Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1216 Monarch Snake vs Coconut Egg Tree (1)

"Come here~"

"It's about to start, it's about to start~"



The square outside the Pokémon Center on Yuzu Island was filled with people sitting on small benches.

The pomelo gymnasium's battlefield is isolated on the sea, except for the gymnasium owner, referees, challengers and accompanying personnel, other people are not allowed to go up.

But for other trainers on the island to watch the game, and at the same time supervise the fairness of the gymnasium battle.

The huge advertising electronic screen on the Yuzu Square will broadcast in real time when there is a gym war in the Yuzu Gym.

Fans and tourists who were looking forward to Liangren's gymnasium battle this afternoon, moved up the small bench early after lunch to take a seat.


"Governor Ayi, I'll leave it up to you for the next gymnastics battle." Liangren said, looking at the young man from the opposite side of the arena.

"I will do my best." Ah Yi replied solemnly, and then looked at his sister in the basket of the hot air balloon outside the arena.


"Understood, brother~" Hearing Ayi's call, Mary nodded knowingly.

"Now the gym battle between the owner of the Yuzu Gym, Ah Yi, and the challenger, Ryoto Mugi, will be used. Three Pokémon will be used. The challenger will first send out the Pokmon that is ready for the battle, and the gym trainer will then send out the main attributes. The same Pokémon against..."

"Now, the challenger is invited to send out the first Pokémon." On the hot air balloon, Mary played the role of referee, announcing the rules in a heroic voice.



"There is such a rule that the challenger sends out Pokémon first, and then the gym owner sends out Pokmon with the same attributes to fight~"

"Such rules are not very friendly to challengers."

"I think it's okay, it's just a test of the challenger's on-the-spot coping ability, and fighting with the same attribute has always been a major feature of the Yuzu Gym."



In Grapefruit Square, Mary read out the part of the rules that Ah Yi intended to keep after the morning assessment on the electronic broadcast screen.

The spectators in the square, who were eagerly anticipating the start of the game, were suddenly in an uproar.

Regarding the rules of the Yuzu Gym, some fans complained about the injustice for the lover, and some local islanders felt that it should be so.

But no matter what, the opinions of the audience's family can't affect the battle on the Liangren's side. After the heated debate, the Liangren in the arena is ready to release the Pokémon.


"Monarch Snake, it's up to you~" Liangren, who had known the challenge rules of Yuzu Gymnasium for a long time, had no surprise on his face, took off the Poké Ball of Monarch Snake and threw it out directly.


"Wum~" The Monarch Snake, who appeared on the stage, raised his head and chest, and let out a haughty whine.

The audience on the other side of Yuzu Square saw the Monarch Snake dispatched by the beloved in the first battle, and they burst into enthusiastic cheers one by one.

"Grass-type Monarch Snake?" Ayi nodded at the other end of the arena, took out a baby ball and threw it slowly, "Coconut Egg Tree, prepare to fight.




The baby ball was opened, and a Pokémon with short legs, thick waist, legs and no hands, whose name was said to be Coconut Tree, but which actually looked like a dwarf pineapple tree appeared on the field.

With the sea breeze blowing, the crown of leaves on the top of the coconut tree was swaying, and the faces of the three light yellow coconut balls with facial features showed very happy and comfortable expressions.

The Beloved's Monarch Snake is a Pokémon with balanced water and plant attributes. If you report to Ayi that it is a water-attribute elf, Ayi will also send out a water-attribute elf.

As for the Shangshui-type elves, the Beloved Monarch Snake will undoubtedly have the upper hand.

However, the balance between the two attributes of aquatic plants is known to the beloved, but it is hard to say whether anyone will believe it, especially in the gymnasium battle.

In order to arouse criticism afterwards, fortunately, the lover didn't take advantage of that. According to the normal attributes of the monarch snake, the grass type was reported to Ayi's side.

"However, even if there is no attribute advantage, there are few rivals in the current Monarch Snake at the same level."

"I've won this game." Sensing the strength of the opposite coconut tree, Liang Ren secretly declared victory.


【Monarch Snake】♀


Attributes: Grass, Water

Personality: arrogant, indifferent

Traits: lush, torrent, naysayer

Stamina: 110【B】Purple

Attack: 75 [C] Blue

Defense: 90 [C]

Special attack: 86 [C]

Special Defense: 90 [C]

Speed: 130【B】Purple

Total: 576


"Attack": impact, wrestling, vine whip, repaying favor, water gun, water cannon, tidal spin, leaf blade, absorbing, super absorbing, ultimate absorbing, energy ball, dragon tail, water tail, water wave, water oath, grass Oath of the Grass Blender, Aria of Foam

"Defense": Mysterious Guardian

"Control": singing, grass flute, tightening, charming, seduction, petrification, vertigo dance, ultrasonic wave, devil's kiss, parasitic seeds, big snake stare

"Auxiliary": praying for rain, curling up, provocation, longing, look at me, sweet breath, simple light beam, growth, sunny day, liquid circle, photosynthesis, green grass field


"The game has started!!" Seeing that the two Pokémon had already appeared on the stage, and both sides were ready to fight, Mary decisively sent a signal to start the game on the hot air balloon in the sky.

"Monarch Snake, move, use the mysterious guardian!!"

"Coconut Egg Tree, use hypnotism." The game started, and both sides on the field refused to give in, and immediately issued an action order for their Pokémon.

"Wum~" The monarch snake leaned over to the ground, twisted its waist, and slid forward nimbly and quickly.

As a magic assassin, Liangren rationally asked the Monarch Snake to use the mysterious protection of defensive control and negative effects at the first time.

Dreamy and colorful halos flow on the emerald green rattan coat with golden patterns on the monarch snake.

Under the effect of the mysterious guardian skill, the Monarch Snake seems to have turned into Menus. Under the sunlight, the beautiful scales on its body reflect a dreamy colorful halo.

The attacks of Ah Yi and Coconut Tree proved the wisdom of the beloved's order.

When the hypnosis came, the Monarch Snake, which was gliding close to the ground and moving flexibly, was not affected in any way, as if the snake skin moved to avoid the attack from the opposite side.

"It's our turn to counterattack, the second set of tactics (when there is no obvious attribute advantage or disadvantage with the opponent, control first and then connect skills to deal damage)"

"Use the big snake to stare!!" The good man shouted quickly.

"Coconut egg tree, close your eyes and use noise." The hypnosis failed to work, and seeing his beloved turn around and launch a strong counterattack, Ayi also responded immediately.


However, the Coconut Egg Tree who received the trainer's instructions on the other side was not slow to react. When the eyes were closed, the three coconut egg heads opened their mouths and let out a loud shout.


The coconut egg tree yelled and vented the fear and tension caused by the "big snake stare" of the monarch snake, and at the same time attacked the monarch snake.

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