La la~

There seems to be a chanting hymn echoing in the air.

Kissing the earth as the snowflakes slowly fall to the ground.

Its mind became stronger and merged into the ice.


To be honest, Xiaofeng never thought that one day he would be blinded by ice.

Yet he was experiencing this spectacle now.

The extremely smooth octagonal ice body above the head reflected bright light, illuminating the space in front of him. A large amount of white steam floated outward. Xiaofeng reached out and touched it and found that it was not as cold as he imagined.

In the temple in front of you, you can feel a sense of solemnity and silence just by walking through the door.

Time seems to have been saved in this palace.

What Xiaofeng had to pay attention to was.

The Mahuola family who followed him along the way did not dare to enter the temple at all.

But it is also understandable that this is the suppression of ordinary Pokémon by gods.

The natural coercion, even if it is sleeping, can still make Pokémon of the same attribute feel a great threat.

And this is even more obvious for Mahuola, who has an extremely keen sense of danger.

So it took its own child and took the first step to find a new escape route.

Thinking about it, Xiaofeng still felt it was a bit strange.

Ma Xuanla seemed to be an NPC who gave him a hidden mission.

After releasing the mission, he decisively ran away.

After complaining, Xiaofeng did not forget to observe the environment in front of him.

Although it is said to be a temple, it is not as graceful and luxurious as the ones set up by humans.

Pokémon placement is relatively simple.

There is almost no major modification to the natural environment.

The first thing that remains unchanged is the various square ice cubes that you see.

First of all, the four columns present a crystal clear style, supporting the entire hall.

Secondly, Xiaofeng discovered that the entire temple floor was extremely clean.

The snowflakes seemed to have no impact on this space at all.

As they opened the front door, the snowflakes from outside rushed in, unable to land at all, floating in the air and disappearing naturally.

I have to say that this is another uncanny skill.

I feel that the Pokémon in this world are not as diverse as humans in terms of architectural art.

It’s just that they pursue natural beauty more.

The insoluble ice that has become substantial has become the best decoration.

Xiaofeng raised his head and looked up.

Although this space has no lights, it is extremely bright.

Because the ice wall above the dome is completely crystal clear, just like the most beautiful glass.

They cast down the light from nowhere and illuminated the entire palace.

The largest number in the entire holy land is that you can see many lifelike ice sculptures of Pokémon carved into praying shapes.

Placed in every corner of the entire temple.

These ice-sculpted Pokémon pray in one direction at the same time.

Xiaofeng looked in that direction.

I saw a huge ice coffin appearing in front of me.

Strictly speaking, calling him a soldier is just Xiaofeng's first impression from a human perspective.

But to be honest, it looks more like a giant square crystal than a coffin.

Because it doesn’t have the built-in feeling of Coffin.

It is a completely integrated structure.

This weird crystal object is 4 meters long and 3 meters wide.

It's a behemoth.

You can see a row of beautiful ice flowers surrounding this huge crystal.

Gives people a sense of holiness.

And Xiaofeng stepped forward and touched it carefully.

Apart from feeling extra cold, nothing strange happened.

But this is the only place in this area that can hide Pokémon.

If I guess correctly.

The real owner should be sleeping in it.

As I said before, if you want to walk through the door, you must guess the true identity of this Pokémon.

At this moment, Xiaofeng clearly knew the true identity of this Pokémon.

Because of this, he can be 100% sure that the Pokémon is definitely hidden in this crystal.

As Xiaofeng turned his head and glanced at the two Pokémon beside him.

The two obviously found nothing unusual.

Especially the wind speed dog.

It used its sense of smell to find no signs of life activity here.

"Tsk~ It’s understandable. After all, it has been sleeping for so many years and it is an ice-type Pokémon. How could it be exposed so easily?"

"But we must find a way to wake it up~"

As he spoke,

Xiaofeng temporarily changed his target and walked directly behind the crystal.

There, there was a planned five-story staircase.

And above that staircase , there is a seat made entirely of ice.

The seat has a majestic appearance. The ice blocks on both sides protrude forward to form a sharp ice front, while the symmetrical ice body placed at the rear of the seat is reminiscent of winter.

