Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter Nine hundred and fortieth one: the interrogation method of the beloved


Outside the interrogation room, after seeing the man enter the door, he punched the man in black without even having a formal interrogation.

Junsha also stood in front of the one-way glass window next to her, curious to see this one who eliminated the bomb crisis by herself——

The police officers who subdued the thugs, how would the highest inspector of the alliance conduct the interrogation, were also taken aback by the action of the beloved.

Junsha, who was in charge of the interrogation of the prisoners just now, opened her mouth so wide that an egg could be stuffed in.

"Inspector Mumu looks so friendly and friendly, I didn't expect to be so violent."

"Wow~ Inspector Mumu's force value is simply amazing."



After a brief moment of surprise, he looked at the handsome young man in the interrogation room who was pulling out a piece of paper and helping the criminal wipe the blood from his mouth and nose in a refined and easy-going manner.

A group of male police officers outside the interrogation room looked at the man in the interrogation room with eyes full of admiration and said.

Hearing the comments of her subordinates, Junsha, who was still immersed in shock, couldn't help but glance at her beloved's thick and strong arms with clear muscle lines.

"You...you hit someone!!" Compared to Junsha and the police officers who quickly accepted her husband's approach, the stubborn man in black was beyond shocked.

He raised his head and stared wide-eyed at the smiling young man in front of him, as if his world view and values ​​had been subverted.

"Name?" Throwing the blood-stained paper ball into the wastebasket casually, the beloved sat down and opened the confession and asked in a thin voice.

"You are interrogating violently. You are violating the league law by doing so. I will definitely complain and report you."

The man in black looked at his beloved with anger and resentment and shouted loudly.

"Bang -" the beloved didn't answer him, but got up and punched the man in black hard on the face again.

After exercising with Pokémon for a long time, Liangren's force value has already surpassed that of a normal adult.

After receiving a heavy punch from his lover, the face of the man in black seemed to bloom, and bright red blood continued to flow from his mouth and nose.

"Union laws only protect law-abiding Union citizens. Criminals like you who carry bombs and intend to carry out terrorist attacks are not Union citizens."

"You are the enemy of the Union, the enemy of all law-abiding citizens, and the enemy of this harmonious and stable society."

"A thug like you isn't even a human being in my eyes, so why would you say I should be polite to a scum like you."

"When you disregard the laws of the alliance and disregard the right to life of others, you are no longer protected by the laws of the alliance. Do you think you have committed such a serious crime, and you can walk out unharmed?"

"Perhaps in the past you would have felt that the laws of the league were very loose, and that trash like you would not be punished too severely even if he committed a crime."

"But I have to be sorry to tell you that from the moment I join the Kanto League, the league law will no longer tolerate rubbish like you."

Looking at the stunned man in black in front of him, Liang Ren smiled and said, "So you can say it yourself, or I will let the Pokémon hypnotize you and then you can say it."

"I...I said." Knowing that the person in front of him was not the pedantic and moderate like Junsha and other police officers, the man in black finally dared not hide any more.

"It's the Rockets. The Rockets threatened me to do everything." The man in black was shaking violently like a sieve because of his fear.

"Oh, is there really a shadow of Team Rocket behind this bomb attack?" Liangren thought to himself.

When he encountered Xiba in the Yanghorn Valley before, he learned about it from Xiba.

The leader of the Rockets, Daichi Sakagi, has not shown up since his disappearance, and Sakagi Yin, the only heir of Sakagi, is also fully protected by the alliance.

The Rockets fell apart without Sakagi in charge.

Lance, one of the four generals, has always wanted to use Sakagi Yin to reintegrate the Rockets' forces.

The previous kidnapping case of the mayor's daughter of Donghushan Park in Jinhuang City was also temporarily declared bankrupt after being disrupted by a husband.

Block the border, unite with the Chengdu Baiyinshan Alliance and the newly established Orange Alliance to encircle and suppress.

Now that the remaining forces of the Rockets are constantly being consumed, the Rockets can be said to have been cornered.

In order to prevent the extremists in the Rockets from jumping over the wall in a hurry, the four kings of the alliance and search teams were assigned to station in major cities.

Tokiwa City is a city guarded by the Four Heavenly Kings Chrysanthemum, but today an inauguration ceremony will be held for her beloved.

In order to show importance, Chrysanthemum, the veteran of the alliance, also rushed back to the headquarters of the alliance on Quartz Plateau.

Originally, this was all done in secret, and at most it would delay for half a day.

Unexpectedly, the Rockets received the news and took advantage of this window to launch a suicide bomb terrorist attack in Viridian City.

"In this way, the occurrence of this terrorist bomb attack has something to do with me." My husband thought to himself.



After being punched twice by his lover, the man in black who was very stubborn at first, now told the details of the incident like beans poured from a bamboo tube.

Although the Rockets are an underground evil force, they also have many legal industries as cover on the surface.

As an important branch base of the Rockets, Tokiwa City also has a lot of Rockets' properties, and this man in black is the bartender of a disco owned by the Rockets.

After the Rockets lost ground, the man in black lost his job and owed huge gambling debts due to gambling.

Unexpectedly, all of this was a trap for the Rockets. Afterwards, the Rockets dunked on his debts and took his wife and daughter away.

Then let him carry out this suicide bomb attack on the condition of the safety of his wife and children and his gambling debts.

"... Who would have thought that it was broken by you, my lord, and now I don't know where the Rockets are." The man in black said with his head down.

"If you think about it carefully, if you can help us arrest the Rockets, you will be considered guilty and meritorious~"

"At that time, I believe that the court will give you a lighter or reduced sentence in the trial. In addition, your gambling debts will be exempted, and the police and I will do our best to rescue your wife and children."

Seeing the man in black saying that he didn't know where Team Rocket was, he didn't feel embarrassed, but looked at the man in black calmly and said.

"My lord, is what you said true? As long as I commit crimes and perform meritorious service, the court will reduce my sentence." There was hope again in the dark eyes of the man in black.

"Of course, the premise is that you can help the police catch the Rockets." The good man nodded with a smile.

Seeing the reaction of the man in black, he already knew that the matter was basically settled.

After the bomb attack case is solved, the Rockets will inevitably transfer as soon as possible.

However, the man in black had more contact with this group of Rockets, and the clues he had must not be comparable to him and the police.

"Okay, I will definitely try my best to cover my crimes and make meritorious deeds." The man in black nodded emphatically.

After experiencing this bomb attack, the man in black also realized that no matter how difficult life is, as long as he is alive, there is always hope.

If you can live well, don't think about dying.


"After the Rockets lost power, there were not many remaining old departments in Viridian City, and most of them were huddled in the old city."

"Although I was arrested that day with my head covered, I am a native of Tokiwa City. I have also lived in the old city for many years. According to what I heard at the time, I heard some nearby voices."

"Although I don't know where the Rockets have moved to now, I know that last time I was taken to the former site of the Xinyuan Pharmaceutical Factory in the old city."

"If you go there, my lord, you might be able to find some clues." The man in black raised his head to look at his beloved, "My lord, am I doing this for a crime?"


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