
The green grass on the ground was blown away in all directions by the strong shock wave.

The jet flames of the Wind Speed Dog and the insect buzz of the Giant Needle Bee were released almost at the same time.

Swirling jet flames and dark green energy pillars erupted from both sides.

Then they meet instantly!

An outward-expanding spherical energy cluster appeared in the central area of contact.

And the next second this spherical energy group began to expand extremely horribly.

This situation lasted for about a few seconds.

Great changes have taken place. boom!

As the spherical energy group in the middle exploded instantly!

The dark green energy column was directly destroyed.

The jet of flames directly hit the giant needle bee.


Big needle bee! hateful! In terms of using special moves, is he still not as good as the Wind Speed Dog who uses double swords?

Facing the situation in front of him, Xiaofeng was not unexpected.

But he really didn't react.

It turns out that the collision time of special moves is so short.

There wasn't even time to react.

The scorching flames hit the giant needle bee's body.

A giant sting wasp stretched out from the flames.

He could only flap his wings desperately.

Hoping to use the meager wind force to isolate the surrounding flames.

However, Wind Speed Dog found out that his attack was successful.

It even increased the flame output.

This directly caused the giant needle bee to be pushed back more than ten meters by this strong heat wave.

"It seems that your strength is still not good enough~"

"I doubt you can beat the shark! ?"

Jun Sha looked at the giant needle bee that was screaming pitifully in the flames.

A smile that turned defeat into victory showed on her face.

She knew very well that she had won this battle.

Under the flames of the wind speed dog, No insect-type Pokémon has ever been able to escape punishment.

"is that so? I don't think Wind Speed Dog will definitely win!"

Looking at the Stingy Bee who is still struggling in the sea of fire.

The protagonist's fists are clenched.

At this moment, he has no words.

Instead, he chooses to believe in the Stinging Bee.

He knows that if the Stinging Bee becomes the overlord, if he chooses such a Fighting style.

There must be many ways to get out of trouble. This is the trust between partners.

"Young man, I want to tell you, although I can understand that you are young and frivolous and have a desire to win!"

"But...your current behavior will cause your giant needle wasp to suffer more pain"

"This is very immature behavior for a trainer."

Junsha, who has clearly analyzed the occupation at this time, did not tell the protagonist what she was thinking.

Even if the giant needle bee can withstand this round of flame-spraying attacks, the giant needle bee, which is better at close combat, will In terms of speed, it is suppressed by the Wind Speed Dog.

All attacks will be easily dodged by the Wind Speed Dog.

In terms of the power of its long-range attacks, it will be crushed by the Wind Speed Dog...

In this case... it is impossible for the Big Needle Bee to win..

But with this thought, Miss Junsha’s thousands of words converged into a meaningful statement.

"You'd better give up this round of battle quickly!"

"After all, Pokémon like Styrofowl can only play a limited role in a battle of that level.~"

"You don't need to prove anything to me"

"Directly send out the Pokémon you used to defeat the Biting Land Shark.……"

Xiaofeng was still listening carefully to the other party's so-called teachings.

After hearing Miss Junsha's last words.

Shocking anger instantly flashed between his eyes.

In that battle, the Needle Bee paid a heavy price to gain the advantage.

Xiaofeng couldn't understand it better.

Facing the pain that the giant needle bee endured at that time.

Xiaofeng always thought it was because of his lack of command ability, so he was resentful.

It has always been indebted to it.

Hearing that Miss Junsha was in front of his eyes, he underestimated the true strength of the Big Needle Bee.

The explosive barrel in Xiaofeng's heart was instantly ignited.

If the tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm a sick cat!

You must know that Xiaofeng's Big Needle Bee has been suppressing its own strength.

Even if the opponent is a trainer at the level of a king, he is not qualified to slander his teammates!

Because in Xiaofeng's eyes, they are the best!

"We have been underestimated! How can you lose to such a person?! Just this level of flame is no problem for you!"

Xiaofeng, who clenched his fists, let out a roar.

Then under the surprised gaze of everyone, the flames that were originally venting wantonly forward suddenly began to shrink and become shorter.

The giant needle bee at the front Since I don't know what method was used, the flames were cut off abruptly.

At this time, under Xiao Feng's gaze, the heat wave released by the flames at the forefront turned into sparks and dissipated in the air!

"What is the move used by that giant sting wasp?"

"That's a move that Big Needle Bee understood! Drill low!"

The old man and his granddaughter, who had been watching the battle, used their observation power from high places to discover the changes in the giant needle bee.

"Ground type moves!"

"Haha... This is the unique power of the trainer who is chosen as the master by the overlord Pokémon!"

"Just inspired by my peers!"

"After reaching resonance with his emotions, did it trigger the memory hidden in the genes?"

"I began to understand why Overlord Pokémon chose such a trainer as its master!"

Under the emotion of grandma, the girl holding an umbrella directly closed the parasol that somewhat blocked her vision.

She put her hands on the guardrail and watched with interest the giant needle bee showing off its power on the field.


Facing the wind speed The dog's jet of flames.

The giant needle bee at the other end of the flames violently rotates its tail towards the front of the flames, thrusting its body forward like a flying drill.

The flames were shattered!

And seeing what was happening in front of him, the evolution key stone on Xiaofeng's wrist was also reacting all the time.

This meant that Xiaofeng and the giant needle bee on the battlefield at this moment..

Both are in a state of high fighting spirit. This force has stimulated the evolution key stone, but this time Xiaofeng did not choose to let the giant needle bee evolve. No need! The Big Needle Bee must use his power as an overlord to defeat the wind speed dog in front of him.

"Go get the sting wasp!"

Let them see your power!"

As Xiao Feng finished speaking, the Sting Bee instantly started going berserk.

The speed of the advance has accelerated a lot.

The pillar of fire even deviated in four directions.

And the giant needle wasp in the center is charging forward.

An absolutely safe hole was dug out in the center of the flame jet.

The scary thing is that this hole is still getting closer to the wind speed dog.

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