From Xiaofeng's knowledge, it can be seen that the endless forest is probably a seat carved by the Pokémon to thank the patron saint. It is conceivable that they have been looking forward to its return....Consume all its power and save the lives on the island.

After this Pokémon consumed its power and fell into a deep sleep, all the surviving Pokémon established a relationship here together.

The building is made of ice that is most suitable for it.

I look forward to the day when it wakes up and realizes the gratitude of the Pokémon.

Inlaid on the throne.

This throne is almost entirely made of holy ice, but there is a cross mark in the middle, so the seat has not been eroded by time.

The crossed yellow marks were there.

Xiaofeng could still feel that the seat was very smooth after walking for so long.

It was precisely because of this that Xiaofeng wanted to find a place to sit.

The reason.

Xiaofeng didn't realize Leng Bu Leng's situation.

He turned around and leaned on the chair.

Just as he was beating his legs to stretch his muscles, suddenly the whole area started to shake violently.


This also caused him to bounce up directly.

"What happened? Is it an earthquake?"

As soon as Xiaofeng finished speaking, the Wind Speed Dog immediately barked at the coffin.

The Fiery Monkey was also sitting upright, with all the hair on its body standing on end.

Seeing their condition,

Xiaofeng knew in an instant that he was This behavior successfully awakened that Pokémon.

"Who is coveting the throne of God!"

At this moment, a voice echoed back and forth in his mind.

Xiaofeng had never heard this voice before.

It could only be that the sleeping Pokémon had awakened.

For existences of their level, telepathy can be achieved easily

"That's too stingy, but just sit in your seat for a while, that's all?"


Just as Xiaofeng finished his complaint, the crystal suddenly cracked.

Then... a blue-white, angular arm directly broke through the shackles of the crystal and came into view.


The temperature of the space dropped to an even more terrifying level.. The cold current seems to be offering cheers to welcome the real master of this temple.

"Wake me up from my slumber! You will endure a purgatory more terrifying than absolute zero!"

Accompanied by strong words floating back and forth around. The Fiery Monkey and the Wind Speed Dog quickly backed up to prevent being injured by the torn ice crystal fragments.

Then under Xiaofeng's attention, the real master Finally , his true appearance was revealed.

Under the blanket of snow, the yellow light flashed past

Xiaofeng and his two Pokémon.

"Fiery Monkey, haven't you been looking forward to fighting a Pokémon like this? This time you have such a chance"

"Defeating it will also prove your own strength."

Looking at the nearly two-meter-tall Pokémon in front of him,

Xiaofeng raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He didn't expect that he would be able to meet this guy in the Kanto region.

But since he was lucky enough to meet it.

And it seems that this guy has a similar personality. It looks pretty good.

Xiaofeng doesn't mind taking it into his pocket. Xiaofeng is quite looking forward to the super evolved form of this Pokémon.

"I just couldn't find a reason to fight, so now I don't have to think so much and just start fighting."


There was a sound like a machine rubbing gears.

A large amount of white air flow spread to the surroundings.

The Pokémon in front of me, nearly two meters tall, has its body in the upper center.

The yellow cross-shaped arrangement The yellow spots reveal red light.

Those are the eyes of this Pokémon.

It is obviously an early warning that it is ready to attack.

Being stared at by this Terminator robot makes people feel great oppression. Feeling.

The opponent's body is like a huge iceberg. Although it is only less than two meters high, it makes everyone present feel an endless sense of oppression.

"It is indeed the incarnation of an iceberg. How can this Pokémon with ordinary momentum be matched!"

Xiao Feng subconsciously praised it, which did not make the Pokémon in front of him feel happy at all, but made it even more angry.

Because it did not feel fear from the lives around it.

Instead, it felt excited and eager to fight.

This makes it feel provocative and threatening

"Mortal things! Prepare to receive the wrath of the gods!"

PS: The first mythical beast is here. Don't say you didn't expect it. Even I didn't expect it. It's coming with my imagination and I can't stop it. In addition, the strength of the mythical beast set in this book will be very strong. , extremely strong... It is impossible for ordinary people to conquer the mythical beasts in normal ways, even the lowest level mythical beasts.

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