"Welcome to visit us next time!"

After completing the Gym Challenge,

Xiaofeng and Xiaomao were also invited by the three sisters from South China.

As special guests, they enjoyed their wonderful water ballet performance.

After that, Xiaomao drove away again.

And in Before he left, he specifically reminded Xiaofeng to go to the elf center to call Dr. Oak.

It seemed that he had something important to discuss with him.


As the screen shook,

Dr. Omu's back appeared in front of Xiaofeng's eyes.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Oak. I am Xiaofeng. I have just completed the challenge of the Hualan Gym.……"

"ah? Occasionally behind……"

After hearing Xiaofeng's greeting from behind him.

Dr. Ohgi immediately turned the stool under his seat back.

Strength makes one impartial.

It stopped just at the moment when Dr. Ohki's head was in the middle of the screen.

It can be seen that Dr. Ohki has become extremely proficient in this operation.

One can imagine his normal times.

As long as I'm in the laboratory, my butt is almost always attached to that stool.

Ah ha ha~

"The boy looks at your high-spirited look"

"You must have successfully completed the challenge at the Cerulean Gym, right?"

"I have another good news for you!"

"After the video you sent me passed my preliminary research, I concluded that it is indeed the first-hand image data of the Phoenix King."

"So you are lucky, kid?"

"First of all, in terms of benefits, the alliance will update your record as a beginner trainer."

"From now on, your basic food and accommodation when going out can be taken care of at the Elf Center, and you don’t have to pay for it."

After hearing the news,

Xiaofeng almost felt so happy that he flew into the air.

However, when he saw that the doctor had something to say, he suppressed his excitement.

"Hmm... Secondly, regarding your identity, I have already taken care of it."

"From now on, you will be my assistant under the name of Omu Research Institute."

"Of course, these are just verbal benefits."

"Considering your identity, the specific prop rewards have been transferred to you through the transmission device."

"Xiaofeng, you have to work hard and don’t live up to my expectations."

"If you meet Xiaomao on the road in the future, take care of him for me."

"That child has lived under the halo created by me and his father since he was a child."

"This is also a psychological burden for him who is very strong."

"Because of this, he seems a bit aggressive in terms of personality, so he and Xiaozhi often have troubles."

"But you should be able to see that Xiaomao is a very kind child. I believe that with your mature nature, you will be able to help me take good care of him."

"Don't worry, Dr. Ohki!"

"Xiaomao can be regarded as the first friend I met when I first came to this world."

"What's more, as trainers from Zhenxin Town, we will definitely take care of each other if we meet along the way."


After cordial greetings.

Xiaofeng came to the transmission device on the side without stopping.

After completing the picture book login.

The machine starts working immediately.

As a familiar voice sounded.

The package given by Dr. Oak also appeared in front of Xiaofeng.

This is a box wrapped in green canvas.

It's not very heavy to lift.

But there was the sound of objects shaking.

After opening it.

The first thing that catches your eye is a very gorgeous looking packaging.

"Fire Stone, Water Stone, Thunder Stone, Moon Stone, Dark Stone……"

It turned out to be a complete collection of evolutionary stones.

The price of this set of evolutionary stones on the market is 1 million Elf Coins...

I have to say.

The alliance's move is indeed no small matter.

But this is just the first box.

After taking it away.

Pressed underneath is a square box.

The box looks completely black from the outside.

Nothing special.

Use your fingernail to open the gap and then flip it open.

What came into view was a perfectly mounted disc.

Of course Xiaofeng would not regard it as a simple disc.

If he guessed correctly.

This should be a move learner.

Allows Pokémon to learn.

A move that cannot be learned under normal circumstances.

And if Xiaofeng guessed correctly.

This move learner seems to be the latest invention of Shiluf Company - the universal move learner.

This is a priceless treasure.

Be aware of what usually happens.

A move learner purchased by trainers for Pokémon.

After learning the moves for the corresponding Pokémon.

This move learner loses its effectiveness.

However, learning universal moves is different.

It is given to a Pokémon after it has been used.

By cooling down, the effect can continue to be exerted on another Pokémon.

And the universal move learner gives Pokémon the moves it has learned.

Relies entirely on its own willingness to learn.

It's not targeted.

Although I can only learn one move.

But it has a huge impact on the battle itself.

Simple move learner due to high-tech components. in the market.

Every important move learner sells for a whopping six figures.

As for the one in Xiaofeng's hands at this time, it is even more valuable.

After cleaning up the move learner.

At this time, the objects in the box have been cleared.

But when opening the package.

Wrap around the box.

There is also a large ring-like necklace.

These rings are made up of small balls of different colors connected together one after another.

Xiaofeng only discovered it after picking it up.

Turns out it's all a wave of rare Poké Balls.

Diving balls, nest balls, weight balls, speed balls, timing balls, heat-resistant balls, insulation balls... these are all expensive elf balls.

As long as it has a special effect, there is a kind of Poké Ball.

With these Poké Balls.

Xiaofeng now no longer has to worry about encountering some rare Pokémon that he cannot conquer.

Put all the corresponding props into your treasure house (backpack).

Xiaofeng also immediately left the city with the gradually growing team around him.

His journey is still going on...

PS: I can only temporarily update one chapter today due to something else, and I will make up for the remaining chapters tomorrow. I hope you understand long live it.

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