
A violent explosion sounded.

The Pokémon's attack completely destroyed this narrow environment.

Many trainers were able to escape and ascend to heaven.

Obviously the Rockets' plan this time is doomed to fail.

Because they faced too many trainers.

With the combination of Pokémon, they create terrible destructive power.

This is a direct result! Santeanu.

This behemoth has been sailing on the ocean for many years.

Today it will meet the end of its life

"not good! Due to everyone's battle with Team Rocket, several large holes were opened in the hull by violent attacks, and now a lot of seawater poured in."

Hearing people's noisy cries for help, Xiaogang immediately realized what happened.

"Everything is in chaos, we have to get on the lifeboat and escape from here!"


As if to add luster to this disaster.

The roar in the air sounded the charge when the heavy rain came.

The sea suddenly began to be rough.

The lightning in the sky was like a ferocious monster, moving back and forth in the dense clouds. Channeling.

The raindrops fell lightly, and then the heavy rain poured down.

The dense drum beat seemed to be beating the rhythm of the fleeing people.

"Dear passengers on board! I'm the captain of the Sante Annu"

"The riot that occurred on the ship today has been quelled due to the unremitting efforts of the trainers."

"Most members of Team Rocket have fled here by boat."

"However, due to the fierce war, the ship's hull was irreparably damaged, a large amount of seawater poured in, and it was raining heavily outside, so the ship could not return to port safely!"

"So whether you live or die next is up to you!"

The passengers, who had calmed down a little after hearing the captain's answer, were stunned for a moment after hearing the other party's last words.

The frantic escape pace accelerated a lot.

It was obvious that the ship had been abandoned.

If there was no way to get out of here on the lifeboat, there was only one way to die.

With this thought, Xiaozhi and others immediately followed the running team.

However , the ship was already overwhelmed by the heavy rain.

It was finally flattened by the sea water and gradually sank.

The few people who were still running watched the captain, a coward, escape first with a ship of sailors and crew members, and then pretended to be sanctimonious in front of others.

The hypocrites also rushed to the lifeboat and fled from here.

"come on! come on! Hurry up and we'll be there!"

Just when Xiaozhi and others were about to rush out of the warehouse, the sea water caused the already overwhelmed ship to disintegrate.

The running people stumbled and fell to the ground because they were unable to control the sudden flipping direction. Some of them fell directly to the ground. were taken away by the sea. Some people hit their heads on the equipment and fell unconscious.

In this situation, everyone wants to survive and no longer cares about other things.


After some people at the front stabilized their bodies, they even grabbed the clothes of the person in front of them and used them as a springboard to jump out of the hatch and escape.

"breeze! Xiaozhi!!"

Xiao Feng and Xiao Zhi, who each grabbed a steel pipe and a seat, heard the screams of Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang behind them.

They failed to grasp the hook rails on both sides and fell into the cabin below.

The cabin was completely separated from the deck. Come on.

It started to sink below the sea surface.

However, Xiaofeng and Xiaozhi did not abandon their companions.

After looking at each other, they both jumped out of the cabin.

At this time, part of the cabin was completely submerged in water..

After catching the precise jump and landing early, Xiaozhi and Xiaofeng pulled Xiaoxia and Xiaogang back up.

"I'm so sorry for putting you in danger!"

After struggling to stand up,

Xiaogang took a look at the outside environment.

It was obvious that they had followed the sinking cabin to the bottom of the sea.

It was already very difficult to get out again.

"Stop saying these unrealistic words. What we need to do now is to get to the bottom of the ship quickly. Otherwise, if the ship keeps sinking, it will get further and further away from the sea and we will be in more danger."

After hearing Xiaofeng's suggestion, everyone immediately started to take action.

However, because the ship's hull had been turned over, the stairs that originally led to the lower level now appeared above everyone's heads.

Xiaogang obviously also immediately thought of the situation in front of him.

He quickly summoned a large rock snake to move forward along the bottom of the ship , where they almost drowned. The Rockets trio were fished out of the water.

"Long live! Finally saved! I thought I was dead!"

The faces of the three people hugging each other were pale at this time.

Obviously if Xiaozhi and others hadn't come here earlier, the three of them would have turned into corpses.

"Hello! You guys!"

Looking at the dangerous environment around them,

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia looked at the three Rockets righteously.

"This incident happened entirely because of your conspiracy and because you wanted to steal other people's Pokémon!"

Facing the accusations from Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, the faces of Team Rocket and others were also uncertain.

"Haha... We who are born as villains will not express our gratitude to you!"

"We don’t need to explain to you what we do!"

"Don't expect us to apologize! Meow~"

In the midst of the noise... the trio of Team Rocket joined the fleeing team.


