Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1157: Lone Island, Distressed Boys and Little Girls! !

"Beep Eagle—"

After waiting for a few minutes, Bi Diao, who went out to find the island where he stayed, flew back.

"How's it going, Bi Diao, have you found the island where you're staying?" My beloved raised his head and asked Bi Diao hovering in the sky.

"Bi Diao—boss, I found the island." Bi Diao nodded in response to his beloved.

"lead the way."

"Bi Diao - Received!!"

After getting Bi Diao's answer, Liangren didn't care about the megalodon sharks piled up on the ice floe, and decisively took Nanako and a group of Pokmon and left on a dragon.

The sun had already sunk into the West Sea, and the last ray of sunset glow in the sky was also exhausted when the megalodon shark attacked just now, and the sky had turned dark at this moment.

But with Bi Diao helping to lead the way, my beloved and the others soon found an isolated island in the sea, but...

"There is fire, is there anyone else who has settled on this isolated island?" Nanako squinted her eyes, looking at the distant island.

"There is only a fire on the coast. It doesn't look like an island native. Most likely, it's a traveling trainer who is temporarily resting on this island."

"Although it's a bit unexpected to meet other trainers on an isolated island in the vast sea, it's not unusual to meet trainers who are also travelers while traveling."

"Let's go to the island to have a look." Although the lover said so, he still winked at Slowly Beast and Lucario, telling them to be careful.

"Hmm~" Nanako nodded. Although she had traveled abroad before, her experience was not as rich as that of her husband, so she left it to his husband to make up his mind on these matters.

Because it was getting dark, my beloved also held a flashlight in his hand to show Chenglong the way.


At the place where the fire was shining on the island, two figures, one tall and one short, saw the light of the flashlight shooting from the sea, and they also stopped what they were doing and stood up.

Wu Feitu left, and a bright moon had risen into the night sky.

Under the bright moonlight, and with the fire burning in front of them, the two figures on the hillside of the isolated island gradually became clear.

The tall one is a boy who is about the same age as my beloved, and the one next to him holding the boy's leg timidly is a little girl who is at least half his age.

"It's been almost a month,

Finally someone found this island. "On the hillside, this normally taciturn boy had a happy expression on his face when he saw someone coming to the island.

"Can we go home?" The little girl holding the boy's leg asked weakly.

"It should be possible." Although the boy was a little uncertain, he still pulled out a burning firewood from the fire, and responded to the flashlight like waving a torch.


"Stupid Beast, Lucario~" Seeing the fire, the other party waved a torch to greet him, and the lover let Chenglong swim towards the isolated island, while sending a questioning look to Stupid Beast and Lucario .

"Aww—?????? I didn't feel any malice."

"Ya Duo—?ω?`) A teenager who is a little younger than you, and a little girl, it seems that they were shipwrecked and drifted to this isolated island."

Lucario and Stupid Beast each released wave guides and superpowers, sensed it and gave their answers to their beloved.

"Brother Liangren, did you find anything?" Nanako, who couldn't understand what Silly Beast and Lucario said, tilted her head and asked curiously.

"..." My beloved didn't hide anything, and told the girl about the Slowbeast's guess.

"At first I thought he was a trainer on a trip, but I didn't expect to encounter a shipwreck and live on a deserted island." Nanako looked a little surprised.

"Then let's go to the island quickly, check the situation and see if we can help."

"Okay—" the beloved nodded.



After getting the answer from Silly Beast and Lucario, and knowing that there is no danger, the beloved did not hesitate, and ordered Chenglong to speed up and the two went to the island soon.

"I've worked hard for you today, Chenglong, come back first." The man who went ashore fed Chenglong some spirit food and energy cubes to replenish his strength, and then took it back to the baby ball.

"Bi Diao, Iron Armor Shell, Monarch Snake, Mini Dragon, you four should come back first."

"Sayuri, Meili~ Come in the baby ball too." Nanako also learned to be a good man, and took Miss Qun'er and Meilihua back to the elf ball, leaving only the snow demon girl outside to protect her safety.


Guided by the fire on the hillside, Ryoto and Nanako quickly walked up the hillside with flashlights, and saw the boy and little girl who were "distressed and stranded on a deserted island" as perceived by the superpower of the slow-wielding beast.

The clothes of the teenager and the little girl were torn, because they had no clothes to change and wash because they were living on a deserted island, and there were some dirty stains on the clothes.

But overall it can be seen that the boy is wearing a gray-blue shorts and shorts, while the little girl is wearing a dress with a light yellow like light green gradient.

And judging from the materials and fabrics, they are still very expensive. Obviously, teenagers and little girls are not children of ordinary families.

The boy had dark brown hair. Seeing Ryoto and Nanako going up the hillside, the boy looked at them with guarded eyes.

The little girl with turquoise hair in a tattered dress also timidly grabbed the hem of the boy's clothes and hid her body behind the boy.

"Don't be afraid, we are not bad people, we have no malicious intentions~" Yoshito held Nanako's hand, and the two of them gave the boy and the little girl a kind smile.

Seeing their smiles, the young man in gray-blue shorts and shorts became less alert in his eyes.

"Are you trainers?" The boy asked curiously, looking at Lucario and Silly Beast who were following his lover.

"Yes, we are trainers, can you invite us to sit down and enjoy the fire?" Liang Ren smiled and said to this cool-looking young man.

"Okay—" the boy nodded, turned around and moved a piece of dry wood and walked over, as if it was a stool.

"Please sit down." The boy put the piece of wood next to the fire, and although his expression was still cold and cold, he greeted Liangren and Nanako very politely.

"Thank you." My beloved thanked the aloof young man, and then sat down around the fire with Nanako.

"We are trainers on a trip. My name is Ryoto, and she is my girlfriend Nanako. Are you in any trouble? Tell me, maybe we can help."

The beloved's bright amber-like eyes looked at the taciturn boy and asked.

"Hmm~" Hearing his lover's initiative to ask, the boy seemed to finally know how to speak, and nodded.

"My name is Lan, and her name is Wenji." The boy, who rarely communicated with others, introduced himself, then pointed to the little girl beside him, and told his lover the name of the little girl.


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