"Dear audience friends, hello everyone!"

"I am now at the scene in person, in Elf Square in Lampurchi City!"

"Now you can see that the people around are extremely panicked and the traffic is jammed"

"According to the analysis of the situation at the scene, a large number of trainers have accepted the reward orders from Granny Jin’s company and went to carry out the expulsion operation!"

"We have no way of knowing how the current deportations are progressing!"

"But there is no doubt that this riot caused by Pokémon will continue for a while~"

On the road, a reporter was conducting a live TV broadcast.

Otherwise, the riot caused by Pokémon it said was completely untrue. It was confirmed.

But it still reported with such a title.

It has to be said that sometimes it is really harmful.

After completing the simple oral interview, it immediately took the camera again. At this time, the appearance of the giant stinging jellyfish can already be seen.

"It can be clearly seen that... at this moment, the giant stinging jellyfish has begun to approach the coastal areas."

"Some experts have analyzed that it may be that the poisonous sting jellyfish is exposed to some kind of mutating substance, which causes the thinking disorder, which in turn produces huge mutations."

"After that, this mutated stinging jellyfish released a certain kind of pheromone to other similar species around it, prompting them to launch this riot attack on Lampurqi City."

"As the largest tourism and trade city in the Kanto region, the damage suffered by Rampurqi City this time must be very heavy!"

"The report ahead ends here. The reporter will continue to conduct additional updates and interviews on the next situation!"

After completing the interview, there was a smile of excitement on the face of the reporter. It was obvious that he was concerned about the disaster around him.

This reporter valued the importance of exclusive reporting more.

"Run, run, the agate jellyfish is chasing me!"

The reporter who was still doing live broadcast suddenly heard the shouts of people from behind.

He looked around... and saw a large group of agate jellyfish directly breaking through the protective net.

With the help of underground rivers and the city's open water supply system.

Arriving directly at the center of the city.

Arriving at the agate jellyfish in a new area.

In a blink of an eye , this seemingly safe place suddenly became a dangerous area.

They have completely turned the city's water supply system into their own amusement park.

Many trainers and ordinary people along the way have become the primary targets of their attacks. All glass products and vehicles on the street have been fired. Metal products are easily penetrated.

In this world, humans have the highest resistance to Pokémon attacks.

"Damn it, didn't they say they were already on their way to intercept? Why are there so many agate jellyfish breaching the warning line now?!"

The reporters who were dodging frantically pulled other camera crews and other innocent people around to hide their bodies.

Countless passers-by used tall flower beds and some deck chairs on the roadside to avoid the attacks of water cannons.

Looking at the house at this time , dots of holes.

Everyone is afraid that such an attack will directly take away their lives.

But in fact, after the water gun hits the human body, they will only feel severe pain. That's it.

But just the screams of pain spread among the group. This is why people are fleeing like hell on earth.

"Bite the land shark! Bonds evolve!"

Just when everyone had fallen into despair, a green light flashed from the sky.

Suddenly it attracted the attention of almost all the creatures in the city.

Whether it was humans or the agate jellyfish attacking the city.

Almost at this moment, everyone Forgot what was on my mind.~

"Xiaofeng, the area where I can control the sandstorm is limited, so I definitely can't take care of everyone!"

After completing the evolution of the bond, the biting land shark rushed directly to the tallest building in the city.

Standing on the top of the building, it summoned its own exclusive domain.

With the terrifying sandstorm filling the surrounding area, all those who entered its domain The agate jellyfish instantly became helpless, and under the control of the biting land shark, these sandstorms became invisible pushers, forcibly pulling many agate jellyfish out of the scope of the sandstorm. The surrounding situation was completely demented, and some people even thought it was a miracle and started worshiping directly on the ground.

"Don’t worry! I have sent a few guys with good footwork to other places to help."

"The people of this city can only leave their fate to fate."

"I can only do my best to save them. Whether I can save them or not is not up to me."

Please, after biting the land shark to create sand and dust to defend the rear.

After here, Xiao Feng immediately summoned the Eagle.

He moved closer to the beach.

He knew very well...

Under the current situation, these agate jellyfish in the center can cause The impact of this incident is not very big.

The most troublesome thing about this incident is the giant stinging jellyfish that has been approaching the city at this time.

After its power has mutated, it almost has the strength of the ancient Pokémon.

Although this is very unscientific, it can only.

It is said that the power of mutation may have triggered its atavistic evolution, which has resulted in the power of its moves becoming extremely terrifying.

In addition, it has no way to communicate with humans and can only be filled with anger.

By unleashing attacks on humans, this would lead to heavy casualties in the city.

According to the plot in the original book, the end of this disaster is due to Xiaoxia's love for water Pokémon and her repentance as a human being..

It helped this city escape.

It was precisely because of this that Xiaogang and Xiaozhi helped Xiaoxia to delay.

At this moment, Xiaofeng also wanted to be a tool.

Only Xiaoxia can solve this matter as the protagonist.

The next thing Xiaofeng has to do is to make the big guy obey...

Xiaofeng glanced at himself subconsciously.

The zero-degree ball in his hand raised a suspenseful smile.

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