliment from his opponent, and this person was Guxin.

"You're welcome. Compared to this, my sixth Pokémon."

Guxin took out the last precious ball.

Dandi's eyes suddenly became solemn, but also with a little curiosity. After all, he was really curious about what other Pokémon could be ranked behind Dialga.

Not only Dandi, but everyone was waiting for Guxin to throw this precious ball at this moment.

Guxin felt Dandi's emotions, chuckled and threw the precious ball in his hand backhand.

"Nekrozma! Get ready for battle!"

With a flash of white light, Necrozma. Dawn Wings spread its wings and floated in front of Guxin, with two black giant claws stretched forward, ferocious and terrifying.

The blue body was inlaid with black crystals, and there was a colorful part on the head, and a faint red light was reflected through the crystals in front of the body.

This is Necrozma, but it is a normal-colored Eclipse Necrozma.

"Is this... a dragon?"

Dante felt the huge pressure of Necrozma Dawn Wings, which was very oppressive, but not as strong as Dialga Origin, and how could it look like a dragon?

"Of course it's a dragon, but not now."

In fact, Gu Xin was already thinking about leveling up Little Nebula, because there was only Lunala, which was not enough.

Lunayara had urged him many times to raise Solgaleo quickly, so that it and Solgaleo could live together, and when fighting, one of them would be the Dawn Wings and the other the Dusk Mane, how suitable would that be?

Lunayara was also very distressed. Now that the eldest and second brothers could use her, she couldn't split herself. Alas~ Who made her so popular with the brothers?


Gu Xin called out to the Eclipse Necrozma.

Eclipse Necrozma raised its head and screamed, and a dazzling golden light shone on its body. The golden light source was like a new sun.

But at the same time, the originally clear sky suddenly became dark in the blink of an eye.

That's right, it was dark!

But because of the golden light source of Eclipse Necrozma, the entire arena was still shining.

But this sudden long night was still extremely shocking.

Because this darkness was not limited to the Palace Gate Arena. Looking out, what came into view was a dark sky with no end in sight.

"Absorbed all again..."

Liliae couldn't help but laugh awkwardly when she saw this scene.

This was the third time she saw Necrozma absorbing light, but the first two times were heterochromatic Necrozmas, and this time it was the Necrozma that had just been captured some time ago.

Looking at the dark sky, Roz couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Even as calm as he was, he couldn't hold it back at this moment.

Because his phone kept ringing, Ross didn't answer it, but he saw the message. This "darkness" might not only affect Gongmen City...

No, you beat our champion, and now you want to make such a big fuss?

The sky of Galar was completely dark. Because of the live broadcast, this news spread to other regions in an instant.

In the Quartz Plateau of Kanto, Damalanqi fell into deep thought.

"I'm talking about this kid." Damalanqi laughed and scolded, because he also remembered that the sky of Kanto was inexplicably dark for a while before.

He remembered that he asked Gu Xin what was going on, and Gu Xin replied that he didn't know either...

In Higaki City, Hezhong District, the corner of Adek's mouth twitched, feeling that it had been dark for several days in Hezhong. Was it because of Gu Xin?

Of course, Roz did not panic. After all, this was obviously caused by the Pokémon Guxin, and Guxin could definitely solve it.

At this moment, the lunar eclipse Necrozma has finally ‘completed its evolution’.


The roar of the dragon echoed throughout the sky, and a huge light dragon flashed with dazzling golden light, spanning the sky.

The majestic and majestic pressure filled the air, making people suffocate and marvel.

Under the entire dark sky, only this huge golden light dragon stood upright, and everyone looked up.

At this moment, it is epic!

This scene was really shocking, so shocking that it made my scalp numb.

But the most numb one is actually Dan Emperor.

Emperor Dan was stunned, looking at this light dragon that looked even scarier than the original Dialga just now. Others only needed to watch.

They can even sigh in the future that they saw the legend coming.

But I have to fight this light dragon! And he’s still in the ring!

Isn't the arena just a stage?

"It's beautiful, isn't it? Its name is Ultimate Necrozma, also known as the Great God of Radiance."

Gu Xin looked at the glittering ultimate Necrozma with satisfaction, looked at Dan Emperor and smiled.

Sure enough, the golden light's ultimate Necrozma is very authentic! Glitter gold!

"Come on, Alchemy Champion. It's no exaggeration to say that Ultimate Necrozma is my main ace. I know that Alchemy Champion, your ace is Charizard. Let's have a showdown between the aces!"

Gu Xin stretched out his hand as an invitation to Emperor Dan and spoke sincerely.


Dan Emperor's eyelids began to beat wildly again.

OK OK! !

Ace vs. Ace, right? Charizard vs. Shining God, right?

No, what do you think? How can my fire-breathing dragon be so good?

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