Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1223 Lucario vs Fast Swimming Frog (4)

"Bang bang bang bang..." The bounced mud bomb hit the field, creating pits the size of washbasins.

At this moment, not only Ah Yi doubted his life, but the fast-swimming frogs were stunned, even Ah Yi's supporters in Yuzu Square kept silent and showed bitterness.

No matter how confident they were in Ah Yi, they couldn't fail to see at this moment that Ah Yi's fast-swimming frog was completely suppressed.

"Lucario, rush over and use the Lightning Fist!!" Ryoto ordered loudly.

Although Ayi's face is full of bitterness and he can't help doubting life, but as one of the four main gyms under the Orange League, the gym trainer of the Grapefruit Gym, he also did not admit defeat in the game.

"Swimming frog, don't let it get close, use the freezing wind." Ah Yi loudly gave instructions to Lucario on the sidelines.

"Swimming Gu~" The fast-swimming frog, whose body was in severe pain as if it was about to fall apart, no longer wanted to get up from the ground. After shouting, he opened his mouth and sprayed a piercing cold spray at Lucario who was rushing towards him. White hair wind.

"Hoo hoo..." The snowflakes fluttered, the cold wind was like a knife, and the place where the white hair wind passed was covered with a layer of frost.

"Lucario, use "Big Breakthrough". "Lucario strode forward bravely, and the beloved man standing in the rear also issued instructions in due course.

"Boom—\u003e" took a deep breath, and Lucario, who was charging towards the fast-swimming frog, spit out a light blue gust of wind from his mouth.

The plundering white-haired wind meets the head-on tornado storm. Because the white-haired wind covers too much area and is too scattered, the freezing wind of the fast-swimming frog is directly blocked by Lucario's "Big Breakthrough". "Pierce through the middle.

In the white snow wind, a downwind tunnel was suddenly dug out in the middle, and Lucario's momentum of charging forward remained unabated.

The downwind force field created by the breakthrough of the waveguide has greatly improved the power and speed of Lucario's strong wind kick.

"Fast swimming frog..."

"Bang!!" Ayi just exclaimed, and before he even had time to issue an order, the fast-swimming frog was kicked to the ground by Lucario rushing out of the wind tunnel.

"Lucario, use Thunder Fist~"

The time when the beloved gave the order happened to be the moment when Lucario kicked the fast swimming frog to the ground, and there was hardly any hesitation or pause.

Lucario stepped forward, and a thunderbolt fist with a heavy force and twice the lethality under the restraint of attributes hit the fast-swimming frog hard on the forehead and cheek.

"Bang!!" The fast-swimming frog, which hit the back of its head on the ground with its punches to the flesh, didn't even have time to let out a wail, its big eyes turned white, and it passed out directly.


"The fast-swimming frog has lost its ability to fight. The challenger's Lucario will win this round." He counted ten silently in his heart. Seeing that the fast-swimming frog hadn't woken up, Mary also decisively announced the result of the competition.






"Good man Mu Mu... Good man Mu Mu..."

"Good man Mu Mu... Good man Mu Mu..."




After successfully winning the second game, the Yuzu Square once again erupted into cheers like a tsunami.

Liangren won. This time, unlike the previous game where the Monarch Snake and the Coconut Egg Tree fought for a long time to win, this round Lucario kept pressing down on the fast swimming frog.

Most of Liangren's fans have hearts as clear as a mirror.

In this game, Lucario did not use "Mega Evolution", Liangren did not use "Bond Link" to command silently, and he did not use such ultimate moves as "Bogus Wind Killing Formation, Bogus Spiral Shuriken".

In this game, Lucario only showed his superb fighting skills, counterattack shield and invisible shield, as well as Gale Palm, Gale Kick... and other waveguide strengthening skills.

It can be said that in this game, Lucario used at most less than half of his strength to defeat Ayi's fast-stroke frog.

Fans who are very familiar with the situation of the lover and his Pokmon, after a while of analysis, after reaching this conclusion, the whole person is extremely excited.

It was as if it was not my beloved and Lucario who won the battle at this moment, but them.

Of course, as beloved fans, they are still more proud at the moment. After all, the young trainer on the field is their idol idol.


Ding, experience +460

Ding, picked up physical attribute value +1

Ding, picked up attack talent +1


Just like the coconut egg tree in the previous game, the fast swimming frog also burst out a talent red coin after losing the battle. The beloved put it away calmly, but his heart was full of joy.

"Mr. Liangren, your Lucario is too strong. Its level is not much different from my fast-stroke frog, but its combat power is so terrifying."

"If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Liangren, you and Lucario haven't used your full strength in the previous battle."

On the other side of the arena, Ah Yi silently put the defeated fast-stroke frog back behind the baby ball, looked at his beloved with a complicated expression, and said.

Ryoto is the director of the Pokémon Supervision Bureau of the Kanto Alliance, and the Supreme Supervisor is temporarily appointed by the Orange League.

For ordinary people outside, Ryoto challenges the Orange League Gym as a Pokémon trainer.

But for the gym owners of the Orange League, it is the leaders from above who come down to inspect and assess the work. As for the strength of the beloved, the gym owners like Ah Yi know much better than the fans of the beloved.

"The fast-swimming frog, the owner of Ayi, has also bred very well."

To Ah Yi's question, Liangren did not give a positive reply, but this attitude of neither affirmation nor negation has explained everything.

"However, compared to Mr. Liangren, your Lucario is much inferior. He really deserves to be a genius trainer whose remarks caused a sensation in the entire fighting Pokémon cultivation circle."

Gazing at the lover across the field, Ah Yi sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Before applying for early graduation to Jinhuang Middle School, when giving a graduation thesis speech in front of the teachers and students of the whole school, Liangren expressed the following views:

"Trainers can only cultivate and train powerful fighting-type Pokémon if they know how to fight."

"Only trainers who are martial arts practitioners can maximize the potential of fighting-type Pokémon in battle."

"Only if the trainer is a fighter, can he achieve complete spiritual communication with the fighting Pokémon"

The three simple sentences express the essence of cultivating fighting Pokémon, but the three simple sentences are thought-provoking and deafening.

When Ryoto expressed his point of view, Nobuhiko, who came to the graduation party with Rei Abe, bluntly stated that Ryoto had already become a teacher in combat practice.

Sure enough, the above-mentioned opinions of the beloved spread through the media and word of mouth from teachers and students, and the entire circle of fighting Pokémon trainers was shocked.

Xiba from the Kanto Alliance, Asi, the master of the fighting gym in the Johto area, Fujiki, the master of the fighting gym in the Yoshien area, Li, the master of the fighting gym in the Sinnoh area, Lianwu, the fighting king of the United Alliance,...Galer Caidou, the master of the regional fighting gym.

These celebrities in the circle of fighting trainers have all expressed their approval and approval of the lover's point of view in public.

After learning that the "P1 World Fighting Championships" to be held in Carlos Miro in May next year, Ryoto will also participate as a member of the official delegation of the Kanto Federation, trainers in the fighting circle expressed their expectations.

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