"Don't get too excited!"

"If this gym trainer really just hurts Pokémon in this way"

"He has already been reported by others"

"Although his approach may be a bit extreme, at least he has not forgotten his responsibility as a gym trainer."

"But one thing is certain, this guy's strength cannot be underestimated."

After hearing Xiaofeng's words, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia eased their emotions a little.

Xiaofeng fumbled with the Rubik's Cube in his hand, thought for a moment and then turned to look at Xiaozhi.

"Xiaozhi, I am taking the lead in this gym, do you have any objection?"

"ah? Xiaofeng, did you say you wanted to challenge first? I have no opinion"

"But the other party is so dangerous, are you sure you are ready?……"

Xiaozhi scratched his head.

It was obvious that he was facing a strange and somewhat dangerous gym leader at this moment.

Xiaozhi is not as confident as he seems

"Don't worry, although the information investigated is not very detailed."

"But it is more than enough to cope with the upcoming battle."

As if to prevent the other three people from worrying so much, Xiaofeng directly picked up the gym trainer's diary that he had recorded in his hand.

"Dead Leaf Gym, owner Ma Zhishi"

"Former U.S. Air Force Major"

"Currently a trainer at Kuye City Gym"

"Participated in many wars related to Pokémon crime syndicates"

"Extremely good at using electric Pokémon and has his own independent team"

"Acting in a very decisive manner"

"Advocates absolute power and has a very bad attitude towards weak Pokémon and trainers."

"The battle rules of the Kuye City Gym are set in a 1 vs 1 format."

"Because he highly values strength, most of his Pokémon are the final evolved type."

"I don't like those Pokmon that are still in their primary form, so I don't do it lightly or hard.……"

After hearing Xiaofeng calmly tell Ma Zhishi's personal information.

Almost all the trainers present looked at Xiaofeng

"This person is so awesome. Do you know all the detailed information?"

"It turns out that the Dead Leaf Gym is an Electric-type Pokémon Gym? It seems that I have to prepare ground-type Pokémon in advance."

Not only the other trainers around were impressed by Xiaofeng's perfect collection of information.

Even Miss Joy, who was still undergoing treatment work, was surprised.

This level of detail is not just a challenge.

It looks more like a challenge. Debt collector

"It looks like a powerful character has arrived."

"Ma Zhishi finally has someone who can treat him."


"Xiaofeng, you are so awesome!"

"It seems that you are already sure of this battle!"

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, who were originally a little worried about Xiaofeng, didn't panic at all after hearing him talk about Ma Zhishi's life in endless detail. Even the character of the gym trainer changed. A trainer who has already figured it out. It is not easy to deal with him. What 's more , there are three ground-type Pokémon in Xiaofeng's team. You can't win even if you fight.

"I see, if it’s an electric gym, you shouldn’t lose to Pikachu, right?"

Just after saying this,

Xiaozhi turned around to look... only to find that at this moment, Pikachu was huddled in the corner and shivering, holding his tail. Obviously, he was concerned about the tragic situation of Bobo and other Pokémon in the emergency room just now.

Deeply touched.

Faced with these lessons, Pikachu doesn't want to die.

Obviously, the current Pikachu still knows how to give up, unlike the Pikachu who will dare to face it.

"Pikachu, what's your attitude? How can you admit defeat in front of such an opponent?"

Obviously Xiaozhi at this moment.

He really doesn't know what he is doing.

Pikachu is obviously like this at this moment.

It's not just that he is not confident in his own strength.

What's more, he is not confident in Xiaozhi's command ability.

"That's it"

"I will take the lead in this battle. I believe that if I take action, that guy will have no chance to continue accepting challenges from other challengers today."

Along with Xiao Feng, a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Gang beside him frowned.

A drop of cold sweat instantly dripped from his forehead.

He had an idea that the boy in front of him wanted to cause trouble.

According to the rules of the alliance.

In order to meet the situation where a large number of trainers challenge the gym, each gym trainer usually prepares three Pokémon that can be used for the gym challenge.

This will be more convenient if his Pokémon loses in the battle.

If it is not timely, you can make a timely replacement when challenging the next trainer.

Now Xiaofeng directly said that he would not want to fight in the gym today.

The opponent engages in a 3-on-3 battle.

Directly defeat all Pokémon in the opponent's gym that can be used to challenge...

You must know that this kind of deliberate increase in difficulty is usually faced by gym trainers who have been traveling for more than 10 years.

It takes a trainer of one year to make such an adjustment.

Xiaofeng's decision was obviously meant to slap Ma Zhishi in the face.

Xiaogang could only shake his head secretly and mourn for Ma Zhishi for a second.

Now he has become the prey of others.

If Ma Zhishi really loses to Xiaofeng, I have to say that Xiaofeng's behavior can also lead to the appointment of a new official.

Ma Zhishi calmed down.

After all, in such a gym, it is easy for some autistic trainers to give up the idea of becoming trainers.

Then the Pokémon will most likely lose their dreams.

The trainer directly releases or abandons it.

It is precisely because of thinking from this perspective that Xiaogang feels that Ma Zhishi's approach is wrong.

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