Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1161 Leave and arrive at Satsuma Island! !



"Chenglong, let's go." After breakfast, Yoshito took Nanako's hand and sat on Chenglong's back together.

The other Pokémon were driven by Bi Diao for a ride in the sky, but Liang Ren still only kept the two Pokmon Beast and Lucario by his side.

Lucario, whose strength has been stagnant for almost two weeks, defended against the incoming giant tooth sharks with the Monarch Snake yesterday, and his level has been raised from LV.47 to LV.48.

Bi の carving: LV.55

Slowpoke: LV.62

Iron Shell: LV.54

Monarch Snake: LV.46

Mini Dragon: LV.9

Lucario: LV.48


LV.47——Quasi-Heavenly King Elementary

LV.48——Intermediate level quasi-king

LV.49——Advanced quasi-king

LV.50——The peak of quasi-king


With Lucario's quasi-king intermediate strength, he can basically protect his safety.

However, when traveling at sea, the special water environment makes it difficult for Lucario or the lover's own profound fighting skills to be fully utilized.

Encountered a wild water-type Pokémon attack, and if he accidentally fell into the sea again, without a dull beast by his side, my lover would always feel uneasy.

"Wow..." The sea breeze blew gently, and the waves rolled and jumped, making endless laughter.

Rest for one night and continue on the road. My beloved, he opened the electronic map to check it. Chenglong continued to move forward at a normal and constant speed. It took about two and a half to three hours to arrive at Satsuma Island.

"Rotom, I'm counting on you today too~" My beloved looked up at the sun rising into the sky, and the drone Rotom said.

"Buzzing..." The drone Rotom floated up and down, and the sudden increase in the buzzing sound of the rotors was a response to the beloved.

Departed from Mandolin Island yesterday morning,

Although I encountered a group of megalodon sharks in the afternoon, when I found an isolated island to settle down in the evening, I happened to meet the "victim" of the St. Peter's cruise ship a month ago.

Different Overall, yesterday's trip went smoothly, and I believe today will be the same.



The warm wind makes tourists drunk, the waves wash their feet, and the eagles spread their wings to soar. When the dumb beasts are hugging their lovers and saying that they are hungry and want to eat snacks.

Tangerine Island has arrived——

"Brother Liangren, sister Nanako!! × 2"

"Mr. Ryoto, Ms. Nanako!! ×4"

Seeing the figure riding a dragon coming from where the sea and the sky meet, two middle-aged couples with two children waved happily on the port pier of Mikan Island.

As Chenglong slowly approached the pier, Yoshito and Nanako shrugged helplessly and smiled at each other.

Who is this group of people who are not the Lan and Wenji families who left last night?

"Why are you all here—" Chenglong slowly approached the shore, supported by the power of the dumb beast, Ryoto and Nanako floated up smoothly, and then landed on the trestle of the pier.

"This time the two children had an accident, we also have some psychological shadows here, so we also plan to leave and take the two children home."

"But before we leave, we would like to formally thank you both." Lan and Wen Ji's parents said solemnly.

Looking at the two families, the beloved also had a somewhat helpless expression.

"Don't be so troublesome, you guys should take Xiaolan and Wenji away from this sad place as soon as possible." The beloved waved his hand.

"How can this work..."

"I know that in your capacity as Mr. Beloved, it would be an insult to your noble character if we say any thank you gift."

"That's why we set up a banquet at the Tangerine Hotel. Mr. Liangren and Ms. Nana must be honored, so that our two families can formally thank you both before we leave the Orange Islands and go home."

"Please~" Lan's parents and Wen Ji's parents, the two families solemnly bowed to their lover again, and said sincerely and sincerely.

"Ala, ala... Nana, what do you say?" My beloved turned his head to look at the girl beside him.

"Since you have invited us many times, it would be too unkind if we refuse again." Nanako, who knew that her beloved had let go, spoke out what was in her heart.

"Brother Liangren, let's go along with the others. Xiao Lan and Wen Ji are leaving in the afternoon, so we are saying goodbye to them both."

Hearing the girl's words, the beloved sighed and said, "Since you have said that, Nana, it seems that you really can't refuse."

"Thank you Mr. Liangren and Miss Nanako. The car is just outside the pier. Please come with us, both of you."

"Brother good man~"

"Sister Nana~"

Lan and Wenji ran forward excitedly, holding their hands and shouting.

"Chenglong, thank you for your hard work, come back first."



After Ryoto took Chenglong and a group of Pokémon back to the baby ball, he and Nanako also followed the two families towards the outside of the port pier.

Before they got close, they could see two black luxury stretch cars parked outside the port from a distance.

"Mr. Liangren, Miss Nanako, please get in the car." Wen Ji's father, Wei Dian, and Lan's father, Chao, personally opened the door for them and said.




Along the way, Lan's parents and Wen Ji's parents chatted with them warmly and cordially.

It was also full of compliments and praises, but because the beloved helped them find the missing child in distress, the two couples expressed a lot of sincerity in their words.

At the entrance of the beautifully decorated Tangerine Hotel, two black luxury stretch cars stopped slowly.

Two doormen dressed in crimson and gold rims stepped forward to open the car door warmly and politely, and greeted their loved ones out of the car.

At 8:30 in the morning, I left the isolated island where I stayed last night, and it was already after 11:00 when I arrived at Satsuma Island. I don't know how long the two families have been waiting on the pier.

When I asked just now, the other party only politely replied that I just came here, but the banquet at the Tangerine Hotel is already ready.

After being welcomed into a luxurious private room by two families, the beloved could vaguely hear some discussions of diners in the hall outside.

There is no minimum consumption limit for eating in the lobby, and there is a minimum consumption requirement in private rooms, so there are more diners in the outer lobby, and of course it is more lively.

"Who are those people? What a big show."

"It's a new face, it seems that we are not from Satsuma Island."



"Have you guys forgotten the news in the past month?"

"You're talking about the St. Peter's cruise ship encountering a huge storm at sea, and the children of two big shots fell into the sea and disappeared. Afterwards, the two big shots issued a missing person notice and offered tens of millions of alliance coins to reward the clues of the two children. The news?"

"Who is it if it's not them? The two big figures who heard that the child fell into the sea and disappeared, one is the mayor of Salo City in the Carlos area, and the other is a rich man in Raven City in the Hezhong area."

"As soon as you said it, I suddenly remembered that the "Sun Daily" pushed a revelation last night.

Yoshito Mugi, the temporary special inspector appointed by the Orange Alliance, went to an isolated island to rest in the evening when he was traveling yesterday, and found two children on the island. "

"Wouldn't it be the two children Mr. Mu Muliang found on the deserted island last night, or the two missing when the St. Peter's cruise ship fell into the sea in distress."

"It seems that the young man surrounded by the two middle-aged couples just now is holding a dull beast in his arms."

"The boy holding the dumb beast? That should be right, this is the characteristic of Mu Mu inspector."



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