Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 950: Beloved’s Inauguration Ceremony

"Our Mr. Inspector, everyone has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Sure enough, heroes come out of teenagers. In the future, the alliance will have to rely on young people like you to carry the banner."

"I said, beloved, your main task now is to improve your strength, and the top inspector of the Pokémon Inspection Bureau is also a idle job.

But since it's an idle job, one more is not too much, are you interested in coming to our alliance's highest police station to take an idle job? "

"Young man, come to our alliance executive committee. I will let you manage the flame of the alliance competition. This job is very leisurely."



Seeing him stepping into the meeting room, the leaders of various departments of the alliance who started frantically recruiting him, Liangren suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

In the end, it was the main seat. The old lady Chrysanthemum, who my husband had met in the Changpan gymnasium before, spoke to resolve this strange situation.

"Ahem..." The old woman coughed and said, "Everyone, please pay attention to your identities, don't scare the newcomers."




Hearing what the old lady Chrysanthemum said, a group of members of the House of Representatives and people in power in various functional departments of the alliance also realized that they were a little too excited just now, and couldn't help but smile embarrassingly.

However, Liangren had just been guided to his seat by the female staff, just when he was about to put the accompanying Silly Beast and Lucario into the baby ball.

Sitting with the old lady Chrysanthemum on the main seat, another intellectual and elegant woman with wine red hair suddenly spoke.

"When did your dull beast break through to the Heavenly King level?"

Kona's words were like a blockbuster, causing an uproar in the conference room.

"What? This dumb beast has the strength of a heavenly king." A congressman's eyes widened.

A congressman across the long table also opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief, "In addition to Bi Diao, there is actually a second Pokémon with the strength of a heavenly king!!!"

"Cultivate a slow-witted beast to the level of a king, and you are the only one in our Kanto League record."

"My darling, at the age of 13, you have bred a Pokémon with the strength of a heavenly king, and there are still two of them."



The news that Liangren Bidiao broke through to the Heavenly King level was sent back to the alliance by Xiba, which caused a great shock in the alliance at that time.

The alliance's highest meeting, which is only held once a year, unexpectedly held an exception, just to discuss what kind of appointment should be given to his beloved.

Just because Bi Diao broke through to the Heavenly King level, the high level of the alliance's power has raised the importance of his lover to a higher level than Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, the two Heavenly King's reserves.

Now that it is known that the slow beast in the hands of the beloved has also broken through the king level, the high-ranking members of the alliance power in the entire conference room suddenly fell into madness.

Jun Sharou, who was wearing a dark blue police uniform sitting next to her lover, couldn't help but tugged at her sleeve.

"Hmm~" The beloved turned his head and looked curiously.

"Brother Liangren, would you like to come to my sister's highest police station in the alliance, how about I let you be the deputy chief police inspector?" Jun Sharou winked at him playfully, and directly used a beauty trick to solicit her.

In the alliance's highest police station, the police ranks are divided into five grades and thirteen grades.

1. Chief Superintendent and Deputy Chief Superintendent;

2. Superintendent (level 1, level 2, level 3)

3. Superintendent (level 1, level 2, level 3)

4. Superintendent (level 1, level 2, level 3)

5. Police officers (level 1, level 2).


As Junsha Rou, the highest police chief in the alliance, her police rank is only Chief Superintendent, but she didn't expect that the other party directly offered the position of Deputy Chief Superintendent to recruit him.

But the beloved did not agree.

After all, he is now the highest inspector of the Pokémon Inspection Bureau, and he is also the second in command besides the director.

He has all the functions and authority that he should have. He said that it is a idle job, but he is just unwilling to do it.

Moreover, compared with the Deputy Chief Superintendent of the Supreme Police Station, Ryoto values ​​his current position as the Supreme Inspector of the Supervision Bureau more.

At least that's the case before helping my elder brother sit firmly in the position of the head of the Viki Pan Gym.

And to help his elder brother sit on the position of the head of the Viking Gym, the beloved doesn't need to borrow his power to do anything from it.

As long as he has the position of the highest inspector of the Supervision Bureau, he has the power to directly cancel the gymnasium and grant badges to trainers and shut down the gymnasium.

Even if he doesn't do anything, when other people or forces compete with his big brother Taoya for the position of the head of the Viki Pan Gym, they must carefully weigh it in their hearts.

Joey Nan was sitting next to Junsha Rou, and saw this woman poaching the wall in front of him.

Qiao Yinan raised his brows, "Little girl, after the inauguration ceremony is over, we will go downstairs to practice on the battlefield."

"Farewell, male sister, as the only Heavenly King trainer in the alliance who owns a divine beast, aren't you bullying others~"

Hearing Qiao Yinan's threat, Jun Sharou squeezed her chest and said in a reproachful tone.



Although I am surprised that the temperament of Junsha and Joy in front of me is different from the Junsha Joy I usually see.

However, the focus of my beloved's attention is what Junsha said in the previous sentence...

"This Joey is a heavenly king-level trainer, and she also has a divine beast in her hands." The lover who heard this was secretly surprised.

Just when the lover wanted to find out more information from Junsha Joy's conversation, Chrysanthemum, the head of the meeting room, stopped it with a smile.

"They all said pay attention to your identity, you are so noisy, you are not afraid of making the newcomers laugh."


After Chrysanthemum opened her mouth, Ryoto also put the sensational Stupid Beast and Lucario into the elf ball.

The meeting room finally entered the normal process of the inauguration ceremony.

The inauguration ceremony was presided over by Chrysanthemum, the veteran of the alliance and one of the four heavenly kings of the alliance.

The old lady first gave a speech, encouraging her husband as an elder and a senior in the alliance's workplace, expressing her ardent hope for him.

As one of the congressmen said when he walked into the conference room at the beginning, the future of the league depends on young people to carry the banner.

From the speeches of Juzi and other high-level alliance powers, Liangren felt the importance and love they have for him.

Feeling the importance attached to him by the Kanto Alliance, this puts a weight that cannot be ignored on the shoulders of the beloved who originally took this matter with a normal heart.

This is a responsibility, and it is a deeper interpretation of the sentence that my mother said on the phone when I came here, "As long as you are in your position, you should seek your job and fulfill your responsibility."

He has two Pokémon with the strength of the heavenly king in his hands, and he voluntarily joined the official organization of the alliance.

He has the responsibility to assume this strength and do a good job as the supreme inspector.

"I swear, I volunteer to join the Kanto League.

Supporting the program of the Union,

abide by the constitution of the alliance,

fulfill the duties of the Ombudsman,

implement the decisions of the Union,

Strictly abide by the discipline of the alliance,

keep the Union's secrets,

Be loyal to the alliance, work actively, and dedicate all your strength to the revival and development of the alliance and the region. "

On the rostrum of the conference hall, under the attention of the high-level executives of the Hundred People Alliance in the conference room, under the leadership of Juzi, the veteran of the alliance, as the introducer.

After a brief inaugural speech, Ryoto took the oath of office.

From today, from this moment on, he has officially become a member of the Kanto Alliance, and will no longer be recruited by other alliances and forces.

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