"I like this guy more and more, but I don’t know where this guy’s fighting instinct was honed, and it has reached such an exaggerated level."

Xiao Feng stared at the frog with an astonished look.

I have to say that this Pokémon brought me a big surprise.

Although it seems that this guy doesn't have a very good temper.

But only those who are capable can The qualifications are unruly and Xiaofeng is sure to be able to control it.

"Bite the land shark fiercely and use two consecutive slashes!"

Xiao Feng knew that the opponent had been looking for a loophole.

He chose to give the opponent a chance to counterattack.

After Liao Lie bit the land shark and let out a roar, the sharp blades in his hands flashed with a purple light.

Then the jet airflow of the double fins made an instant sound.

Let it straighten its body and fly forward at a low altitude.

Facing the overwhelming attack of the biting land shark, the frog turned sideways to the right.. Boom! The black shadow fell quickly, splashing a lot of sand with its feet , because it knew that the frog had already escaped at this moment. His own attack range. The moment it turned around, a blue water ball rushed towards it again. Faced with this attack, Liejie Land Shark quickly performed two waves of water attacks. Open. And the jet of water was cut into pieces by the second attack.

"Bite the land shark and use it to defend!"

After completing this operation that looked like running water, Biting Land Shark suddenly heard this instruction from Xiaofeng. It was connected through brain waves.

It already knew where the frog appeared at this moment.

The other party had already taken action. , The wave of water was obviously just for cover.

Without any hesitation, the protective shield appeared around its body, and then a white air wave rushed directly to the protective shield of Liebite Land Shark. , dissipated together

"That move is Frozen Wind! I didn't expect that this croaking frog would learn such a move!"

Looking at the wonderful battle of the croaking frog.

At this moment, Yudo Sundae already felt a little sour in his heart. Yudo Sundae was confident that he could use Pokémon, but he couldn't fight with Xiaofeng's fierce bite land shark. In this situation, the frog in front of her relied on her own fighting instinct to fight to this point. She felt that her grandfather had made another bad move if such a powerful Pokémon was handed over to Xiaofeng.

Does it make him stronger?

You must know that Xiaofeng is his rival in the Quartz Conference. The stronger the opponent, the less likely he is to win the championship. So at this moment, Yudo Sundai is worried.

A conflicting thought occurred.


At this moment when Yuto Sundai was distracted, another fierce collision occurred between the two sides of the battle, and the fierce bite land shark was directly hit by the water.

Another powerful bombing.

The attack angle came from another place.

At this moment, the biting land shark kept moving.

It took time to react.

But he was still hit.

This attack made Liejie Lusha take a step back, and what was noteworthy was that Xiaofeng also covered himself at this moment.

The right shoulder.

As mentioned at the beginning, the lives of Xiao Feng and Lie Jie Lu Shark will be clearly reflected in his.

Therefore, if Xiao Feng wants to avoid suffering so much when commanding Lie Bite to fight, it is better to let him kill his opponent quickly and without any damage.

"Phew~ This feeling is really uncomfortable, as if someone had punched me in the shoulder."

"Bite the land shark! It’s time to break the situation!"

As Xiaofeng said this lightly.

After forcibly resisting the wave of water, Liejie Land Shark also got a chance to fight back.

It quickly condensed the dragon's fury and sprayed it forward.

At this time, it stood on the same spot. The croaking frog dodged. Then his shoulders were burned, causing him to subconsciously cover his arms.

At that moment, a black shadow swept over his body.

The frog subconsciously prepared to escape, but suddenly found that it could not move.

It looked down...

and saw a pool of surging quicksand bound it at its feet.

The Liebite Land Shark, which was only four to five meters away, had already flashed a dark purple light in its arms and claws, and struck the Capotou Frog directly into the quicksand hell with two consecutive strikes.

Falling to the ground.

Bellusha's attack power is very sophisticated, hitting the weak point of the frog directly and knocking it unconscious without causing it to suffer too much damage.


""Thank you, Mr. Principal, for the Pokémon you gave me. I will definitely cultivate it well and will not disappoint your expectations.

After recovering the croak-headed frog.

The guy who woke up immediately assumed a fighting stance again.

Watch the biting land shark.

But...it has recognized Xiao Feng.

As its trainer.

Watching Xiaofeng gradually leave, he met up with Xiaozhi and others.

The principal standing outside the school looked emotional.

Accompanied by a burst of turmoil behind him.

The principal turned and looked.

I saw Yuto Sundae wearing a canvas hat.

Dressed up in a different way.

At this time, she was carrying a huge travel bag on her back.

His hands and feet moved forward a few steps unnaturally, and he seemed to be struggling.

"Sundae? Are you sure you want to embark on a journey to collect badges?!"

Looking at the way his granddaughter made up her mind at this time, the principal knew that he could not persuade her no matter what.

Under this situation, he could only give his most sincere blessings and encouragement.

He looked forward to the safety of his precious granddaughter. Returned and achieved excellent results at the Quartz Conference

"Don't worry, I will definitely be able to achieve good results, proving that the students from our Elf Academy are not vegetarians."

After hearing these words from Yuto Sundae, the principal was filled with emotion.

"It's great to think so. I thought you were afraid of being held accountable by that person, so you wanted to run away."

After hearing the principal's words, Yudo Sundae's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly arranged his clothes.

"How is it possible... We have such a good relationship, and she is such a generous person, she will definitely not care about these things, hahaha~"

After an awkward laugh, Yudou Sundae left the place directly.

He left as if running away. Entering the Elf Academy

, the principal scratched his head helplessly as he looked at Yudou Sundae's nimble steps.

"I hope that little girl won’t trouble an old man like me."

"Alas, they left the biting land shark with us temporarily so that you can take good care of it for a while."

"You'd better... just turn it into a concussion. Think about how I'm going to explain it to her then."



Well, have you caught a cold recently?

At this time, on a helicopter flying from Sinnoh to the Kanto region, a blond woman in a black dress took out a tissue and wiped her lips.

He turned to look at the scenery outside the window.

See you again soon, bite the land shark!

How are you doing at Elf Academy?

Xiaofeng didn't know at this moment.

The biting land shark he fought with finally suffered a round of extremely terrible abuse from his own Pokémon.

It even caused a deep concussion~

And this one bit the owner of the land shark fiercely.

He was actually very familiar with it.

But as for their confrontation, that’s a story for another day.

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