After the laughter ended, the three beautiful girls looked at Xiaofeng again and their eyes became much kinder.

You have to know many trainers, after meeting them.

The first impression is that they immediately challenge them...

This makes them a little exhausted both physically and mentally.

"Thank you very much for your recognition of our performance"

"But if you want to have a Pokémon battle, it may not be convenient today."

"First of all, our second round of performances is about to begin again."

"Secondly, our Pokémon just lost to a trainer~"


After hearing Sakura's words,

Xiao Mao, who was sitting in the audience, whistled and raised his palms.

His behavior instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Yes, it's him!"

"He is so strong!"

"Did you know each other?"

"If you know him, your strength should be about the same. We are not your opponent, so take the badge away immediately~"

The pink-haired girl and the blue-haired girl at the back said these two sentences one after another.

It made Xiaomao himself Gu Zi raised his head, looking a little proud.

Faced with this situation, Xiaofeng was a little confused.

Is this really possible?

After preparing for so long, they would be disappointed if this battle could not take place.


"Since the museum owners have no way to send Pokémon to fight,"

"How about I take over the gym battle this time?"

"The rules still follow the original Gym Station"

"Xiaofeng can only get the badge if he defeats me."

After hearing Xiao Mao's suggestion, the eyes of the three Hualan sisters suddenly brightened up.

Obviously they agreed to this behavior.

After all, they didn't have to take action themselves.

Moreover, they could save some face for today's failure.

As for Xiao Mao because Do you know Xiaofeng Fangshui?

To be honest, in their hearts, even if Xiaomao Fangshui is better than them

"No problem, I agreed!"

"If you beat player Xiaomao"

"You can also get badges from our Cerulean Gym."

After less than 10 seconds of discussion, the three sisters immediately decided on this matter.

"How about Xiao Feng~"

"This time, let’s continue the unfinished battle from last time!"

"According to the rules of the gym competition"

"The gym in Cerulean City is still 2 vs 2"

"In that case, let’s do it!"

"I said why did you follow me all the way here?"

"After doing this for a long time, you should have figured it all out."

Xiao Feng's words made Xiao Mao's lips slightly raised.

Obviously what he said was correct.

The two people who had determined the battle situation walked to both sides of the fighting field.

With the referee's order, the middle fighting field There was an instant change.

The originally flat road split to both sides, and a square swimming pool appeared in front of them.

There were only a series of yellow floating boards placed on the water, and there was no other place to stay. Obviously in such an environment, many Pokémon will be severely limited in combat, and some Pokémon that are too heavy will not even have much standing.

"I declare! The Pokémon showdown between agent gym trainer Xiaomao and challenger Xiaofeng with badges as bets officially begins."

"Ask gym trainers to send out their own Pokémon first"

"Xiaomao, Xiaomao is really great, Xiaomao, Xiaomao is really strong!"

The familiar sound of cheering from the cheerleaders sounded in the audience.

This made Xiaofeng helpless.

"breeze! In order to defeat you, my team has been strengthened like never before.~"

"This time I want to see how much progress you have made after half a month of travel!"

As Xiao Mao threw the elf ball forward in his hand, a blue figure jumped directly into the water.

He swam underwater for a few times.

Then, he exposed his head again.

It was a head Its head is bifurcated into four protruding duck heads.

Its body is almost integrated with the water of the swimming pool. The most eye-catching thing is the star in the center of its forehead.

There are red beads embedded in the skin.

Its eyes are small, but they are large and lively.

The front of the mouth is sharper than the duck's flat mouth, and you can see that they are connected to each other. membrane.

This helps it flow at extremely fast speeds in the sea.

This Pokémon is the evolved form of the Gotha Duck, but it also has super powers.

Excellent talent.

This Pokémon is very popular among the first-generation water Pokémon, and it is also a strong contender for water dominance.

If Xiaofeng guessed it correctly, this one should be the same. Xiaomao will be one of the main players in the team in the future.

It can be seen that

Xiaomao is also very concerned about this duel and directly sent out his own strong players.

"If that's the case, I won't show mercy to Xiaomao."

"Bibi bird here!"

"Once you take the lead, the opponent is very strong"

"If you don't pay attention, you may lose this game!"

"If we lose... we two will have nothing to eat tonight~"

After hearing Xiaofeng's words,

Bibi Niao immediately nodded.

This can be regarded as a rule set by Xiaofeng in the team. No matter in any battle, we will go hungry together with Xiaofeng. This is also the only punishment rule in Xiaofeng's team.

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