Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 918 The Holy Gade Empire, descendants of the royal family


Around the ancestral hall, there are dense ancient trees and verdant trees, especially a few ancient cypresses, which are gloomy and look full of old age.

The good man followed the village chief Putian through the cypress forest, and came to this ancestral hall with a quiet and extraordinary environment.

"Benefactor, do you know the origin of our Taoyuan Village?" Walking in front of the ancestral hall, the old man with a mulberry crutch suddenly stopped and asked his beloved.

"I don't know." Hearing the old man's question, the beloved looked suspicious, but he shook his head and answered honestly.

"Ask your benefactor this question, but you are old and rude." The village chief Putian twisted his beard and shook his head, "Actually, there is a story behind the origin of our Taoyuan Village..."

"Oh——" the beloved drew a long tone, with a look of curiosity on his face.

Before discovering Taoyuan Village, a secluded and hidden mountain village, Liang Ren also thought about the cause and origin of this village.

According to his understanding, it is nothing more than that the geographical location is too remote, and it is too difficult to communicate with the outside world, which unknowingly formed the current secluded and closed situation.

Or the ancestors of the villagers moved to this small village on their own initiative in order to avoid enemies and wars in ancient times, and gradually lived a life of seclusion for generations.

No matter which one it is, because he still needs to help the Pokémon to train, the beloved has not been distracted to think deeply about this issue.

But now that the old man took the initiative to mention it, the beloved felt very keenly that the origin of Taoyuan Village might not be as simple as he thought.

"It all happened hundreds of years ago." The old man climbed up the steps with a mulberry crutch, sighing and falling into nostalgia and reminiscence.

"About three or four hundred years ago, the continent under our feet was still divided by warlords and wars continued, and kingdoms and duchies, large and small, conquered each other."

"The most powerful empire on this continent at that time was the Holy Gad Empire whose imperial capital was located in the city of Oludran and whose history had lasted for thousands of years."

"However, after thousands of years of development, the Saint Gather Empire, which was originally highly concentrated in power, has been weakened by the division of territories and power as the royal family continues to expand."

"Finally, after the "Sword in the Stone" incident, facing the siege of the major kingdoms and principalities, the rule of the Saint Gaard Empire that lasted for thousands of years was shaken. "

"When the imperial capital of Oludran was about to be breached by the coalition leader Arthur, a group of royal family members fled carrying the crown symbolizing the imperial power of the empire."

"The members of the royal family are the ancestors of our Taoyuan Village." After speaking, the old man raised his head and looked at his beloved with piercing eyes.

"Hiss! Old man, you are actually descendants of the royal family of the Saint Gad Empire hundreds of years ago."

Although following the old man's narration, the beloved already had a faint guess in his heart, but when the other party said it, the beloved was still full of shock.

The villagers in this hidden mountain village in front of me, this village doesn't even have a trainer, and they are bullied by a black mine businessman so that they have no power to resist.

It turned out to be a descendant of the royal family of the Saint Gaard Empire hundreds of years ago.

The small ancestral hall in front of me, located in the gloomy and humid forest, is dedicated to the royal family members left over from the Saint Gaard Empire hundreds of years ago.

I have to say that the contrast is too great, which is too shocking for the beloved.

"This happened hundreds of years ago. The Saint Gaard Empire had already been destroyed, and the royal family members who hid in the hidden world of the Higoli Mountains put down their identities and intermarried with the guards.


"The royal family of the Saint Gaard Empire no longer exists, and now we are just ordinary mountain people living in Taoyuan Village."

"About the origin of Taoyuan Village, although there are documents handed down, only every village chief knows about it, and other villagers don't know about it."

"No one, whether it's me or anyone else, will remember an empire that has long since collapsed and ceased to exist."

"After the Jin Daqi incident, our Taoyuan Village has accepted the alliance's arrangement and is preparing to move to the outside of the Higoli Mountains to start a new life."

"Today I tell this story to my benefactor, and it is the last time I will tell this story to others."

"From now on, even if a new village head is elected, this story will not continue to be passed down."

"From then on, there are no descendants of the royal family of the Saint Gather Empire in this world, only the ordinary villagers of Taoyuan Village." The old man stared at the dimly lit ancestral hall, his tone was flat with a hint of determination.

"That's right." The good man nodded.

He understood that the old man in front of him wanted to get rid of the shackles of history attached to him, and then start a new life with his tribe.

For the secret that the old man told him, the beloved also made up his mind to bury it in his heart and would not tell others.

The story of the "Sword in the Stone" that was the trigger for the collapse of the Saint Gaard Empire.

Liang Ren also learned about it in an ancient historical book when he was in the Rainbow City Library.

At the end of the Saint Gaard Empire, the power of the vassal states grew stronger, and the power and influence of the empire were constantly weakened.

The vassal states in the fief began to move around, wanting to break away from the control of the Saint Gaard Empire.

Some even want to destroy the original Saint Gaard Empire and replace it.

In the troubled times, whether it was accidental or man-made, the opportunity for the major kingdoms to rebel finally appeared.

When the last orthodox monarch of the Saint Gaard Empire, Feng Huoyou, succeeded to the throne, he was only recognized by the Holy Crown.

But Feng Huoyou couldn't pull out the sword in the stone, which was called the power token of the Holy Gad Empire together with the Holy Crown.

The royal family wanted to cover up this moment, so that Feng Huoyou could ascend the throne smoothly, but they didn't know if it was the sword in the stone, or someone was planning secretly.

When Feng Huoyou wore the holy crown on his head, held the sword in the stone and sat in a luxurious car, he drove away from the castle and went to the world tree to carry out the final ceremony of succession to the throne under the eyes of the residents and nobles of the imperial capital.

The sword in the stone suddenly broke free from Feng Huoyou's hand and landed in the center of the square in Ouludran City. At that time, all the nobles and residents in the city who watched Prince Feng Huoyou perform the final ceremony were in an uproar.

The Sword in the Stone and the Holy Crown were handed down by the first king of the empire, Saint Gad. The former is not only a symbol of royal power, but also a weapon of Saint Gad.

The sword in the stone contains the will of St. Gad. The sword in the stone is a token of royal succession, and it is also a test.

If the heir to the throne is not recognized by Saint Gadde, there is no way to draw the sword in the stone.

The history books say that this is a lie fabricated by the royal family of the Saint Gaard Empire, but in fact anyone can pull out the sword in the stone.

The reason why the royal family described it in this way is to elevate their own identity and promote the descendants of the first king of the empire, Saint Gad.

The reason why historians have such a conclusion is because there are many wise monarchs in the thousands of years of history of the Saint Gaard Empire.

But there are also many incompetent and cruel heirs to the throne.

However, at the throne succession ceremony, all these people were approved by Saint Gad's will and pulled out the sword in the stone that symbolized royal power.

In addition, in the process of succession to the throne of the Saint Gaard Empire, the characteristics of the sword in the stone were not used, and the heir was selected from among the princes from the very beginning.

Therefore, except for the ignorant commoners, the upper-class nobles and people in the feudal princes and kingdoms did not believe that the sword in the stone contained the will of Saint Gad.

Unexpectedly, at Feng Huoyou's throne succession ceremony, Shi Zhongjian broke free from his hand and flew away under the eyes of everyone.

This is going to be an accident, you must know the meaning of the sword in the stone...

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