When in doubt, draw your sword to help.

Although I don't know what happened.

But in this situation, as a trainer, you should still mind your own business.

After all, under normal circumstances.

If a battle breaks out for the leader of a group.

Nine times out of ten, it is because the leader is old or ill, and it is difficult to convince the crowd, and then a new battle for the leader will break out.

The leader of the pangolin in front of him has a strong body and sharp eyes. He doesn't appear to be sick at all.

However, another thin pangolin dared to challenge, which explains something.

"Damn it!"

Looking at the challenger who was kneeling on the ground at this time.

The leader pangolin raised his hands, raised his chest, and shouted loudly.

As if to show off his strength to other similar people around him.

However, just currently...

The thin pangolin kneeling on the ground rolled its body into a ball.

He quickly used his rolling trick.

He directly knocked away the leader of the mountain rat in front of him.

Of course...

Because the rolling distance of its attack was too short, it only made the mountain rat leader, who had not regained his composure for a while, a little unsteady.

After controlling the balance of the body.

The sturdy pangolin leader stretched out the sharp claws of his hands.

He used his strong body to block the rolling trick of the skinny pangolin.

At the same time, the sharp claws of its hands struck from both sides at the same time.

Directly intercepted the impact of the mountain rat. ha!

Accompanied by the leader pangolin's roar.

This pangolin was thrown behind him by the leader's over-the-shoulder kick.

Along with the dust.

The poor guy was smashed directly into a pothole.

It slowly came out with its head swaying.

What we were greeted by was another claw attack from the leader.

"The pangolin uses burrowing!"

The thin pangolin suddenly heard a burst of human shouts coming from the front.

Its body subconsciously followed such instructions.

Because there were already holes, the digging skill was released extremely quickly.

Both hands were already on the ground. The fast pangolins on both sides swung their claws, and instantly dodge the leader's claw attack.


's appearance instantly attracted the attention of all the pangolins around him.

They turned their heads to Xiaofeng at the same time.

After discovering Xiaofeng's identity, they all fled into the pit.

Of course, they were very afraid of humans... just like the others around them. On the other hand, the leader of the pangolin was in a completely different state.

His confident attack was directly interrupted by the appearance of this human being.

The somewhat angry leader turned towards Xiaofeng and opened his mouth.

There was a sound of shaking in the air.

Under Xiao Feng's alert look, several black and purple poisonous needles as long as his little finger flew towards him quickly...

This guy was so wild.

Xiaofeng managed to escape the sudden attack of poisonous needles, which made Xiaofeng a little frightened.

You must know that these poisonous needles are highly poisonous, and the effect would be miraculous if they hit a person.

It was the same with the baby.

If he didn't go to the Pokémon Center for treatment, he would be dead.


The monkey monster who had been standing next to him didn't agree.

Zaza was about to rush forward and fight the leader pangolin, but at this moment , the ground beneath the leader's pangolin was lifted up while it was looking at it with a look of shock.

The mountain rat that had entered the earth suddenly burst out of the ground at this moment, giving the opponent a powerful blow.

The impact of the breakthrough knocked the leader of the mountain rat back several meters.

It turned into a sphere in an extremely funny way.

After rotating an unknown amount of 360 degrees, it hit the ground upside down.

This action was exactly the same as when it was bullying the emaciated pangolin and landed safely after using it.

The pangolin turned its head and looked at the man behind him who had just given the timely command to let him make a calm judgment.

The pangolin, who didn't know how to express his gratitude, could only nod to Xiaofeng as a thank you.

"Now is not the time to give thanks, be careful of your opponents!"

"It's here again!"

"Use high speed rotation."

After hearing Xiaofeng's command, the pangolin subconsciously turned his head to look.

He saw the angry-faced leader pangolin's claws entangled with white light.

He used the"split" move and directly faced The thin pangolin came over.

After hearing Xiaofeng's instructions, the pangolin quickly twisted its body into a ball, and then spun in place at a high speed.

This behavior caused all the sand and gravel under it to be swept forward, and a large amount of sand and gravel shot directly into the eyes of the leader who was still unstoppable.

The severe pain caused by the invasion of the sand forced the leader to cross the mountain.

The rat can only forcefully cancel the use of the"split" move, and its attack has just begun.

After the high-speed rotation, the body of the rat moves forward directly.

The attack hit the leader of the mountain rat.


This time, the attack was even more powerful.

It hit the leader of the mountain rat directly into a rock that was half a man tall, and the rock shattered into pieces.

The pangolin shakes its body violently

"Mountain rat! Block up the rage in your heart and press on this last attack, use Magnitude."

As if inspired by the battle in front of him, accompanied by the violent roar of the wind, the mountain rat's eyes flashed with a trace of fire.

Its tail suddenly slapped the ground, and its body shot upwards. The pangolin jumped to the highest point in the air, and instantly formed its body into a ball.

Then, after spinning violently in the air, it hit the ground heavily. With the pangolin as the center, the surrounding ground instantly shattered. Come on. At this time ,

Xiaofeng, who was standing more than ten meters away from the mountain rat, felt the terrifying power of the earth shaking.

The invisible shock wave began to destroy the surrounding land and rock mass.

They seemed to feel the changes in the earth's crust and scrambled to escape from the hole.

If they had been a little later, they would have been buried directly underneath.

"The power of this one may not directly explode to 150."

In Xiaofeng's sigh.

At this time, the leader pangolin, whose body was embedded in the rock mass and could not move, directly suffered the terrible damage of this magnitude.

The rocks around its body were instantly smashed into slag.

This one The leader's eyes flashed like ripples like mosquito coils.

His legs swayed on the ground uncontrollably for two steps and then fell directly to the ground.

PS: Let me start with a chapter and tell you the update time of this book. If there are no big changes, the chapters of this book will be updated around 10 noon, 12-13 pm, 6 pm, and 11 pm.

If there are additional updates, 9 pm will usually be chosen. It will be released at three o'clock in the afternoon. In short, if you feel that you are not satisfied with watching it every day, you can watch it in the evening.

Finally, the characteristics of the first mega Pokémon are also closely related to the subsequent battle scenes, so please. I also want to give my opinion. If you are not able to participate in the voting on the computer, you can directly post the features you decide on in the comment area.

I will choose the feature that appears the most or has the most likes to vote for:

1..Hercules. 2. Iron Fist. 4.

That’s it, everyone.

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