Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1123 The Force of Nature, the Contest of Wind and Thunder! !

The latest website: "Wait, I know, it's lightning, it's a natural force!!" My beloved suddenly yelled in his heart.

Lightning Bird's speed race value is obviously not high, and it has also lowered its own strength to the same level as that of the previous bird. It stands to reason that the speed should not be comparable to that of the previous bird.

But in fact, the Lightning Bird has slowly changed from lagging behind at the beginning to keeping pace with each other, and now its flying speed has surpassed Bi Diao.

The beloved couldn't figure it out, but just now a thunderbolt in the sky woke him up suddenly, and a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he probably understood the reason.

The Lightning Bird guarding the Island of Thunder is called the God of Thunder, although at the moment its strength is lowered than that of the eagle.

But as an existence beyond the champion[ www.xbqg5200.xyz] level, Lightning Bird's comprehension of the natural force and mastery of the laws are not possessed by Bi Diao, and even if the strength is lowered, it still exists.

Whether it is the law or the natural force that he understood when he broke through the championship, these things have all been integrated into the body and energy of the lightning bird.

The Lightning Bird's suppression of strength only confines a part of the power in the body, and the remaining part can only exert the strength of the heavenly king.

Although the lightning bird can control the amount of power that can be mobilized in the body, it cannot change the quality.

Because the power in Pokémon's body changes from gaseous state → liquid state → solid state →... This process of continuous improvement in quality is one-way and irreversible.

Breaking through the natural force comprehended at the champion level, the power of the laws of heaven and earth at the level of beasts has been integrated into the power in the lightning bird. It is conceivable how much higher the quality of the power in the lightning bird is than the king-level power in Bidiao.

If the two are compared to fuel, then the power in Bi Diao's body is like dry wood, while the power in Lightning Bird's body is underground oil.

Because the strength is lowered to the same heavenly king level as Bidiao, the amount of oil used by the Lightning Bird and the energy produced after burning are roughly equal to the energy produced by the burning of Bidiao's pile of firewood.

This is the essence of Lightning Bird's ability to lower its strength. It only and can only control the amount of power in the body that it uses.

If it is really just such a simple use of burning fuel, then perhaps a large pile of dry wood and a small barrel of oil can be equated.

But the key is that Pokémon's use of internal power is not that simple.

The Bidiao has a high speed race value, so it can be considered that the Bidiao has a high-end engine, and the Lightning Bird has a low speed race value, so it can be thought that it is equipped with a slightly inferior engine.

Bi Diao uses the "king-level inferior engine oil" in its body to drive a high-end engine, and Lightning Bird uses the "beast-level high-quality engine oil" in its body to drive an engine with slightly lower performance.

The energy actually exerted by both parties is different from the simple burning described above.

Specifically, high-end engine hardware can bring a greater premium, or high-quality fuel will bring excess returns.

Then it depends on whether the performance weight of the part of the Bidiao engine that exceeds that of the Lightning Bird engine is greater, or the weight of the part of the engine oil in the Lightning Bird that exceeds the engine oil in the Bidiao is greater.

In the race just now, although Bi Diao took the lead and left the Lightning Bird far behind, he was quickly caught up and overtaken by the Lightning Bird.

It can be seen that although Bi Diao has a considerable advantage in speed and race value, the strength of Lightning Bird is greater than that of Bi Diao in terms of quality.

"Is it really a "natural force"~" Switching the perspective to Bi Diao, through Bi Diao's sharp eyes, Liang Ren really saw a thin layer of Thunder Gang around the Lightning Bird.

If Bi Diao uses speed-up skills such as "downwind, high-speed movement...", there seems to be a gust of wind behind him pushing it forward.

Then the Lightning Bird turns itself into a thunderbolt and flies forward at lightning speed. The two sides compare and decide instantly.

"哱~" The bird competed with the speed and overtook the opponent. After a while, the lightning bird seemed to lose interest in this game.

After reminding Bi Diao who was following with a high-pitched bird song, the Lightning Bird finally started to attack.

"Chila!!" The Lightning Bird waved its golden-yellow wings with black inner sides, which looked like two-layer feathered wings, and a bolt of lightning as thick as an arm slammed towards Bi Diao.

At this moment, the beloved is still immersed in the power of nature that the lightning bird inadvertently showed just now, and has not recovered.

He was amazed at the powerful increase brought by the natural force, and at the same time, he was also thinking about how to make Bi Diao and others realize their own natural force.

Lucario and Monarch Snake have already begun to sprint towards the Quasi-Uranus King. I believe that whether it is to break through the Quasi-Uranus King or the Uranus King, it will take less time than the main force of the three first-echelon teams of Slow Beast.

Bi Diao, Silly Beast, and Tiejiabei are the pioneers, and it would be a shame if they were easily overtaken by Lucario and the others.

Now that the three main players have broken through to the king level, it is time to consider how to hit the championship and understand the natural trend.

Of course, just now Lightning Bird lowered its strength to the same level as Bi Diao's Heavenly King, but it was still able to perform so powerfully. Liangren believes that there should be a higher level of power and a deeper reason besides the natural force.

It's just that limited by his own strength and vision, he can't see my beloved for a while.


The lover is absorbed in thinking about the problem of comprehending the power of nature, while Bi Diao and Lightning Bird are fighting fiercely outside.

On the stone platform, Nanako and a group of Pokémon thought that her husband was silently commanding the battle through the bond link, and cheered and supported Bi Diao excitedly.

But in fact, at this moment, Bi Diao is fighting against the Lightning Bird alone. Fortunately, all the Pokmon under Liangren's hands are very capable of fighting independently, and Bi Diao was not too embarrassed for a while.

"Boom~" used the dodge skill of "shrinking small" to avoid the 100,000 volts from the lightning bird, and Bi Diao, who had recovered his original body, shook his head and hit the wave of the dragon and blasted back.

Sudden lift-off, sudden landing, low-altitude flight into the dense stone forest, chasing each other, the two sides use skills to bombard each other from time to time.

The strength has reached the level of the Lightning Bird, even the innocuous control skills like electromagnetic waves, and the elementary move of the electric system "Electric Shock" can exert terrifying power in the hands of the Lightning Bird.

Electric shock, one hundred thousand volts, thunder, electromagnetic gun...

Scythe Weasel, Air Blast, Storm, Air Slash...

If the Lightning Bird is thunder, then Bi Diao is the wind, because the Lightning Bird has suppressed its strength to the early days of the king. Although the Lightning Bird is still very strong, the real combat power of Bi Diao is not what the level can describe.

In the sky above the stone forest, Bi Diao and Lightning Bird fought back and forth extremely fiercely, as if the strong wind and thunder were wrestling in the air, vying for the throne of power overlord of the sky.

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