Didi~didi! ah!

With the alarm ringing in my ears.

Xiaofeng stretched and slowly woke up.

"Good morning, Miss Joy!"

Taking a few elf balls from Miss Joy.

Xiaofeng subconsciously paid more attention to the girl in front of him.

It has to be said that there is almost no difference from the one in Viridian City.

Again... Xiaofeng Just now, I am going to meet the man who has been traveling with Xiaozhi for the longest time in the anime.

Xiaofeng stretched his muscles and released all his Pokémon.

"Everyone! We will have the first gym challenge later."

"Now let's warm up by running a few laps around the city."

After Xiaofeng's suggestion, he quickly received responses from several other Pokémon around him.

Obviously they were also very curious about the noisy streets outside at this time.

After all, they had stayed in the deep mountains and old forests for so many days.

They saw it all at once So many people must be very excited, and this excitement has successfully made Xiaofeng a beautiful sight in Nibi City today.

Unlike other trainers who have the habit of putting Pokémon in their own Poké Balls. Feng prefers the feeling of being surrounded by people.

After seeing the bunch of Pokémon around Xiaofeng, they subconsciously think of him as a powerful trainer, and many challengers are coming.

It 's important for Xiaofeng to stay in the best condition.

For Xiaofeng, the busy selling street is really attractive to the various stone antiques sold on both sides.

Many tourists stopped and looked forward to it.

The constant shouts of bargaining and selling made Xiaofeng feel like he had returned to the days when he bought vegetables at the vegetable market.

"Young man over there~ From the Pokémon behind you, I can feel that you are a powerful trainer."

Hearing this familiar opening remark,

Xiaofeng thought it was him talking to himself...

Anyway, for such a comforting existence,

Xiaofeng would subconsciously characterize him as a social person like himself.

He would grow up a After sighing,

Xiaofeng shook off his hair that was soaked with sweat.

He looked at the shop owner who stopped him.

He was wearing orange hiking clothes and could see a bulging backpack sitting on top of him.

Next to him, there were all kinds of weird stones on the floor.

When communicating with Xiao Feng, the other person's mouth moved slowly up and down.

Because it even covered 2/3 of the entire mouth, Xiaofeng couldn't see clearly.

The other person was wearing a red canvas hat, which also covered his facial structure tightly..

If he didn't know the other party's true identity, Xiaofeng would have thought he had met a wanted criminal.

All joking aside, the man in front of him had a certain identity.

He was the former Nibi City Gym Leader.

That is, Xiaogang's father.

This man who just abandoned his wife and children and went out to wander the world with the goal of becoming a famous trainer can only be said to be a real fool in this world.

Xiaofeng even thinks that Xiaogang has been following Xiaozhi for so many years because they share the same problem.

Xiaofeng doesn't want to discuss so much with him

"Judging by your appearance, have you ever challenged the gym trainer Xiaogang in Nibi City? He is the most powerful trainer in Nibi City."

Yeah~ This guy is also helping his son to attract hatred.

He has seen the other party's operations in anime a long time ago.

But Xiaofeng still expressed helplessness.

He should be grateful that he has a good son.

This guy is very powerful. Let’s not mention

Wei Xiaofeng for now. After all, the main reason for the lack of success among young people in the Kanto region is due to the uneven strength of gym leaders.

"Don't worry, sir!"

"I immediately went to challenge Nibi Gym, but to be honest, I was more looking forward to a competition with his father than Xiaogang who did housework at home every day."

After saying this,

Xiaofeng ignored the man next to him and walked directly in the direction of Nibi City.

Although he didn't know if what he said could make the man in front of him suddenly realize that he knew the way when he was lost.

But he always said what he had to say.

There was no need for any psychological burden when communicating with this kind of person.


Neng swallowed hard.

Although it couldn't be seen from his well-hidden appearance, his eyes were fixed on the direction where Xiaofeng was heading. There was a time when he didn't even have a home.

Dare to return.

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