
With a large number of icicles above its head, it fell downwards again.

In response to the evolved opponent in front of it, the armored shell's expression became a little gloomy.

Obviously it knew that the opponent in front of it had become much stronger.

The next battle would also become more intense. Trouble. An afterimage shuttled back and forth in the space.

The movement of the Koga Ninja became extremely strange, and when the Koga Ninja appeared for the last time, it was only a dozen meters away. distance.

And it was still facing the opponent.

But during the entire movement of the Koga Ninja, the Tekken Kai was completely in a state of sluggishness.

The running Koga Ninja used very dexterous movements to escape the icicles falling on the ground in a very short range.

With its speed and body skills, it is easy to avoid the icicle strikes.

The reason why it has to show off dangers every time is to sharpen its mind and keep itself in a state of high alert...

Facing the opponent's armored shell, he knew that if he didn't attack, the great advantage he had created in the past would be easily ruined.

The missile needles continued to fly out against the opponent again.

This time, the Koga Ninja did not choose to dodge, and its hands instantly completed a unique seal gesture.

Then the figure that charged forward split into two, and then split into four in the blink of an eye....

The four Koga Ninja swayed their bodies at the same time and easily dodged all the missile needles around them, after escaping the last hurdle created by the missile needles.

When they arrived in front of the armored shell, they did not attack immediately.

Instead, they circled around the armored shell in a crazy manner.

At this moment, the armored shell didn't know where to attack..


The panic in my heart caused the armored shell to break.

It released the water cannon directly on the spot.

The water cannon continued to shoot forward in a straight line, and the phantom of the wildly rotating Koga Ninja also hit.

On top of this water cannon, they were instantly crushed into nothingness.

One, two, three, four...

When they saw the fourth shadow, they were instantly smashed into pieces by the water.

The look on his face changed instantly.

The Koga Ninja was not among the remaining images.

Woohoo~ The next second~ the armored shell suddenly felt a strong sound of breaking wind coming from above his head, followed by the Koga Ninja carrying a wave of water.

The frog's true form fell directly, and the water wave in his hand hit the armored shell's head.


This attack directly hit the armored shell's body, which had no carapace to defend it.


At the same time, the blast of water also knocked the armored shell backwards.

After rolling around twice, the armored shell struggled to stand up.

However, the moment it regained its strength, it came face to face.

A series of flying water shurikens flew out continuously!

Facing the attack that was so close, the armored shell in his heart wrapped his two hard shells together in a conditioned reflex.

The defensive move was triggered again.

But alas, fate doesn't seem to be protecting it this time.

Three flying water shurikens hit its carapace directly.

Knock it away again.

This time, before the armored shell fell on the ground, it could take a breath.

The second wave of flying water shurikens struck again.

As a flying water shuriken that can carry out continuous attacks and is also a preemptive move, its effect is so amazing.

However, this time the armored shell has also learned its lesson.

It doesn't open the carapace completely.

Instead, it only opened a slit, enough for it to watch its surroundings.

After discovering the second attack of the flying water shuriken.

It immediately closed the carapace again in an instant.

Although there is no way to use it successfully if you hold on.

But using its own tough carapace, it can also resist attacks.

According to Tekka Kai's thinking at this moment, even if the Koga Ninja's attacks are fast and accurate, it will always have to take a breather.

After the opponent's moves are used continuously and he becomes exhausted, the armored shell can counterattack at that time.

And this is exactly what Tiejia Bei is thinking at this moment.

However, what made it feel strange was that the expected violent impact did not appear.

The next second...

it felt a terrible force beginning to act on its carapace.

Kaka~ I saw the outside environment again.

However, at this moment, Tiejia Bei's face had completely turned livid.

Because it did not open the protective shell willingly this time.

It was the force that forced it apart.

At the same time, the armored shellfish discovered it.

Don't know when it started.

It has actually floated in the air at a distance of nearly 5 meters.

The terrifying opponent in front of him had his hands clasped together on his chest, and his eyes were covered by a dark purple light.

The armored shell with rich combat experience knew that the opponent in front of him had just released his telekinesis and directly lifted it into the air.

And forcefully stretched its shell to both sides

"supernatural powers~"

"A super-type move learned after evolving?"

Looking at the situation where the two poles were reversed, Xiaofeng had not yet reacted.

After taking out the illustrated book and scanning it,

Xiaofeng realized that the Koga Ninja in front of him had learned a bunch of moves after evolving.

Among them was the one it was releasing now. Super power move - magical power.

Among Xiaofeng's team, he has never commanded a super power Pokémon. It seems that super power moves are indeed a bug in reality.

Using telekinesis to interrupt the opponent seemed a bit like cheating. As the Koga Ninja released his magical power, he let out a cry of surprise and then fell down to the ground.. When it was lying on its back, it suddenly found that it was directly embedded in a deep pit.

What was even more frightening was that it was unable to control the carapace that had been forcibly broken open.

Suddenly, I felt that the scene in front of me was violently reversed.

Apparently... the water fluctuations made it unable to fight for the time being.

"Go Poke Ball!"

Xiao Feng, who took action in time, threw the elf ball in his hand.

After the elf ball bounced off the body of the armor shell, he put it directly into the ball. The armor shell, which entered a state of chaos, did not resist for long. Successfully conquered by Xiao Feng

"Sure enough... this Pokémon is the real thing."

Seeing the situation in front of him,

Koga Ninja scratched his head... and then suddenly realized.

No wonder it was so difficult to fight this time.

After a long time, the opponent it faced this time turned out not to be a robot.

"Koga Ninja, congratulations on your evolution, welcome back to the team!"

After hearing Xiaofeng's familiar condolences, a smile appeared on the serious expression of the Koga Ninja.

It quickly glanced at its whole body.

Apparently it also felt its own changes.

It walked up to Xiaofeng. , instead of completing an intimate high-five

"Koga Ninja! This outfit is so cool! Let’s take a photo together later."

The Koga Ninja Frog completed its evolution and subdued a powerful armored shell at the same time. Xiaofeng had to take pictures of this double happiness.

Although Xiaofeng has not forgotten his old profession since arriving on this island. The video recording function of the illustrated book was always on.

This trip to the island was a new experience for Xiaofeng, and what he experienced next did not disappoint him.

Memorial image data.

The armored shell was released immediately.

This guy was still in a dazed state.

After using the corresponding medicine, the armored shell was re-manipulated to protect its body. Two carapace.

It was surprised to find that it could flexibly close and separate them.

This made the armored shell give Xiaofeng a bear hug and joined Xiaofeng's team. For this kind of Pokémon, the carapace is their life.

Without the defensive ability of the carapace, there is almost no difference between the armored monster and the monster without characteristics...

Although Xiaofeng has become a teammate.

It was obvious.

The way the Tie Jia Kai looked at the Koga Ninja next to him was still full of fear. This situation could be seen clearly from the photos taken by Xiaofeng.

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