Elf’s Shorts Boy

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-nine chapters sort out the experience, the plan for the mo

The same is true for Lucario.

As the ace main force of Liangren's second echelon, after a long period of experience and growth, his combat effectiveness has basically fully developed and matured.

Attack, defense, control, assistance, interference, good people cultivate and train Pokémon, and divide all aspects of Pokémon's abilities and literacy into these major sections.

As a fighting Pokémon, Lucario's ability to attack is of course self-evident. Various fighting skills can make the opponent helpless to fight back.

In addition, it has innately mastered the power of waveguide, and its long-range attack ability is not weak.

After two times of waveguide intensive training, my beloved developed such killer moves as "waveguide breakthrough, waveguide wind killing array, spiral wave missile, waveguide spiral shuriken" for Lucario.

As for the defense ability, Lucario's physical defense with the steel attribute is naturally very good, and the steel physique also has a very outstanding resistance to energy attacks of other attributes.

Moreover, during the two waveguide intensive training sessions, Liangren also developed excellent defensive skills such as "invisible shield and counter-attack shield" for Lucario.

As for the ability to control——

Thunder Fist (10% Paralysis), Frozen Fist (10% Freeze), Piao Piao Fist (20% Chaos), Fa Jin (30% Paralysis), Iron Head Skill (30% Fear), Round Kick (30% Fear) , Burst Punch (100% Chaos)

Lucario, who has mastered the above boxing moves proficiently, still has no shortage of means to control the enemy.

In addition, Lucario also has a lot of auxiliary and disrupting skills.

It can be said that Lucario, who was regarded as the main force of the ace by his beloved and trained with the goal of being alone, now that his combat power has matured, he rarely has any shortcomings.

A while ago, Ryoto and Super Personality No. 2 have already used the three sets of sacrificial dances of "Fire Kagura..." as the material to deduce "Boguo Cultivation Method".

Next, Liangren and Bird Personality No. 2 will continue to improve the Bird practice method together. Lucario only needs to practice step by step to continuously improve and strengthen the waveguide power in his body.

Liangren believes that before the official Carlos P1 World Fighting Championships in May next year, it is very possible to break through to the king level.

Today's battle with Ayi in the gymnasium, the feeling that Liangxin had in his heart was actually mainly aimed at the Monarch Snake.

Like Lucario, as one of the two main forces of the second echelon of the Beloved, although the combat power of the Monarch Snake has matured, it is a bit exaggerated to say that it has reached perfection.

During the period of penance in the Ice Island, although the beloved took advantage of the cold external environment of the Ice Island to intimidate him, he borrowed the water attribute power overflowing from the Ice Orb to lure him.

Coercion and temptation, soft and hard tactics, all means, and two-pronged approach, finally helped the Monarch Snake activate the water attribute power hidden in the blood, making the Monarch Snake a Pokémon with dual attributes of water and plants.

In addition, according to the ability of the Monarch Snake, three complete sets of tactics were drilled.

But the two attributes of grass and water are not good at fighting, which is an unchangeable fact. This monarch snake is good at controlling and protracted warfare.

But to meet the ideal of a magic assassin, a set of skills can instantly kill ordinary opponents, and the current ability of the Monarch Snake is not enough.

In the final analysis, the output power of the Monarch Snake is not enough at the moment, and there is no way to deal explosive damage. Even the combination of "Water Vow + Grass Vow" still cannot satisfy the lover.

Of course, growth also requires a process. In just over half a year, Monarch Snake can grow to the current level, which is already very good.

Now through the acquired activation and awakening to possess the water attribute, the original shortcomings have also been made up for a lot. As for the enhancement of the output ability, it is not difficult for the beloved.

"Attack ability can be quickly improved by adding attribute coins, and attack methods can also be compensated by skill learners."

"Although the grass type is known as a category that is not suitable for combat, there are many powerful grass-type attack skills."

"The grass-type skills with initial damage over 100 include: Sunshine Flame, Petal Dance, Hardened Plants, Flying Leaf Storm, Powerful Whip..."

"The powerful high-output skill moves of the grass type are much more than those of the water type." Liangxin thought.

Using attribute coins to add points to enhance the potential and ability of the Monarch Snake, Liangren does not intend to do so for the time being, because the potential of the Monarch Snake at the current stage actually still has room to be tapped.

Secondly, the number of talent coins collected during this period is not much. Compared with rushing to use them now, my beloved is more inclined to wait until the power of the Monarch Snake reaches the peak of the quasi-king.

When encountering and facing bottlenecks, concentrate on adding talent coins at one time to help the Monarch Snake break through the Heavenly King level.

For the time being, I don't plan to use the talent coins to add points, but to help the Monarch Snake learn new high-damage skills is what the beloved and the Monarch Snake will do next.

"Sunshine Flame - 120"

"Petal Dance - 120"

"Hardened plants - 150"

"Flying Leaf Storm - 130"

"Strong Whip - 120"



Knowing the next target, Liangren listed out the high-damage grass-type skills that he liked and could find in the alliance resource library in turn.

The [Use] function key of the system backpack, as long as the attributes match, can help the Monarch Snake learn it regardless of the success rate of 100%.

However, although you can apply for these skill discs from the alliance for free, and at the same time help the Monarch Snake learn the above skills 100%, but the more skills you master, the better.

As long as the skills are enough, Pokémon has limited energy and time every day. When the strength develops to the later stage, even a single move of Feiye Kuaidao can instantly kill the opponent.

A man who understands this, looking at the list of skills listed in the notebook, he is also weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

"Sunshine flames are the same as photosynthesis. They both collect, transform and utilize sunlight energy. Although one is an attack skill and the other is a healing recovery skill, there are still many commonalities in the principle of the skills."

"The Monarch Snake has already mastered photosynthesis. Next, if you want to learn the sun and flames, it will be much simpler and easier."

"In addition, Monarch Snake has also mastered the weather skill Sunshine Sky, which together solves the problem that Sunshine Flame needs to accumulate energy, so Sunshine Flame can learn it."

After finishing speaking, the lover drew a tick behind the skill Sunshine and Blaze.

"For the petal dance, although the skill special effects are very dreamy and beautiful."

"But the Monarch Snake is not the Frog Flower or the Beautiful Flower... This kind of flower Pokémon, even with the help of the system to help the Monarch Snake learn this skill, the Monarch Snake can't fully display the power of this skill."

"So the skill of Petal Dance is pass (excluded)." Liang Ren put a cross on the back of Petal Dance.

"For hardening plants, the initial damage value of 150 points makes it the well-deserved NO.1 among the grass-type skills."

"So since we want to help Monarch Snake learn powerful skills, it is naturally impossible to miss the hardened plant. Even if it is like destroying the death light, it will not be able to act for a short time, but this shortcoming can also be overcome through training."

"So you have to learn to harden plants." Liang Ren ticked the hardened plants.

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