Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 936 End of training, return journey

"...You go from Nibi City to Viking City, and then take the alliance staff train to the headquarters of the Quartz Plateau in Viking City."

"Although the alliance has not arranged mandatory tasks for you, you still have to go there first.

Familiarize yourself with the situation of the alliance headquarters, and at the same time learn about some work processes and work content issues with your immediate superiors. "

On the other end of the phone, Xiba warned.

"Brother, I've been training outside for more than two months. Can you let me go home? Why are you sending me to the alliance headquarters so soon?" the lover complained.

"Okay, it's just that many high-level executives in the league are very interested in you, a super genius, so they are eager to meet you."

"Of course, there is also a strong request from your immediate superior, saying that he wants to get in touch with your subordinate." Xiba said comfortingly with a smile.

"However, it doesn't take much time to come here, at least half a day and more than a day will come back." Xiba said.

"Okay, let's talk about whether my boss is a man or a woman, and how is his personality, is it easy to get along with?" My lover asked Xiba curiously.

The Pokémon Supervision Bureau is a very important functional department in the alliance, and the director of the Supervision Bureau is already considered a high-level power in the alliance.

Although it is valued by the alliance and entrusted with important tasks, and it is a relatively idle position at the same time, it is naturally impossible for a lover who is determined to climb up to be a salted fish waiting to die.

He hopes that his boss is a person who is easy to communicate and get along with, so that it will be conducive to the development of future work.

Hearing his lover's question, Xiba couldn't help showing a strange smile on his face.

"The director of the Pokémon Inspection Bureau, that is, your immediate boss, first of all, she is a woman."

"However, her personality and her swift and decisive style make all male colleagues in the league afraid of three points."

"So after you meet and after you officially start working, I believe it will be very interesting for you to get along with each other." On the other end of the phone, Xiba showed a wicked smile.

"She's a woman, but she has a vigorous and manly personality?" Liangren muttered to himself, repeating what Shiba said.

He does not discriminate against women, and Shiba's "vigorous and masculine" is not a derogatory term for a beloved man.

Although a hint of good-natured schadenfreude could be heard from Xiba's tone, the lover's interest in his boss became more and more intense.

"Okay, then I'll ride Bidiao and go directly to Tokiwa City." Liangren said.

"Okay~" Xiba on the other end of the phone nodded, as if he suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, return to Golden City as soon as possible after you go to the Alliance Headquarters to complete the registration.

There is a guy over there who has been waiting for you for a long time. According to his own words, his eggs are almost hatching. "

Speaking of this person whose name was not disclosed, Xiba's words were intimate, and there was also a hint of ridicule.

"Is someone waiting for me in Jinhuang City? Who is he?" the man who was instructing Lucario to dismantle the tent asked curiously with one hand on his waist.

"I'll keep this secret for now, and you'll know when you return to Golden City," Xiba said.

"All right……"

After hanging up the phone, Liangren looked up at the Yangjiaofeng Valley camp where he had been staying for two months, dazed.

Half a month has passed since bidding farewell to the villagers of Taoyuan Village, and Dumbbeast absorbed a cloud of imperial energy in the holy crown to break through to the heavenly king level.

Now except for the complex techniques in the four-movement inheritance skills, which have not been mastered proficiently, other inheritances of the King of Wisdom in the Emperor Qi Cloud have been thoroughly understood by it.

The level boundary has been completely stabilized.

During this half month, Bi Diao also completed the final stage challenge of Yangjiaofeng Valley Sonic, and finally reached 10,000 meters from 9,200 meters.

Bi Diao and Slow Beast broke through to the Heavenly King level one after another, which put a lot of pressure on Iron Armor Shell.

In half a month, Tiejiabei practiced and comprehended his will more seriously every day, and the breakthrough progress of Tianwang's bottleneck also increased from 43% half a month ago to 51%.

Lucario and Ivy Snake are training in the valley sound wave,

Although the level has not improved, but the physical fitness and mental strength have made great progress.

This time I came to Yuejian Mountains to experience, it can be said that the improvement of the strength of each Pokmon has far exceeded my expectations.

If you tell yourself who hasn't entered the Yuejian Mountains two months ago about the achievements of several Pokémon during these two months.

My beloved dared to say that I couldn't believe it at the time, because when I asked for leave and left school, the plan was in the notebook.

At that time, he had no idea about whether Bi Diao could break through to the Heavenly King level! ! !

"You can't give up your efforts at any time, but if you want to succeed, chance is also very important." Consciousness sensed the holy crown in the system warehouse grid, and the lover couldn't help but shook his head.

According to Xiba's request, I went to the headquarters of the Kanto Alliance today. After I came back, I wanted to talk to my mother about my life experience.



The cool breeze in the early morning, with the fragrance of the mountains, rushes towards the person, and the lover only feels refreshed.

"Okay, everyone, we are ready to leave." After packing up the things in the camp, the white plastic garbage that could not be degraded was also packed into the system warehouse and taken away.

"Yah duo - I'm ready."

"Aww - I'm ready too."



A few pets followed their beloved to sit firmly on Bi Diao's back.

"Let's go, the destination is Tokiwa City." Liangren raised his hand and pointed forward, and said in a high-spirited voice.

"Bi Diao——" Bi Diao responded with a chirping sound, and at the same time he kicked the ground and jumped up, he flapped his strong and powerful wings vigorously.


The wind in Yangjiaofeng Valley became louder, and the sound waves became more rapid, as if taking a deep breath and blowing the farewell whistle and conch with puffed cheeks.

This restricted area of ​​life, which was regarded as inaccessible by the people of Nibi City, has now been conquered by the benefactors.

One person and five pets glanced back at the Yangjiao Peak standing at the end of the valley that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and then embarked on the return journey contentedly.

Compared with the need to exercise Lucario and Ivy Snake when I came here, it took more than two weeks to walk to the Yangjiao Valley.

The return journey will be much easier and more comfortable.

Before leaving the mountain, I secretly went to Taoyuan Village to take a look and saw that there was nothing going on in the village. My beloved didn't bother them, and directly rode out of the Yuejian Mountains.

All the way to the south, I first went to Heitie City to meet Xiba and took out the garbage, and then stopped in Nibi City.

Half a year ago, he had barely reached the elite level, and Long Longyan, who faced his second echelon, had only a beloved man who was instantly killed.

Half a year later, his strength surpassed his own.

Xiaogang currently has the ace Big Steel Snake who has reached the level of a king, and the other Pokmon in the first and second teams are still at the level of a quasi-king.

Although Liangren does not have as many Pokémon as Xiaogang, he already has two Heavenly King Pokmon, Bi Diao and Slow Beast.

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