
The battle field is shattered into pieces.

Instantly, the entire combat area was filled with smoke.

Although the ground crack did not hit Xiaofeng's pangolin.

But this kind of move still makes people feel frightened.

And at the moment when Xiaofeng took a breath.

The extremely subtle sound of a whip hitting the ground suddenly sounded

"not good! It's dangerous for the pangolin to leave the place quickly!"

Although Xiaofeng's reaction was already very fast, the sound of the opponent's whip sounded faster.

And at that moment, the pangolin (Xiao Ming) broke through the shadow.

A strong wave of air condensed in his right hand.

Push. The sharp claw in his hand hit Xiaofeng's mountain rat in the chest!


With a violent explosion, the mountain rat (Xiaofeng) flew backwards and was hit hard on the ground. The deep pit emitted smoke and dust in all directions. After seeing the move used by the other party, Xiaofeng had no choice but to maintain his calm attitude and immediately rushed to the side of the pit to check on the situation of the mountain rat.

"look down……"

At this moment, the pangolin rat was completely buried in the earth and rocks.

Only a head and a paw are left outside.

"Mountain rat!!! Mountain rat!"

The situation that was originally a good situation suddenly changed.

Xiaofeng clenched his fists.

A trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes. He subconsciously turned his head to look at the pangolin in front of him.

Xiao Ming's pangolin.

At this time, he knelt down. On the ground.

His chest was heaving violently.

It seemed that the move just now took a lot of effort.

""Zhenqi Fist... I really didn't expect that you would let your pangolin learn such a move~"

Zhenqi Fist is a real ultimate move among fighting moves.

It has a terrifying damage of up to 150 power.

It is just different from the big move. Most of this powerful move also takes time to activate. If it is attacked by the opponent within this activation time , Xiao Ming's mountain rat uses the ground crack very cleverly. The created dust provided a cover for Xiaofeng's mountain rat, who emerged from the smoke and had already passed the terrifying charging stage of the zhenqi fist. The pangolin whose attack directly caused Xiaofeng has now been severely injured.

"I'm sorry, I have to admit"

"Your pangolin is very strong, but as I said, my pangolin is unbeatable!"

Facing Xiao Ming in front of him and the pangolin next to him with a proud look on his face,

Xiaofeng let out a sigh of relief.

Is this what failure feels like?

In fact... he will lose this battle.

At first, it was completely Unexpected.

Because according to the original anime plot, there is nothing special about the other party except that he has a special training method and the mountain rat has high resistance to water.

He achieved 100 consecutive victories simply because most of the trainers who chose to challenge him brought Pokémon at the level of green caterpillars and unicorn bugs.

But the reality was always so cruel that it was hard to imagine that the mountain rat in Xiao Ming's hands was so powerful.

To this point, coupled with the other party's secret instructions being used in reality, it became even more disgusting.





Just when everyone present thought the dust had settled.

Xiaofeng had been surrounded by other Pokémon.

Suddenly there was a roar of cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Then Xiaofeng heard the sound of objects being moved in the pothole.

He turned and looked in surprise.

I saw the pangolin now buried among the rocks.

Suddenly a bright white light emitted from his body.

Accompanied by the outward projection of this white light.

The stones and sand that were originally pressing on the pangolin began to scatter around.

The slender claws extend to 4 weeks.

The body becomes stronger and stronger.

The most important thing is that at this time, Xiaofeng can clearly see the sharp needles directly penetrating the soil under the mountain rat.

Tiny holes were created one after another.

As the white light receded, it dispersed.

The pangolin was originally covered by rock and soil.

He has regained his standing posture.

But at this moment, its appearance has changed.

It can no longer be called a pangolin rat, but should be called a pangolin king.

Just from the overall appearance.

The evolution of pangolins is the process of changing from pangolins to hedgehogs.

First and most obvious.

Compared with the golden color of the pangolin period, the skin of the pangolin has transformed into a relatively dull brown.

The belly and mouth are white.

And the most creepy thing is.

Most of its body is covered in tough brown bristles.

This continuously gives it stronger defensive capabilities.

At the same time, it also strengthens its ability to fight back.

So sharp, in the process of using rolling.

The damage caused to the opponent will be increased.

At the same time, if the opponent uses a contact type of move to hit the back of Chuanshan King.

That's equally uncomfortable.

With a quick wave of Chuanshan King.

The sharp claws of its hands instantly split open the stone squeezed in front of it.

This is its main offensive weapon.

It is different from the claws that were almost longer than a fingernail during the pangolin period.

The sharp claws in the current Chuanshan King's hands have formed barbs.

Hitting the opponent will cause secondary damage.

From the appearance.

Its eyes are longer and narrower than those of the mountain rat.

Giving people a sense of transitioning from prey to hunter.

That fierce look.

This makes the protagonist particularly satisfied.

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