Elf’s Shorts Boy

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-five chapters put out the fire, the fire hero! !

"Beep Eagle—"

"Yah Duo—"

With the two main aces, Bi Diao and Dumb Beast, joining the rescue operation, the efficiency of the rescue work has been significantly improved.

The trapped people on the lower floors were constantly being carried out of the fire by search and rescue teams and search and rescue Pokémon.

The people trapped on the high floors and the dumb beasts who were also rushed into the fire were transferred to Mega Bi Diao's back with teleportation, and then transported down by Bi Diao.

1 person...10 people...20 people...40 people...60 people...

The fire search and rescue team is responsible for the middle and low floors, while Bidiao and Dumber are responsible for the high floors. Under the command of Lucario's waveguide perception and telepathy, the division of labor between the two parties is very clear.

Soon, all the trapped people were rescued.


With the help of Lucario's waveguide perception and Slow Beast's super perception, Liangren also discovered the reason for the first time.

"Not good!!" The lover's expression changed.

Whether it's him, Lucario, or Slowly Beast, the attention is drawn to the trapped people.

Lucario's telepathy gave instructions to screen the nearest search and rescue personnel and Pokmon based on the location of the trapped person.

Because the instructions are sent one-on-one rather than in groups, and the whole command is conducted silently.

There were actually three search and rescue personnel who were "lucky" to avoid the trapped people all the way, did not get any instructions from Lucario, and then came to the upper floors of the burning building in silence.

At this moment, all the trapped people were rescued. Unexpectedly, three search and rescue team members were trapped in the fire.

"Bi Diao, Dumb Beast, hurry up and save people."

"Ah, it's too late~"

"Aniu, Ludao, Hongcun, you three jumped off the building directly, and I will let the Pokémon catch you."

"Trust me, jump!!!" The fire was lingering and the smoke was billowing, and the three search and rescue team members who met each other came to the balcony of the ninth floor of the burning building.

The poor-quality ceiling was suddenly burned down by the fire, implicating the fixed structure, and fell down like a landslide with a crash, although it was far away,

But it frightened the souls of everyone under the building.

"Mr. Good Man × 3"

"Aniu, Ludao, Hongcun, trust me, just jump down." Liangren continued to shout, Mega Bidiao and Dumbhou had already rushed over at the fastest speed.

Seeing that the fire had already burned, the three search and rescue team members who met each other finally made up their minds relying on their trust in their lover and the courage brought by this heroic profession.

"Mr. Liangren, I, Niu, believe you, I'm going to jump, catch me!!" After speaking, a sturdy figure jumped down from the balcony of the corridor on the ninth floor.

"Mr. Liangren, you are my idol, you must catch me..."

"Mr. Beloved, I love~you~~I want to give birth to you...Ya Butterfly!!!"

The three firefighters who had overcome their fear shouted, one leaped, the other leaned on the edge of the balcony with one hand, and the last one jumped out screaming like a hungry tiger.

The body was weightless and fell at a super speed. Fortunately, the slow beast arrived in time, and it moved over the Mega Bi Diao in an instant, and the super power was activated.

The slow-witted beast at this moment seems to be like the Super Y who appeared in the theatrical version of "Genesect at Speed ​​- Awakening of Mewtwo".

Because the speed of movement was too fast, a series of overlapping phantoms appeared around the body. With two small hands supported, the three search and rescue team members who were falling weightlessly and speeding seemed to have been pressed the time pause button.

The three people who were imprisoned no longer fell, and then moved to Mega Bidiao's body supported by the dumb beast with the power of thought.

The super power package, one teleportation, three people and two pets returned to the ground safe and sound.


"Papa papa..."

"Papa papa..."

At some point in the crowd of onlookers who got closer, a person yelled 'Yes'.

Regardless of whether they were involved in the firefighting or not, the rescuers or the rescued trapped people outside the burning building looked at the figure in front of them and applauded from the bottom of their hearts.

"Mr. Beloved, thank you~" Russell saluted his Beloved.

"Mr. Liangren, thank you~"

Seeing Russell's actions, Junsha and a group of firefighters who reacted also stood up straight side by side, and solemnly gave a warning salute to her husband.

If the crowd cheered and applauded, he could still remain calm and calm, but Russell and a group of firefighters saluted him so solemnly, the lover could not.

"What are you all doing? I should be the one who should say thank you, as well as the people trapped in the fire and the residents of the island who were rescued by you."

"I just did what I could and what I should have done. It was all of you who rushed into the flames to save people just now. From the beginning to the end, I just stood outside the fire without any danger."

The beloved waved his hand, turned around 360° and solemnly saluted every saluting firefighter.

"I only participated in one firefighting, and I was treated like a hero by everyone."

"I don't know that all of you have participated in many fire-fighting operations in this position, and rescued countless trapped people at your own risk."

"So you must not thank and salute to me, it is me and the other islanders who should thank and salute.

All of you are the real heroes. All the fire officers and soldiers who stick to this post and all the firefighters and fire fighting Pokémon who sacrifice their own safety to save others in times of crisis are the real heroes. "

"Here, on behalf of all the island residents rescued and protected by you, I sincerely thank all of you for your dedication, thank you—"

The beloved solemnly bowed deeply to Russell, Junsha, and a group of firefighters and firefighting Pokémon.

"Thank you——" Hearing the call made by the beloved just now and the example he set at this moment, the surrounding islanders looked at each other with some shame, and then followed the beloved to Junsha and the fire officers and soldiers. .

Just as Liaoren said, because of fame, social status, and because of the show-like behavior, many of them worship certain stars as heroes and idols.

Who doesn't know that the real heroes are by their side and silently guarding the safety of their lives and properties, the police, doctors, and the group of simple, honest and lovely fire officers and soldiers in front of them.



The rescued trapped people were sent to the hospital by Junsha's arrangement. Liangren, Russell and a group of firefighters continued to put out the fire.

"The Squirrel Fire Team get ready, use the water cannon—"

"Camey Turtle fire squad get ready, use water cannon—"

"Blazka fire squad ready, use water cannon—"

"Monarch Snake, use the water cannon!!"

"Mini dragon, keep praying for rain!!"



There were no people trapped in the burning building, and Liangren and the fire brigade were also released with all their strength.

The firefighters who rushed into the fire just now, as well as the firefighting Pokémon, also joined in the fire fighting at this moment.

Jets of water rushed into the blazing building, coupled with the continuous rain in the sky, the spread of the fire was quickly contained, and finally put out by the beloved and a group of firefighters.



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