Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 983: The Crow Takes the Plane

"Dabi Bird, use Lightning Flash." Wei Weili continued to use bodybuilding to improve his offense and defense, and the tall and thin man on the opposite side finally launched an offensive.

"Bi Diao Diao——!" The bird chirped in the sky.

Jumped up and stabbed down, the sharp beak rubbed against the air to produce a piercing white flame, like a speeding arrow swooping towards the strange force.

"Finally can't help but attack?" Hearing the command of the tall and thin man opposite, the short-haired boy with prickly hair showed a smile of successful plan on his face.

"Then let you see what it means to fly a crow." The corner of the boy's mouth raised, and he exchanged a look with Wei Li, without giving any instructions.


Bi Diao's speed is very fast, and under the explosive acceleration of lightning, Bi Diao's speed has reached a limit.

The audience outside the stadium only saw a white 'Z' shaped zigzag line flashing across the field, and in the next second Bi Diao had already rushed in front of Wei Li.

However, instead of retreating, the strange force on the field made a very strange gesture.

The lover in the event registration hall who has martial arts skills knows very well that this movement is the beginning of a front flip. Sure enough, the next second——


"Hey, cough——!!"

Just when he was about to be hit by Bi Diao's flash of lightning, Guai Li let out a loud roar, jumped up with both feet, and jumped just above Bi Diao with a front flip.


"Bi Diao Diao—!!" Bi Diao, who was sitting on his back by Wei Li and clamped by Wei Li's legs at the same time, bearing the weight of his body and being squeezed, suddenly showed a look of panic.

"It's not bad for a strange crow to fly on a plane." Seeing Bi Diao who was riding on Wei Li's crumbling body, the short-haired, prickly-headed boy grinned at the tall and thin man opposite him with a big smile.

"Damn it!!" The thin and tall man cursed in his heart, and roared anxiously and angrily: "Dabi Bird, quickly use the quick return to throw it off me."

"Bi Diao——" Bi Diao, who had received the order, flapped his wings vigorously and flew towards the sky, but the young man off the field still had a confident smile on his face.

"Wei Li, let the other party see our unique move." The young man raised his head and shouted loudly: "Use the combination skill——Thunder Frozen Fist!!!"

Hearing this strange name, in the competition registration hall, Liang Ren who was about to go to the counter to register for the competition also stopped curiously, preparing to watch the rest of the competition.

Yes, Bi Diao was doomed to lose the moment he was ridden on his back by a strange force and was approached.

The correct way of thinking is to maintain an appropriate distance for long-range attacks.

Of course, the thin and tall man chose to let Bi Diao use Lightning Flash, perhaps because Bi Diao didn't have any long-range special attack skills in his skill pool.

After all, under normal circumstances, Bi Diao would not be able to comprehend too sharp special attack skills without the help of skill discs.

As for why the thin and tall man didn't buy skill discs to make up for Bi Diao's shortcomings.

It can only be said that not every trainer has the financial resources, and it is not possible to spend a lot of money to buy high-quality skill discs to learn the above skills 100% like Liang Ren.

"Ni cough—" Just as the lover stopped, the strange force on the field also showed him the combination skill called Thunder Frozen Fist.


evolved to its final form,

With the strange power of four arms, the lower two arms use Thunder Fist, and the upper two arms use Freezing Fist.

Four muscular and muscular arms swung round and smashed down, a golden and violent thunder gang, and a white and bitter frost.

"Bang bang bang bang..."


The fist was like a drum hammer, and it came down like a gust of wind and rain. In panic, Bi Diao let out a cry like his deadly rival, a toucan.

Electricity and ice attributes are the nemesis of flying-type Pokémon. Thunder Fist and Frozen Fist smashed down indiscriminately, Bi Diao Bird turned his eyes and fell directly to the field below.

Wei Li did not fall along with Bi Diao, but raised his legs and kicked Bi Diao's body as a supporting point, and then jumped up suddenly.


In mid-air, Weili is like a high platform diver, tucking his knees in the air and doing 360° turns continuously.

"Bang!!!" When Bi Diao fell to the field, Wei Li was like a gymnast doing finishing moves, opening his arms obliquely, and standing upright on the field.

"Ho Ho..."

"Strange power...strange power..."


The final result of the competition has not yet been announced, and the audience outside the venue has already burst into enthusiastic cheers because of the magnificent ending of the strange force.

"Let's congratulate Daisuke Motomiya and his strange power..."


"It turns out that the combined technique "Thunder Frozen Fist" is to use Thunder Fist and Frozen Fist together. Daisuke is really a little genius named after him. "

After muttering to himself and teasing in a low voice, the beloved also walked towards the front desk with a few Pokémon.

"Hi, I'm signing up for a 2v2 match. The participating Pokémon are Lucario and Ivy Snake."

Walking to an empty window, Liang Ren handed over the identity crystal card of the arena and said.

"Ah! Mr. Liangren, good afternoon, long time no see." Looking up and seeing the person coming, the female staff behind the counter was full of surprise and excitement.

"Good afternoon~" My lover also politely responded.

The female staff moved nimbly and helped the lover to register for the competition with far more than usual work efficiency, then raised her head and looked at the husband happily.

"Mr. Liangren, can you sign my elf ball?" the female staff member asked.

"Okay, no problem." My beloved didn't refuse the other party's small request, and skillfully signed his dazzled name on the super ball handed over by the female staff.

"Thank you, Mr. Liangren, your competition venue is arranged at the No. 1 sub-venue..."

"Okay, thank you." After the beloved thanked the female staff, he turned around and left with the Pokémon.

Jinhuang Middle School is the talent transfer base of the Kanto Alliance, and it is also the place where trainers are most concentrated in Jinhuang City except for the city arena.

In the morning, the school's network media center sent the exclusive interview video of Liangren to the school's official website, official Weibo, official Weibo and other video self-media accounts. The news that Liangren has returned to Jinhuang City has spread in Jinhuang City.

Seeing Silly Beast, Lucario, and Ivy Snake, many trainers in the competition hall recognized the identity of the beloved.

Those who are familiar with him greet him enthusiastically, those who are half-acquainted with him will make friends with him, and those who are not familiar with him stop and look at the lover from a distance.



After chatting a few words with the familiar trainers, they came to the waiting hall of the No. 1 branch venue, which aroused discussions among the trainers in the hall.

"My dear, you are treated like a star wherever you go now." The short-haired, prickly-haired boy who had just retired from the field came over and teased sourly.

"Don't talk about me, I saw the game just now, and your boy is not very popular in the city arena yet."

"The strange power was also very good just now, although the name of the Thunder Frozen Fist at the end is very fucking." Looking at Fa Xiao, the beloved also smiled.

"No matter how popular you are, you are not as popular as you are." Daisuke shook his head, seeing his lover talk about the combination of strange power, Daisuke showed a bright smile again.

"The Thunder Frozen Fist with strange power was completed after a long time of special training, and it was specially prepared for you. When you have time, let your Bi Diao fight with my strange power." Daisuke said.

As for Daisuke's proposal, Ryoto readily accepted, "Okay, I just want to show you Bi Diao's unique move: air blast."

"Pretend I didn't say that just now, let your Bi Diao blast the air, why won't my strange power fight against you?"

"come on……"


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