"Wind speed dog! Use divine speed to restrain the opponent."

Accompanied by Miss Junsha's command, the brave Wind Speed Dog instantly turned on the impact mode at this moment.

Due to Miss Junsha's timely response, the battlefield has now changed from relatively dangerous building units to the ground.

This will effectively To reduce casualties.

At this time, Miss Junsha looked a little angry as she looked at the Pokémon in front of her with her fists clenched.

Roar~ The familiar roar echoed through the clouds.

Come over.

Despite this, his mind was still very confused.

The violent desire to attack once again eroded his brain, driving him into a state of rage when facing the strangers around him. Everything.

The fearful Lie Jie Lu Shar can only gain a sense of security by destroying things. He is worried that the incident will develop in a more serious direction soon.

The Wind Speed Dog was dispatched immediately, and the Liebite Land Shark was knocked into the ground with great speed.

Faced with the surrounding open air,

Liebite Land Shark subconsciously prepared to use his flying ability to escape.

"Wind Speed Dog uses flame vortex to trap the opponent!"

After receiving the instruction, the wind speed dog took a long breath.

Then he spit out a ball of tangled flames directly at Liebite Land Shark, who was just about to leave the ground.

The flame quickly curved and formed a vortex.

It was directly enveloped in Liebite Land Shark.

The high-heat flames on Lu Shark's body were interrupted immediately.


After feeling the slightest burning sensation on his body,

Lie Jie let out a deafening roar. It tightened its body, and the sharp claws of its hands flashed with purple light.

Facing the whirlpool of flames that restrained it, it easily dispersed the whirlpool of flames into sparks and disappeared into the air.

"Wind Speed Dog uses flame jets to attack opponents!"

After biting the land shark fiercely in front of him and fighting for freedom, the wind speed dog took a deep breath and pressed his claws firmly on the ground.

Reduce the buffer of the body and quickly lock the opponent's target.


With the strong impact, A scorching column of flame was ejected from the mouth of the wind speed dog.

The strong impact of the flame directly engulfed the body of the biting land shark, which made it scream.


Seeing the screaming figure of the land shark being bitten in the flames, a chord in his heart was suddenly touched.

That miserable appearance was the same as the one who was killing the god in Yuejian Mountain. , the appearance of Buddha blocking and killing Buddha is completely different


After feeling that the flames on his body were too strong, he bit the land shark and endured the pain. He quickly waved his claws and smashed against the gravity of the ground.

He instantly started digging holes.

His whole body was like a shark entering the sea.

He dived in

In this situation, the remaining jet flames dissipated in the air without any effect.

"snort! Do you think this will be useful? Wind speed dog! Use scent detection to pinpoint the opponent's location."

Facing the burrowing behavior of the biting land shark,

Miss Junsha almost subconsciously gave such an order.

Obviously in the ordinary arrest work, she encountered many gangsters who used tunnels to escape. The Wind Speed Dog pointed its nose at the soil in front of it and sniffed lightly.

Then it rushed to the hole where the Biting Land Shark had dug into the soil and sniffed lightly.

He raised his head and looked in the direction not far away.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the sharp canine teeth flashed out of his mouth.

A flash of light flashed between his eyes, and he jumped out unexpectedly.

Liebite Land Shark actually used Digging to escape far away, and then found a safe place to take off.

Liebite Land Shark did not choose to fight back!

Faced with this situation, Xiaofeng guessed that Liebite Land Shark should have lifted the darkness.

Control of the ball.

Now it has returned to normal.

The reason why such commotion still occurs is entirely because of the stress reaction of every Pokémon when it suddenly appears in such a strange environment!

It seemed that Miss Junsha was really angry!

She couldn't keep going like this.

It was hard for Xiaofeng to imagine that she would bite the land shark in such a weak body.

Can you survive it?

"Wind Speed Dog uses the Flame Car!"

The moment I saw Liebite Land Shark break out of the ground, the Wind Speed Dog, which had caught up immediately, ran even faster.

And with a burst of shouts from Miss Junsha, her body turned into a flame. The wheel's wind speed dog directly hit Liejie Lusha's back.


, his body was exposed and he was knocked to the ground by the strong impact.

After rolling on the ground for a few times, he stood up again. Faced with the opponent who stopped him from leaving,

Liejie Lu Shark had a confused and panic look on his face. In this situation, he could only use his moves to fight back. Protect yourself. Roar! The familiar action is engraved in the muscle memory. Under the shocked look on the face of the wind speed dog, the biting land shark directly condensed a dragon's anger energy flow so close. However, at this moment, when the energy expanded in the mouth, the strange inscription on the biting land shark suddenly flashed with purple electricity.

���Electricity began to swim wildly throughout Liebite Land Shark's body, making a small sound of electric current flowing.

It's like the notes of altered keys are played on the piano. ah!

Accompanied by the almost crazy roar of the biting land shark.

Severe muscle twitching pain.

As a result, the rhythm of biting the land shark to release the dragon's wrath was directly interrupted.

"good chance! Speed Dog uses Flame Crash!"

After discovering the abnormality on Liebite Land Shark,

Miss Junsha immediately seized this opportunity.

She asked the Wind Speed Dog beside her to use the fire-type ultimate move to kill it.

The Wind Speed Dog raised its head high His head roared into the air, and then his body was instantly covered in flames.

The scorching flames would cause more serious damage to the opponent. Holding back the pain in his body, Feng Su Dog lunged at the fierce biting land shark in front of him, facing the fierce attack from Feng Su Dog. The biting land shark on the ground finally overcame the static electricity on his body, but it was already too late to use his moves to fight back.

"Explosive Monkey uses Explosive Punch!"

"Bite the land shark and use quicksand hell!"

Just when everything was about to settle, the fiery monkey suddenly appeared on the running path of the wind speed dog.

A heavy punch from his right hand was struck instantly.

Facing the scene in front of her,

Miss Junsha frowned and her eyes were tightly knitted. Staring at Xiaofeng

"Are you crazy?!"

"Isn't that what you said? This guy almost killed you back then!"

"Such a dangerous existence, I am now prepared to temporarily arrest it!"

"Why do you want to stop me? Or are you really related to the Rockets?!"

When Miss Junsha raised her doubts to Xiaofeng, the strong wind speed dog faced the fiery monkey that suddenly appeared in front of her.

The moment her legs landed on the ground, they swung to the left in time.

The strong flame impact will The Fiery Monkey blew to one side.

However, the Fiery Monkey's attack failed.

However ,

Xiao Feng's command was not the only one that followed. After giving the command, it subconsciously looked at Xiaofeng and the big needle bee next to it.

Then, it seemed to have a memory of the battle at Yuejian Mountain! His hands were inserted into the ground.

In an instant... the soil around it collapsed into a pool of wet mud.

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