Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1149 Ice Queen, Kona debuts! !

The first three games perfectly explained what Feng Shui turns, and the next games did not break this balance.

In the fourth round, Tsu Haruhiko sent a fire-type Pokémon with attributes to restrain the giant vines: the duck-billed flame dragon. After more than ten minutes of fighting, the duck-billed flame dragon won.

In the fifth game, Hideto Takanashi also...

I don’t know if it’s true that the strengths are equal, or the four trainers who appeared on the stage regarded today’s competition as a show. In every battle, the trainers on both sides fought very fiercely. Lose a game.

Some skeptical viewers complained secretly, but Liangren watched it with gusto. He, who shared the perspective of the superpower of the slow-witted beast, saw much more than others. went.

The reason why winning a game and then losing a game gives people a sense of a fake match. It is true that the four invited trainers are evenly matched.

——Takahashi Hideto vs. Tsu Haruhiko——

——Ishimaru Sae vs. Domicile Certificate——

Four trainers, although the number is not many, but under the rules of the 3v3 competition system, you come and go, basically every two trainers have played five battles before finally deciding the winner.

The four trainers, before the ice queen Kona and the mysterious trainer appeared on the stage, contributed a total of ten rounds of fierce battles for nearly two hours, whether it was the beloved or other audiences, they all enjoyed watching.

Of course, in addition to being very excited to watch, because of sharing the perspective of the superpower of the slow-witted beast, after watching these ten games, Liangren also has a lot of insights and gains.

For example, after watching Hideto Takanashi's battle, Ryoto understands that the attack skill "Power of the Earth" can also be used as a defensive skill through development. Such a breakthrough and improvement method.

The energy ball and the Sunshine Flame that Monarch Snake is about to learn, like the power of the earth, are anti-attribute powers, which are moves that accumulate power first and then release the attack.

Can the energy ball and the flame of the sun also be transformed and modified ingeniously like the power of the earth?

Bi Diao, Dumb Beast, and Iron Armored Beast have broken through to the Heavenly King level, and their strength has reached a very advanced level. In terms of the use of skills, can they dig deeper...

After watching Tsuharuhiko's battle, Ryoto discovered that trainers have a great influence on Pokémon.

Tsu Haruhiko's fighting style tends to be proactive, so whether it is a sickle helmet who is good at proactive attack, or a water arrow turtle who is not good at proactive attack, Tsu Haruhiko uniformly trains and trains according to the offensive tendency.

This kind of phenomenon, if you look at it from a small perspective, it can be said that the trainer has a great influence on the Pokémon, and if you look at it from a large perspective, it can be regarded as the trainer imposing his will on the Pokmon, forcibly changing the natural nature of the Pokémon .

Ryoto's philosophy is completely different from Haruhiko Tsu's. He is accustomed to guiding, motivating, and cultivating the natural nature of Pokémon. He, the trainer, takes the initiative to adapt to his Pokmon in terms of combat style and tactical arrangements in battle.

What good people seek is to guide and stimulate the potential of Pokémon through instructions, so that Pokémon can perfectly display their own strength in the most comfortable and suitable state.

Therefore, those who have carefully observed the battle of the beloved will find that the style and aura of the beloved commanding different Pokmon are very different.

When commanding a bidiao battle, the beloved is ostentatious, focusing on attacking and completely giving up defense; commanding a slow beast to fight, the whole person seems to become very lazy, but in fact lacks very wise, has a nearly perfect rhythm of the battle Take control.

Command the armored shell to fight, and the lover will become like an iceberg, indifferent and forbidding, attacking as mercilessly as the cold wind of winter; commanding Lucario, he will become passionate and full of fighting spirit...

These are the changes that Liangren made in the battle according to the personality of his Pokmon. He is actively cooperating with the Pokmon.

Of course, imitation and performance are ultimately inferior,

The reason why the beloved can cooperate so tacitly with his Pokmon is also because he also has these elements in his personality.

The personality of Pokmon is relatively pure and simple, and the personality of human beings who claim to be the primates of all things is indeed much more complicated.



After ten battles and more than two hours, it was already dark outside before we knew it.

"Heh~" My beloved rubbed his eyes and yawned.

After sitting and watching the game for so long, although the battle was very exciting, I was still a little sleepy and exhausted mentally.

"But Miss Kona is finally going to appear on the stage, and the mysterious trainer can finally know the identity of the other party. Thinking about it, I'm a little excited."

A male spectator sitting behind his beloved said with a flushed face and high spirits.

"Yes, yes." The surrounding audience also agreed.

The four trainers who played just now are really good, but at most they can be regarded as advanced elites or junior gymnasiums. Compared with the strong ones of the king level, it can be said that they are incomparable, and the two are not at the same level at all.

Hearing the words of the audience around him, the beloved who was a little tired from watching suddenly regained his energy.

Since the main force of the next echelon of his team entered the Tianwang class, the only Tianwang-level trainer he has fought against is Qiao Yinan, the former director of the Kanto Pokémon Inspection Bureau.

Although he had fought against Xiba and Du before and after, the opponents were not serious at all, and at the same time they did not use their full strength.

Although this is just an exhibition match today, it is also a rare experience for Liangren to be able to watch Kona's battle from the perspective of an audience.

"Ho Ho, thanks to the four trainers Takanashi Hideto, Tsu Haruhiko, Ishimaru Sae, and Dojutsu for their wonderful performances, let us once again give them the warmest applause."

After the four trainers left the field after the game, the game commentator rode a self-destructing magnetic fly to the sky above the field, holding up the microphone and speaking passionately.

"Papa papa..."

"Papa papa..."

As soon as the narrator finished speaking, the audience in the stadium, including Liang Ren, gave a round of warm applause very cooperatively. For the four local trainers who were invited to warm up the field, this was the greatest respect from the audience present.

Because next, their applause and cheers belonged only to Kona.

"After the performances of four popular local trainers, now it's finally our turn to be the protagonist of today's exhibition competition, the finale trainer of today's exhibition competition: Miss Ice Queen Kona and the mysterious trainer whose identity has been kept secret by the organizer. "

"Are you ready to cheer?" the game commentator exclaimed excitedly.



"The Ice Queen... The Ice Queen..."

"The Ice Queen... The Ice Queen..."

The exhibition match came to a climax, and the emotions of the audience also became excited, including Ryoto and Nanako. At this moment, it was like two ordinary audiences cheering loudly for the name of Ice Queen Kona.

Amidst the cheers of the audience in the venue, the protagonist of today's exhibition game, the ice queen Kona finally walked out of the entrance passage.

The gaffer who controls the lighting of the venue immediately cast a beam of soft and bright light on Kona who walked out of the player's entrance channel.

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