Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1142 Learning the



Release Bi Diao, Slow Beast, Iron Armor Shell, Lucario, Monarch Snake, and Little Mini Dragon to play by themselves, while Ryoto and Nanako learn festival dance and festival music from Fuyu.

"This morning we are learning the sacrificial dance "Fire Kagura". Before going to the next room to change into the sacrificial dance costumes I prepared for you, you should first choose a bird mask that you like on the wall of this room. "

Fuyu stood in front of the wall, looking at the ogre masks decorated with colorful bird feathers that he had made during this time, turned his head and said to Ryoto and Nanako.


"Okay~" Ryoto and Nanako agreed in unison, smiled at each other and walked to the wall to choose their favorite mask.

Because the next festival dance to be learned is called "Fire Kagura", Ryoto chose a red oni mask, and Nanako's side is similar.

However, the mask chosen by the beloved was worn by a boy, with a red sword feather stretched out straight on the forehead of the mask, while Nanako held more feathers on the mask, and it hung down like hair.

"Brother Liangren, look...hehe~" Nanako put the mask on her face, through the two holes on the top of the mask, the girl's eyes were full of smiles.

"Dancing is Nana's specialty, and you should teach me a little more next time." Liangren also put the fire ghost mask on his face and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, with your talent, Liangren, you can learn it soon." Regarding this point, Nanako is more confident than Liangren herself.

"I hope so." My beloved shook his head, followed by the camera crew and the drone Rotom, the two went to the next room to change into the special costumes prepared for them by Fuyu.

Then Fuyou led the two of them to another very spacious and empty room, which seemed to be a dance practice classroom with original decoration.

""Fire Kagura" is a dance danced by the ancestors in grand sacrificial activities to worship, entertain and communicate with the gods. "

""Fire Kagura" is divided into round dance, blue sky, red mirror of the sun, flame dance, magic sun rainbow, train, scorching sun, sun flower burst, dragon head dance of sun halo, flywheel Yang Yan and Xie Yang turned around and performed twelve sets of movements. "

"Because there are only three days, our learning goal today is to master the first four moves of 'Wuan Wu, Bi Luo Tian, ​​Scorching Sun and Red Mirror, and Yan Wu'.


"Before I teach the two of you how to learn "Fire Kagura", I will demonstrate it completely for the two of you. Fuyu, who was kneeling on the mat, stood up and danced this fire kagura amidst a burst of cheerful and enthusiastic festival music.

"Dingling..." The Kagura bell in his hand was waving along with his arms, making a jingling sound.

Pian Ruo Jinghong, Wan Ruo You Long are not suitable to describe Fu You who is dancing at the moment, and I don't know if he is too absorbed. My beloved feels that Fu You is like a flickering flame in front of me.

Through the hole in the mask, the eyes behind the mask seem to be jumping like two flames. When the soft beauty changes to the Cangqiu strength, the sound of waving the Kagura bell will make Liangren feel physically and mentally frightened.

Flora is the maiden of Asia Island. My husband had heard her play the "Sound of the Flute of the Sea" on the bone flute at the Golden Yellow Middle School's Huage Festival performance, but he had never seen her dance.

As Flora's older sister and a sea maiden on Asia Island, Fuyu's beliefs are more pure, and she also recognizes her identity as a sea maiden more.

At this moment, the ritual dance of "Fire Kagura" made my lover's scalp tingle. Through Fuyu's bright eyes, he seemed to be able to see that her soul was burning like a flame.

Ryoto, who can't dance and has little exposure to the art of dance, was deeply shocked. As a dancer, Nanako has completely immersed herself in Fuyu's dance at this moment.

A pair of eyes reflected Fuyu's fiery dancing posture, and two lines of hot tears flowed silently, Nanako didn't even notice it.


After an unknown amount of time, Ryoto and Nanako were brought back to their senses by the sound of the Kagura bell, and looked up at Fuyu again. Both Ryoto and Nanako were shocked.

What shocked my beloved was that this girl who had always respected Rogia and because of his status as the envoy of the sea god actually had such a side.

What shocked Nanako was that the appeal that Fuyu expressed and conveyed in the Fire Kagura Festival dance just now has reached or even surpassed the level of everyone in the dance.

"In the past, the climate of the Orange Islands was changeable, and people like priests had a high status and didn't need to work like ordinary islanders, so their physical fitness was often poor."

"In order to exercise the body while maintaining the priest's own noble manners, many sacrificial dances have been improved to have the effect of nourishing Qi."

"The same is true for this set of "Fire Kagura". As long as you learn it and keep dancing frequently, it will have a very good effect of exercising your body. After finishing the sacrificial dance, Fuyou returned to her former gentleness.

"We will study hard." Ryoto and Nanako looked at each other, then said to Fuyu solemnly.

Liangren is a practitioner of martial arts, so he is naturally very interested in this sacrificial dance that can nourish energy and exercise the body, let alone Nanako as a dancer.

"I'm very happy to hear you say that~" A beautiful smile appeared on Fuyu's face.

"This morning we learned the four sets of movements 'round dance, blue sky, scorching sun and red mirror, and flame dance'. It is not difficult to memorize and learn the dance movements, but it is difficult to comprehend the artistic conception in each set of dance movements."

"The first set of movements "round dance". When we memorize the dance movements and dance, we should imagine that there is a bonfire burning in front of us, and then open our arms around the bonfire to make a virtual hug. "

"Sacrificial dances are positioned differently according to their functions of worshiping, entertaining, and enlightening the gods, and the overall emotional tone of the dance is also quite different. "Fire Kagura" mainly entertains the gods, followed by enlightening the gods. "

"Among all the sacrificial dances, it is the least solemn and solemn, and the atmosphere is the most relaxed and joyful, so you should immerse yourself in joyful emotions during the dance."



For academic masters like Ryoto and Nanako, it is not too easy to memorize the dance moves. After Fuyu demonstrated the "round dance" once, the two quickly memorized it.

For the bonfire surrounding Xuhuo, use your body to feel the temperature of the flame, and close your eyes to feel the light from the flame through a layer of eyelids.

Drilling wood to make fire, the flames helped the ancestors drive away wild animals, illuminate darkness, and cook food.

In the process of dancing the "Fire Kagura" ritual dance, you must learn to put yourself in the shoes of the ancestors when they discovered the flame for the first time, and appreciate the role that the flame has played in human civilization from the bottom of your heart.

Ecstasy, gratitude... Immerse your body and mind in that wonderful state of mind, as if you have also turned into a burning flame.

The reason why Xueba can be called Xueba is not only because of their stronger memory, but because of their amazing comprehension and perception.

After a while, Ryoto and Nanako not only memorized the first set of dance moves of "Fire Kagura" taught by Fuyu, "Wanwu", but also comprehended the artistic conception of it smoothly.

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