
The moving cold stings the internal organs.

He felt as if his soul was gathering at this moment.

Gradually...the touch began to return again.

For the first time, he felt a little heavy on his body.

It was as if a hand was caressing his body repeatedly.

Signaling him to fall asleep.

However, in an instant, a picture flashed in his eyes.

Let him wake up instantly.

Kaka ~

I feel the particles on my body gradually falling.

The cold objects were scattered around like elves.

It's light and elegant, yet extremely heavy.

For the current shaky body, it is already worse than ever.


I took a deep breath, and the cold instantly invaded my body.

Xiaofeng struggled to open his eyes.

His throat was instantly covered with extreme cold.

The breath you take into your mouth.

He immediately coughed violently.

He shook his head to shake off all the snowflakes above his head.

Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand to remove the obstruction in front of his eyes.

There was no feeling in his hands.

Looking around, there is a vast white world around us.

His mind was a little confused.

I don't remember what happened after I passed out.

He forced himself up, but he touched something extremely cold.

"What is this place?"

A very dry sound came from his throat, like a chainsaw cutting trees.

It was unimaginable that this could come from a human mouth.

At this moment... he was actually sitting on a huge piece of ice. Drifting forward.

There is an endless ocean around, but it is extremely cold here. A large number of ice blocks float on the sea surface, which reminds Xiaofeng of the pictures of the Antarctic and Arctic stars seen on TV.


It was obvious that the ice flakes pressing on him were piles of ice, but because of his physical weakness, he even regarded these snowflakes as weights.

"What on earth is this place? Why am I here."

He asked again with a louder voice.

Obviously, he felt a bit of panic about his sudden appearance in this position.


As if in response to Xiaofeng's inquiry.

The sound of fluttering feathers suddenly appeared in the air.

Subconsciously, he turned around and saw Bi Diao shaking off the snowflakes and flying in front of him. After all, the low temperature around this place was very embarrassing for a flying Pokémon. It's unbearable. What's more, it has been flying low in the air during the period when Xiaofeng wakes up, and its purpose is to guide Xiaofeng to get closer to the island.

"Contest! ? Have you always been with me?"

After hearing Xiaofeng's voice,

Bi Diao nodded and stretched out his wings to hug Xiaofeng.

This made the two of them feel a little warmer.


At this time, Xiaofeng realized that the ice cubes under his feet were moving. Sliding forward in an orderly manner, an island completely covered with snow came into view.

At this moment, he heard the subtle sound of water coming from behind and turned to look at his head. The frog actually held this round of ice cubes in his hands and was swimming forward.

"The croaking frog! Thank you……"

It was obvious that he was unconscious for this period of time.

These two Pokémon saved themselves with great effort.

Otherwise, he would have probably fallen directly into the sea.

Xiaofeng, who was slightly moist at the corners of his eyes, immediately felt a stinging sensation, and his tears froze in an instant.

At this moment, Xiaofeng gradually calmed down.

Only then did he realize what he had been through

"Where did Liebite Land Shark go? ?"

After taking one last look at the biting land shark and entering the bonded state, Xiaofeng, who had completely lost his physical strength , passed out directly because of excessive physical exertion.

He had no idea what happened next.

And when he saw Xiaofeng awake After arriving, the frog jumped sideways and landed next to Xiaofeng.

After this period of travel, the frog has successfully integrated into Xiaofeng's group and has become a trustworthy companion.

The little guy was busy taking his temperature and bandaging the wound.

Xiaofeng felt warm in his heart, knowing that at this moment, the frog's hands were completely frozen, and Bi Diao's body was completely covered in ice crystals.

But the first thing they thought of was themselves.

This made Xiaofeng very moved.

After hearing Xiaofeng's question, the frog opened his mouth and bit the precious ball.

It fell out of its long tongue.

It seemed that Liebite Land Shark was also in a coma like him.

It was estimated that the two of them used the elf ball to rescue him.

Seeing this, Xiao.

Feng couldn't help but feel that he was very resourceful.

In order to give his Pokémon higher combat mobility, Xiaofeng had already taught every Pokémon how to open the Poke Ball.

Being able to flexibly appear from the Poké Ball.

Of course...

only Xiaofeng would dare to do this, because for many trainers, if they could.

It would be easy to defect.

After escaping from the elf ball, Xiaofeng let out a sigh of relief when the trainer stopped him.

"This guy wasn't seriously injured, right~ Although it looked like the injuries on his body were instantly healed after the bond evolved."

"But I always feel a little uneasy."

Although he said he was worried about biting the land shark.

But at this moment Xiaofeng���No reaction.

The cold around him made his body extremely weak.

But there were scars on his front from the explosion.

It doesn't hurt that much now.

Although he was covered in blood.

But the wounds on his body were all scarred.

This terrifying recovery ability... is the magical effect brought to him by the evolution stone.

However, if Xiaofeng noticed the Croak-headed Frog and Bi Diao at this moment, he would notice the somewhat frightened look in their eyes.

Because not long ago, they witnessed a great battle


Frame ~

At this moment, we are on a peaceful sea.

A helicopter flies through the sky.

A reporter positioned the camera lens for the best shooting angle

"Hello, audience friends!"

"According to eyewitness accounts~"

"In the sinking of the Sante Annu last night,"

"Abnormal natural disasters have occurred in the radiation sea area hundreds of miles around it."

"According to relevant experts' speculation... it may have been caused by an anomalous weapon attack by Team Rocket's escapees."

"Now put the picture on the scene of the accident……"

As the picture was placed on this sea area.

Looking around, one Gyarados after another was floating on the sea surface.

Has lost its ability to fight.

People watching the show did more than remember the dead and rail against the Rockets.

They all thought that these Gyarados were knocked unconscious by the weapons used by Team Rocket.

But actually... the reason why they become like this.

Completely from the hand of a Pokémon.

PS: If your results are not ideal, keep working hard.

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