A violent explosion sounded.

The attack of Pokémon destroyed this narrow environment.

Many trainers They were able to escape and ascend to the sky.

Obviously, Team Rocket's plan was destined to fail because the number of trainers they faced was so terrible that the combination of Pokémon created such a powerful force. Resulting in this!

This behemoth that has been sailing on the ocean for many years will meet its end of life.

"not good! Due to everyone's battle with Team Rocket, several large holes were opened in the hull by violent attacks, and now a lot of seawater poured in."

Hearing people's noisy cries for help, Xiaogang immediately realized what happened.

"Everything is in chaos, we have to get on the lifeboat and escape from here!"


As if to add luster to this disaster.

The roar in the air sounded the charge when the heavy rain came.

The sea suddenly began to be rough.

The lightning in the sky was like a ferocious monster, moving back and forth in the dense clouds. Channeling.

The raindrops fell lightly, and then the heavy rain poured down.

The dense drum beat seemed to be beating the rhythm of the fleeing people.

"Dear passengers on board! I'm the captain of the Sante Annu"

"The riot that occurred on the ship today has been quelled due to the unremitting efforts of the trainers."

"Most members of Team Rocket have fled here by boat."

"However, due to the fierce war, the ship's hull was irreparably damaged, a large amount of seawater poured in, and it was raining heavily outside, so the ship could not return to port safely!"

"So whether you live or die next is up to you!"

The passengers, who had calmed down a little after hearing the captain's answer, were stunned for a moment after hearing the other party's last words.

The frantic escape pace accelerated a lot.

It was obvious that the ship had been abandoned.

If there was no way to get out of here on the lifeboat, there was only one way to die.

With this thought, Xiaozhi and others immediately followed the running team.

However , the ship was already overwhelmed by the heavy rain.

It was finally flattened by the sea water and gradually sank.

The few people who were still running watched the captain, a coward, escape first with a ship of sailors and crew members, and then pretended to be sanctimonious in front of others.

The hypocrites also rushed to the lifeboat and fled from here.

"come on! come on! Hurry up and we'll be there!"

Just when Xiaozhi and others were about to rush out of the warehouse, the sea water caused the already overwhelmed ship to disintegrate.

The running people stumbled and fell to the ground because they were unable to control the sudden flipping direction. Some of them fell directly to the ground. were taken away by the sea. Some people hit their heads on the equipment and fell unconscious.

In this situation, everyone wants to survive and no longer cares about other things.


After some people at the front stabilized their bodies, they even grabbed the clothes of the person in front of them and used them as a springboard to jump out of the hatch and escape.

"breeze! Xiaozhi!!"

Xiao Feng and Xiao Zhi, who each grabbed a steel pipe and a seat, heard the screams of Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang behind them.

They failed to grasp the hook rails on both sides and fell into the cabin below.

The cabin was completely separated from the deck. Come on.

It started to sink below the sea surface.

However, Xiaofeng and Xiaozhi did not abandon their companions.

After looking at each other, they both jumped out of the cabin.

At this time, part of the cabin was completely submerged in water..

After catching the precise jump and landing early, Xiaozhi and Xiaofeng pulled Xiaoxia and Xiaogang back up.

"I'm so sorry for putting you in danger!"

After struggling to stand up,

Xiaogang took a look at the outside environment.

It was obvious that they had followed the sinking cabin to the bottom of the sea.

It was already very difficult to get out again.

"Stop saying these unrealistic words. What we need to do now is to get to the bottom of the ship quickly. Otherwise, if the ship keeps sinking, it will get further and further away from the sea and we will be in more danger."

After hearing Xiaofeng's suggestion, everyone immediately started to take action.

However, because the ship's hull had been turned over, the stairs that originally led to the lower level now appeared above everyone's heads.

Xiaogang obviously also immediately thought of the situation in front of him.

He quickly summoned a large rock snake to move forward along the bottom of the ship , where they almost drowned. The Rockets trio were fished out of the water.

"Long live! Finally saved! I thought I was dead!"

The faces of the three people hugging each other were pale at this time.

Obviously if Xiaozhi and others hadn't come here earlier, the three of them would have turned into corpses.

"Hello! You guys!"

Looking at the dangerous environment around them,

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia looked at the three Rockets righteously.

"This incident happened entirely because of your conspiracy and because you wanted to steal other people's Pokémon!"

Facing the accusations from Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, the faces of Team Rocket and others were also uncertain.

"Haha... We who are born as villains will not express our gratitude to you!"

"We don’t need to explain to you what we do!"

"Don't expect us to apologize! Meow~"

In the midst of the noise... the trio of Team Rocket joined the fleeing team.

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