Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1152 Iron Armor Shell vs Iron Armor Shell (1)

The Kanto League has been young and young these days, and there is a very big gap in talents.

The Kanto League is the only one among all the leagues in each region that does not have a champion Pokémon League. This is a very embarrassing problem that needs to be solved urgently.

Not only the champion, but also the position of the Four Heavenly Kings. In the future, with Juzi's retirement and Yulongdu's return to the capital, people will need to fill in the vacancy.

However, as the backup of the Four Heavenly Kings, Xiaogang, the owner of the Nibi Gym, and Xiaoxia, the Hualan Gym, currently have Pokémon in their hands, and only the initial Pokmon have broken through to the Heavenly King level.

Originally, it would take a long time for Xiaogang and Xiaoxia to take over the vacant seats of the two Four Heavenly Kings. Unexpectedly, Liangren rose strongly and came from behind.

About a year after their debut, the three Pokémon in the first echelon in their hands have broken through to become kings. For the Kanto Alliance, it has broken their original plan to let Xiaogang and Xiaoxia take over the positions of kings.

However, the alliance is very happy to see the lover break their original plan.

He was born in an ordinary family of ordinary citizens in Rainbow City. His family background is blue and white, and his roots are red. He came out of Jinhuang Middle School, the talent training base of the Kanto Alliance.

The alliance attaches great importance to beloved ones, so as soon as they join the alliance, they are granted a very good position of power.

This time, after learning that Liangren already possessed three Pokémon with the strength of a heavenly king, many elders in the Kanto Alliance unanimously decided to vigorously train Liangren and pave the way for him.

The league championship may still be too far away, but the succession to the position of the Four Heavenly Kings can almost be arranged.

Arrange more gold plating, improve qualifications, and gain prestige, and in the future you will have a whole team of King-level Pokémon.

There is no problem whether it is the vacancy of the Dingdu Heavenly King, or the position of the Heavenly King that was vacated after the Jujuzi Heavenly King retired.


"Now that the identity of the mysterious trainer has been revealed, please get ready, Chief Liangren, the exhibition match is about to begin."

"In addition, I also want to mention that although today is just an informal exhibition match, Director Liangren is not allowed to let the water go."

"Ever since I learned that Director Liangren, in addition to Bi Diao and Slow Beast, the Heavenly King's team has added armored shellfish in his hands. My iron armored shellfish has always wanted to fight against Chief Liangren's iron armored shellfish."

"So..." Using the excuse of reminding my beloved, Ke Na calmly revealed to the audience present and the netizens on the other end of the live broadcast the fact that my beloved now owns three Heavenly King-level Pokémon.

As soon as Kona finished speaking, the audience burst into exclamations and discussions.

"Huso, no way, Director Mu Mu is so young, he has bred three Pokémon with the strength of the king level."

"Oh my god, this is too exaggerated. If I remember correctly, he only debuted for a year."

"He has cultivated three Pokémon with the strength of a heavenly king within a year of his debut. He is worthy of being a super genius who has never been seen in a century in Golden Middle School, and he is worthy of being the trainer who is said on the Internet to be the most likely to become the champion of the Kanto League—"

"It is indeed terrifying enough, but it is precisely because of such amazing strength that he can be qualified as the director of the Pokémon Supervision Bureau of the Kanto Alliance."

"Bi Diao, Silly Beast, Iron Armored Beast, three king-level Pokémon, the rules of today's exhibition match are also 3v3, it seems that today's game will be very exciting."




Seeing the surprise and shock on the faces of the audience outside the arena, Kona nodded secretly in his heart.

The reason why she reveals her beloved's strength so unabashedly is that in addition to paving the way for her beloved's reputation, Kona also has a small mind to show her "muscle" to the outside world.

After all, today's beloved, he is not a freelance trainer, he has now joined the Kanto League, he is now the director of the Pokmon Supervision Bureau of the Kanto League, and he is a member of the Kanto League.

To show the power of a beloved person is also to show the power of the Kanto Alliance to the outside world.

The Kanto Alliance has indeed been weak these years,

But in the future, the Kanto League will no longer be weak, because the Kanto League now has talents like Ryoto.

It is only a matter of time before the Kanto League revives and even returns to its peak.

"Referee." Kona nodded to the referee on the sidelines.




The referee also understood instantly, and decisively announced the rules of the game.

"I understand. I will do my best. Of course, please don't hold back the king of Kona."

After the referee read out the rules, the beloved also took off a baby ball from the trainer belt around his waist and held it in his hand with a solemn expression.

Since it is to show his personal strength and the power of the Kanto Alliance to the outside, Liangren also intends to go all out and take today's exhibition game seriously.

Of course, the opponent is Kola, the ice queen, and my lover must treat it with great vigor, otherwise it would be embarrassing if I lose too badly.

"Next is the battle between the trainer Kona and the trainer Ryoto Mugi. The rules of the game are 3v3... Now, please send the first Pokmon that is ready to play."

"Iron Armor Shell~"

"Iron Armor Shell~"

"...Ready to fight!!" There was no communication in advance, but the two on the field had a tacit understanding, shouting in unison, and released the armored shell in the first game.

"Bang bang..."



The baby ball was opened, one gray purple, one snow white, two identical figures appeared on the playing field.

The battle between two identical Pokémon is very interesting, not to mention two rare Pokémon of the Heavenly King level.





The two armored clams appeared on the field together, and the audience outside the field cheered excitedly.

The iron-clad shell of Liangren is completely white and flawless, and it is undoubtedly more beautiful in appearance, while the iron-clad shell of Kona looks very ordinary.

The gray-purple shell, the dark spherical body like a ghost, if you compare the armored shell of the beloved to a princess, then the armored shell of Kona is an ordinary commoner.

Two Pokémon appeared on the stage, and the atmosphere in the venue rose to its peak for a while.

"Game start."

The referee did not procrastinate, and raised the green signal flag in his hand to decisively send out the start signal.

On the field, Ryoto and Kona also entered into a fighting state in an instant, and the cheering audience outside the field were temporarily ignored. At this moment, they only had Pokémon and opponents in their eyes.

Kona did not hold back. At the beginning of the game, she directly grabbed the upper hand and directed Tiejiabei to take the initiative to attack.

"Tiejiabei, let's say hello first, and use the icicle to fall!" Kona clasped his arms around his chest, and his cold and sonorous voice spread throughout the audience.


Kola's Iron Armor shell reacted very quickly, opening its mouth and making a sound of a shell shell, followed by a huge irregular inverted triangular cone icicle, which condensed and formed in the air above the arena in an instant.

The lover's reaction was not slow, he swung his elbow and pointed forward and ordered loudly: "Tiejiabei, follow the front."


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