
Seeing that the opponent who was already suffocated by the rocks suddenly broke free.

The one-horned rhino's originally cheerful expression suddenly turned colder.

Now it is full of desire to avoid war.

But the other party seemed unwilling to give it such a chance.

This also made the one-horned rhinoceros furious.

It can be clearly seen...

At this moment, one of the hind legs of the rhinoceros is rubbing against the ground.

Obviously this is already a prelude to the collision.

At this time, the pangolin glanced at his sharp claws.

Obviously, he suddenly mastered a brand new move.

There are still some who haven’t responded.

"The pangolin is careful of the opponent's sudden collision."

At the moment when the pangolin was in a daze, the one-horned rhinoceros had already used the empty area around it to create its own destructive and fatal collision. He looked at the one-horned rhinoceros charging towards him.

At this moment, there was a subtle change in the mind of the mountain rat.

It was no longer as panicked as before.

Instead , it carefully observed the opponent's movements and analyzed the opponent's movement speed.

There was a sound of breaking leaves.

The mountain rat rushed forward in two steps and jumped high.

Xiaofeng and other Pokémon around looked at it in shock, and rushed towards the opponent!

Jumping directly into the air!

It quickly rotated its body into a ball, as if it was trying to avoid the opponent's strong impact by jumping directly over the armored rhino's body.

"no! Mountain rat!"

"In this case, if you don't jump hard enough, you will still get hit."

The moment he saw the pangolin jumping,

Xiaofeng came to such a conclusion after repeated calculations in his mind.

However, when he gave this hint, the pangolin had already jumped.

And the fact is indeed That's right. Facing the terrifying collision of the one-horned rhinoceros, the pangolin that had just jumped into the air and shrunk into a ball was already on the verge of falling.

The one-horned rhino's horn will be knocked away by the raised notch on its body.

"Kagu...puff puff!"

Just when Xiaofeng thought that the pangolin's action this time was a little too impulsive, the pangolin in the air actually released its spinning state.

At the moment when the body was facing down, it forcibly stopped its body in

Then it let out a sigh of relief, and spit out a series of yellow five-pointed stars from its mouth, hitting the one-horned rhinoceros directly in the face..

Although there is no way to cause too much damage to it, it directly causes the impact of its own line of sight to be blocked and cannot effectively remove it. It took two steps.

Then it fell sideways and fell to the ground with a loud bang. At this time, the mountain rat used the high-speed stars ejected from its mouth to hit the one-horned rhinoceros with the reaction force.

Fly some distance again

"666! Well done to the mountain rat! I'm a waste!"

Xiao Feng's operation of Pangolin was completely uninstructed.

It was obvious that this was the fighting method summarized by Pangolin himself in just a moment.

Sure enough, Xiao Feng was not wrong.

Mega Stone is very useful for developing the strength of Pokémon. It's very scary.

In addition, this little guy is very good in combat talent, so the protagonist doesn't panic at all. The opponent

's clever use of his own moves has taught Xiaofeng a lesson.

The effect was used in the game, but it was not applied in reality.

Of course, the battle started again!

With the projection of high-speed stars, a puff of smoke floated upward.

At this time, a one-horned rhinoceros fell to the ground. It turned out that it was on all fours and could not turn over.

This obviously gave the pangolin a good opportunity to attack.

After realizing that the opponent was in trouble, the pangolin rolled forward in a very graceful manner.

The force caused by the rotation was released, and then he tightened his body and rolled rapidly on the ground, and the sound of rumbling could be heard clearly.

When the one-horned rhinoceros was struggling to stand up, the pangolin in front of him did not directly attack the opponent, but tried to extend the rolling distance and increase the damage of the roll.

This move was also taught by Xiaofeng.

It was obvious that it had taken it to heart.


Feeling the pangolin rolling around in front of him, the one-horned rhinoceros suddenly regained his composure.

At this time, the mountain rat's attack came as expected.

Facing the rolling force that had been strengthened to such an extent, the current one-horned rhinoceros did not dare to react, but there was a flash of thought in its eyes.. Then the rear foot supported the whole weight of the body, and then hit the ground quickly! A violent tremor began to spread around. The one-horned rhinoceros watched in shock. The mountain rat's original rolling posture was forced to jump into the air, but the force accumulated in the previous roll was wasted. Flowed

"This kid is smart enough to know that moves like rolling won't do much harm to the one-horned rhinoceros."

Xiao Feng fully understood what the pangolin was doing at this time.

The pangolin that appeared above the iron-horned rhinoceros instantly turned into a spherical shape.

The sharp claws of its hands flashed with white light.

It faced the pangolin's head-on blow.

It was impossible to dodge or defend at this moment. A huge sound came from the one-horned rhino's head.

Roar! With the roar of the one-horned rhinoceros, a large amount of smoke flew upward.

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