When Su Yu sensed this, his brows couldn’t help but wrinkle.

What’s going on?

Why do you feel like some elf is calling you?

“What’s wrong?”

Noticing Su Yu’s abnormality, Hu Tao was a little puzzled.

What happened?

Why did it stop suddenly?

Find a place to eat.

Why not go?

“Let’s find a place to rest first.”

“I’ll leave.”

When Su Yu heard Hu Tao say this, he immediately came back to his senses.

He hurriedly said this to Hu Tao, and then released his fast dragon.

When Hu Tao heard Su Yu say this, he was immediately stunned.


“Where are you going?”

Why do you suddenly have to go out?

Is something going on?

“I’ll tell you when I get back.”

“Eluledor, the Flame Blade Ghost, Lalulath, you follow the walnut first.”

“Kuailong, let’s go.”

“Go over there.”

Su Yu did not explain, but jumped directly onto the fast dragon and let it take off.

Kuailong, who received the order, did not think much about it.

Directly carrying Su Yubai’s lady and taking off, he went in the direction Su Yu said.

Looking at Su Yu and Kuailong, who ran away directly, Hu Tao was suddenly stunned.

Barbara also looked at Su Yu who suddenly ran away with a confused expression.

What happened to this 243?

Why did it suddenly run?

Walnut and Barbara both stared wide-eyed.

At this time, I was really confused.

I didn’t understand at all what was going on.

At this time, Eluledor’s voice sounded in the hearts of the two.

The host has something to do, let’s find a place to settle down first.

Hearing Eluledor’s words, Hu Tao and Barbara nodded.

That’s all for now.

However, Su Yu didn’t even take Eluledor and Lalulath with him.

So something important must have happened, right?

The strength of their two elves can’t help?

Hu Tao couldn’t help but guess in his heart at this time.

At this time, Su Yu and Kuailong were quickly shuttling over the forest.

As Su Yu continued to advance, the call became stronger and stronger.

When sensing this call, Su Yu frowned.

Originally, he may not have sensed it very clearly.

But now!!

He sensed it.

The power of Tokiwa is boiling, and it seems that something is calling for someone who has the power of Tokiwa.

Sensing this, where did Su Yu still not understand?

Isn’t it the onion head that is shouting people?

Feeling yourself? So called to myself.

Su Yu had seen onion heads.

When it was in the World Tree, it had come to Dream.

Sherabi has one elf in every time period.

The ability is actually similar to the crazy three, can you shout out the past time?

Because of this, there are so many Sherabi in anime.

As for whether Sherabi will be caught by humans?

Sorry, this is simply not possible.

Human beings do not have the power to master time.

If you want to capture Sherabi, you have to master the power of time.

After all, both sides are not in the same dimension.

So you make a hair.

What stands in front of you may not be the current Sherabi, but it may also be the future Sherabi.

Or the former Sherabi.

The time dimension of the two sides is not the same.

So you can’t hit it at all.

Just like a certain Kamui, the two sides are not in the same time and space.

So your elven skills can only fight loneliness.

If Sherabi hadn’t shown up on her own, you wouldn’t even have been able to touch it.

When he found that it was Sherabi who was calling him, Su Yu also relaxed.

Yes, who else did he think?

There was a complaining in his heart, but Su Yu still let the fast dragon go at full speed.

I’m all off my pants, so you’re going to show me this?

Su Yu was really speechless.

Who knows, he sensed something calling him from far away.

And then thought who had a crisis, and it turned out that there was no crisis at all?

Su Yu really wanted to curse.

Under the leadership of Kuailong, Su Yu quickly arrived at his destination.

It has been hundreds of kilometers since just now.

When he came here, Su Yu had not yet landed.

A little green guy appeared on Su Yu’s shoulder and sat down. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

You’re coming, Ayu~

As soon as Sherabi appeared, she grabbed (CBDG) and grabbed Su Yu’s ears.


“Why are you here?”

Su Yu let the fast dragon land directly.

He turned to look at the Sherabi on his shoulder.

When Sherabi heard Su Yu’s words, she immediately grinned.

Because I sensed you, I called you over.

It was precisely because he sensed Su Yu that Sherabi called Su Yu over.

It senses it hundreds of kilometers away.

At the same time, it also sensed the people around Su Yu.

It was because there were people around Su Yu.

That’s why Sherabi called and called Su Yu over.

Su Yu was swapped like this for the first time, so he had little experience.

What else did he think?

It turned out to be this guy.

Descending from the sky, Su Yu began to talk to Sherabi.

Why Sherabi is here is actually very simple.

That is, there is about to be a catastrophe here.

At that time, it will cause a forest fire.

So it comes here to prepare in advance.

Kill the catastrophe that may arise.

As the god of the forest, its duty is this.

In order to prevent forest disasters.

With the power of time, it’s all too easy to stop disaster.

And, it’s done.

Sherabi told Su Yu what she was doing.

After listening to the other party’s explanation, Su Yu also understood.

Is that so?

No wonder.

Is Ayu traveling now?

I seem to have two more companions around.

Sherabi was very curious about what Su Yu was doing at this time.

Is this traveling around the world?


“It’s traveling.”

“By the way, Sherabi, if you go to the World Tree, talk to Dream when the time comes.”

“I built a home over there in the Kaiyang Forest.”

Saying that, Su Yu took out his mobile phone and showed the map to Sherabi.

Hearing Su Yu’s words, Xuebi suddenly became curious.

Looking at the mobile phone that Su Yu took out.

It is somewhat confused.

Su Yu told it the address of his home.

And photos.

Let it remember this place.

Until next year, he is expected to stay there.

In the future, if Sherabi wants to find him, then just go over there and find him.

By the way, let it help tell the dream.

Dream guy is sleeping right now.

Looking at the place where Su Yu showed it, Sherabi nodded.

This place I remember!

Where are you going to build your home?

It’s really good, it’s really good.

Sherabi looked at Su Yu’s future home in the picture.

It is still very satisfied.

“Well, you know.”

“Remember to come and play with me then.”

“If you go back to the World Tree, remember to talk to Dream.”

“If Dream is coming to me, please help me tell it and bring more mega stones.”

“I don’t have any money.”

Speaking of this, Su Yu’s face was a little subtle.

It’s like asking people to bring money out of their homes.

It’s a subtle feeling.

And Su Yu’s words also made Sherabi stunned for a moment.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips.) )。

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