Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 948 Arriving at the Quartz Plateau

"Son, do you want to go home for lunch?" Liangzi asked happily on the phone.

Four Team Rocket terrorists were subdued.

Ryoto first accepted a simple interview with Tokiwa TV Station, and then followed Junsha to the police station.

Slowly Beast has now broken through to the Heavenly King level, a move of healing fluctuations and mental transfer was performed, and the emotions of the four Rockets who had collapsed gradually calmed down.

Using bombs to carry out terrorist attacks, coupled with the status of members of Team Rocket, what awaits them is life imprisonment.

No matter before being brought to trial by law.

The league will also find ways to pry out more information about the Rockets from their mouths to prepare for the next big cleanup.

However, these are not what Liangren needs to participate in for the time being. After joining the alliance, he was appointed as the highest supervisor of the Supervision Bureau.

At present, generally speaking, he is just an idle job. Even if he wants to do something in this job, he is still reviewing and assessing the work of the gymnasium.

After helping the Pokmon recover from the Pokémon Center, I was about to go to the Quartz Plateau to take up my post. I didn't expect a call from home.

I heard that my mother didn't blame him for taking the risk alone just now, but asked him if he would go home for lunch as if nothing happened.

My husband's heart warmed and he said, "Mom, I'm sorry, just now I... made you and dad worry."

Hearing his beloved's words, Yoshiko who was holding the phone on the other end of the phone was silent for a while.

"In your position, you should seek your job. Now that you have joined the alliance, there are some things that are dangerous, but your duty has to be done."

"Although your dad and I were a little worried at the beginning, but now that you have grown up, we believe that you have the ability to handle these things well."

"Your dad and I are proud of you, but the only hope of being a mom is that when you do these things in the future, you must pay attention to safety."

Yoshito Mumu did not speak on the other end of the phone, but Liangren knew that was all he wanted to say.

"Don't worry, Mom, I will protect myself." My beloved nodded solemnly.

"I'll go to the headquarters of the Quartz Plateau Alliance in a while. I probably won't be able to come back at noon, but I will definitely go home at night."


After hanging up the phone, Ryoto walked towards the cultural square subway station outside the Pokémon Center with Slowly Beast and Lucario.

Although there was a terrorist bomb attack in the subway station just now, it was discovered by a good man, so there were no casualties and no major loss of public property.

The subway was stopped for half an hour and then resumed normal operation. Many police officers were sent to patrol the subway station in Riga, and the citizens took it with peace of mind.



"Wood Inspector~"

"Hello, Mumu Inspector"

Liangren approached with the Pokémon, and all the patrolling police officers who saw him stopped and greeted him with admiration.

"Thank you everyone~" My husband also smiled at the police officers and greeted them in an easy-going manner.

Then he walked into the entrance of the special train for Union personnel. After going down to the platform and waiting for a few minutes, Yoshito entered the compartment of the train together with other Union staff waiting for the train.

Half a month ago, Liang Ren detected the population abduction case in Taoyuan Village and proposed to the alliance to conduct a population census in the entire Kanto region.

After Bidiao broke through to the Heavenly King level in the hands of his beloved, he was recruited by the alliance and was appointed as the highest inspector of the Pokémon Inspection Bureau.

Compared with ordinary people and civilians in other regions who knew Liangren because of the Yunhai training video, Liangren had a greater reputation in the alliance.

As he approached the staff train with two Pokémon, everyone around couldn't help sneaking glances at him.

I was curious in my heart, but looked at it openly and was afraid of offending this inspector who was younger than me but had a higher position, strength, and reputation than me.

The beloved smiled politely at everyone, and then leaned against Lucario to take a nap and rest with the dumb beast in his arms.

It was just dawn in the morning, and after a simple breakfast, he rode Bi Diao and took a few Pokmon to leave the Yangjiaofeng Valley.

After coming out of the Tsukimi Mountains, he went to Black Iron City, and then stayed in Nibi City for a while before rushing to Tokiwa City.

Originally thought it would be smooth, he took the alliance staff train to the headquarters of the Quartz Plateau Alliance to register for duty performance, and then he could go home.

I didn't expect to meet Team Rocket in Tokiwa City, and launched a bomb terrorist attack while Chrysanthemum, who was stationed in Tokiwa Gym, returned to the alliance.

After being involved in it, after a tossing, the beloved also felt a little physically and mentally exhausted.

After taking a nap for twenty minutes, no one in the carriage came to disturb him.

The five-section white maglev high-speed train departs from Joban City and travels all the way to the northwest.

Flying over the Evergreen Forest, passing through the desolate and vast Soss Plain, after the herringbone railway under the Quartz Plateau turns.

The long white steel dragon quickly turned into a snowstorm train, speeding through the rolling snow mountains until it passed through a long snowstorm tunnel.

The special train finally arrived at the alliance headquarters: Quartz Plateau.

"Passengers, the train has arrived at Quartz Plateau Station.

Passengers going to Quartz Plateau should get off from the left door one by one. When getting off, please pay attention to the gap between the train and the platform. "

It took half an hour for the special train to stop for the first time after leaving Tokiwa City.

"Inspector Mumu, wake up~ The special train has arrived at the Quartz Plateau."

"Hmm..." Between half asleep and half awake, the beloved felt someone pat him on the shoulder and reminded him softly in his ear.

"Have you arrived yet?" My beloved opened his eyes and glanced out of the train window.

"The train has arrived at the Quartz Plateau. It should be the first time inspector Mumu has come to the Alliance headquarters today." It was a young woman in business attire holding a folder who woke up her lover.

"Well, I'm here today to take up my post at the Alliance Headquarters." My beloved nodded.

"Mumu inspector, you don't need to get out of the car, wait for two more stops, and get off at the Alliance Parliament building."

"That's it, thank you." Looking at the female staff who turned to leave, the beloved thanked politely.

After the train started again, Liangren glanced at the line station map above the door next to him.

[Quartz Plateau] is just the first stop, and there are several more stops behind, like the Pokémon Inspection Bureau where the good man works, and the [Parliament Building] where the female staff asked him to get off at the third stop just now.

The Quartz Plateau is very large. The venue for the league conference held every five years, the players’ village, etc., only occupy a small part of the Quartz Plateau.

The alliance headquarters alone is like a small town. The staff train passes through the middle of the town, and people get on and off the train all the way.

Compared with not stopping once before the Quartz Plateau, after arriving at the town complex where the headquarters of the Quartz Alliance is located, the site suddenly became denser.


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