Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 952 Joey and Latias

At that time, Xiaogang handed over the gymnasium to his younger brother Jiro, and he himself accompanied Xiaozhi to travel to the Shenao area.

However, Takejiro, who just took over the Nibi Gym, lacks experience and strength, and the performance of the Nibi Gym's work assessment is not good. Finally, the alliance inspector Joey came to the Nibi Gym.

In order to keep the Nibi Gym from being shut down, the current trainer Takejiro and Xiaogang who returned from his trip to Sinnoh all conducted battle assessments with Inspector Joey.

In the end, both the Xiaogang brothers were defeated by Inspector Joey, and Inspector Joey sent a total of two Pokémon before and after.

One is Joey's regular partner, the lucky egg, and the second Pokémon...

"Inspector Joey's second Pokmon is one of the patron saints of the legendary Water City Odomare: Latias!!!"

The beloved recalled this part of the plot, and then looked up at his boss in front of him.

"Could it be that the inspector who appeared in the big crisis in the Nibi gymnasium with Latias in hand is the one in front of me."

Looking at Qiao Yinan's heroic back, Liangren couldn't help thinking in his heart.

If Qiao Yinan knew what his beloved was thinking, he would definitely reply, "Little clever ghost."


The Pokémon Inspection Bureau was not far from the parliament building, and soon Liangren followed Joey to the Alliance Inspection Bureau.





Walking into the Pokémon Supervision Bureau, many staff members who were immersed in their work heard the footsteps, and all raised their heads to greet Joey Nan.

There was three points of fear and seven points of admiration in the expressions of everyone. It was obvious that Qiao Yinan was very popular and prestigious in the Supervision Bureau.

However, Liangren's focus at this moment was not on the tone and demeanor of the crowd, but on all the staff in the Supervision Bureau, who he was surprised to find.

"It's all Joey!!!" My lover couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

At the beginning, I learned that my immediate boss,

The director of the Supervision Bureau is from the Joey family. Although the beloved is a little surprised, he is not surprised.

After all, there have been many Joeys who are alliance inspectors in the original work.

The reason why I was a little surprised was that before coming to the alliance headquarters, Xiba said that although his boss is a woman, he does things vigorously and has a very masculine personality.

Because of Xiba's call and the stereotype in his mind that Joey is a gentle and sweet image, he was a little surprised when he found out that his boss was Joey.

But Joey was the staff member of the entire Supervision Bureau of the league. This man really didn't expect it, so he was very surprised.

Joey Nan and the other Joeys in the hall saw his beloved's reaction, but everyone was not surprised.

It is already surprising that Joey is the league inspector, not to mention that the entire inspectorate is Joey.

"Xiaochun, tell everyone in the bureau to gather at the back to face the battlefield." Qiao Yinan stopped a staff member and said.

"Okay, male sister~"

After Qiao Yichun agreed, she went directly to the broadcasting room next to her, "Everyone, put aside the matter at hand, and the male sister asked us to gather downstairs for the battlefield."


Called by Qiao Yinan, all the staff working in the Supervision Bureau today gathered in a glass dome battle field behind the lobby on the first floor.

The beloved secretly looked around and counted, there were nearly fifty Joeys.


Of course, when the lover secretly looked at these Joeys, the Joeys present were also secretly looking at him.

When the alliance announced the appointment of personnel, the Joeys in the Supervision Bureau already knew that they would welcome a new colleague.

And this new colleague is no longer a sister in the clan, but a handsome little brother, a well-known star trainer in the Kanto region.

Seeing a real person now, the Joeys who were present blinked at each other one by one, gossiping silently.

"Let me introduce to you, this is our new colleague, a talented star trainer who is famous in Kanto, famous and famous all over the world: Ryoto Mumu!!!"

Joey took his lover to the battle field, and told him to face the small women's team in front of him like a lecture.

However, for Qiao Yinan's introduction of "Kanto-renowned, famous, and world-renowned genius star trainer", not only was he not happy, but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Hello everyone, I'm Liangren Mumu. Please give me your advice in the future work." Although he didn't know what Qiao Yinan's plans were, the husband always maintained a humble attitude.

"It's not about teaching. As the only supreme inspector in the bureau, you should guide them in their work." Qiao Yinan said.

However, before my lover could figure out why she said that, Qiao Yinan suddenly changed his subject, "But as the second in command in the bureau, if you want to be above everyone, you have to show your strength to convince everyone."

"Because the rule in our Supervision Bureau is that strength comes first." Qiao Yinan turned to look at his beloved and said.

"Then what should I do?" Hearing Qiao Yinan's words, the beloved finally understood why the woman raised him so high when she introduced herself just now.

"Although it's not a malicious flattery, but if you want to secure the position of the supreme inspector, you still have to show your hand after all~"

The lover secretly thought that Qiao Yinan had already spoken again.

"According to the rules in our Supervision Bureau, you can be promoted if you beat someone with a higher position than you, and you can get a raise if you beat someone with the same rank as you."

"Originally, you have to fight against me and get my approval to serve as the Supreme Inspector, but you were appointed by the alliance personnel, so you can skip this link."

"However, the supreme inspector is not only a position in the bureau, but also an honor that all the sisters in the bureau have been striving for."

"If you want to sit in this position, you need their approval." Joey said with a hook on his lips.

"Then what should I do?" The man couldn't deny what Qiao Yinan said, he also raised the corner of his mouth, and asked again with the same words.

"It's very simple, accept their challenge and defeat them." Joey said male.

"If you are defeated by them, then your position as the highest inspector will be released to the person who defeated you."

Although when Lu Liangren came here, "everyone is unique...Joy was not born to be an elf nurse", which made her feel better.

However, the current appearance of the Alliance Supervision Bureau was created by her alone. This is his glory and the place where the sisters in the clan pursue themselves.

Therefore, although the alliance has issued a personnel appointment letter.

But if the lover doesn't have the ability to get the approval of the sisters in the bureau, then she won't let him take the position of supreme inspector.

Hearing Qiao Yinan's words, the smile on the corner of his lover's mouth became more and more obvious.

Although he understands Joey's thoughts very well, and appreciates Joey's vigorous and resolute style of doing things, he has no ill feeling towards this cold and arrogant Joey.

However, the beloved is still a little displeased with Qiao Yinan's dismounting, and feels that this woman is a little too arrogant.

Especially the sentence just now, "If you want to be the supreme inspector, you have to fight against me and get my approval, but since you are appointed by the alliance, then skip this part."

I don't know if Qiao Yinan meant it when he said this, or if he was too sensitive.

He somewhat felt that there was a trace of disdain and disapproval hidden in Joy's male tone, which made the lover feel a little bit damaged in self-esteem, after all, in front of a large group of opposite sexes.

Since it is unpleasant, my beloved will not hide it.

"Since there is such a rule in the bureau, I am willing to accept the challenge of everyone present."

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