Elf’s Shorts Boy

The 1161st chapter of Kona's 5 main forces~


The speed of the pillar of flames was astonishingly fast, and Miss Milip, who was casting the freezing wind, was directly blasted to the ground.

At the back of his head was a head of golden and thick long hair, which was scorched black and curled by the jet flames at this moment.

"Miss Lips..." Kona shouted.

This time it wasn't a lie, she was really frightened when she saw the power of the flame jet that the dull beast said.

"Is this really the strength that juniors who have just entered the Heavenly King class should have?" Kona couldn't help asking herself. Obviously, she didn't get an answer to this question, because the lover launched an attack again.

"Stupid beast, the shadow ball is firing continuously!!!" Liangren first gave the command with his mind through the fetter link, and then opened his mouth to shout out the command symbolically.

"Ya duo~"

Silly Beast made another move to teleport and dodge to get away, and when it reappeared, it was already in the sky above Sister Mi Lip's head.

With a flip of the palm, two volleyball-sized, dark purple and black energy balls quickly formed, and then slammed down with lightning speed.


"Sister Michun, use the light wall to defend." Kona hurriedly ordered Miss Michun to return to defense.

Although Sister Michun's attributes are mainly ice and supplemented by super energy, the damage of the ghost-type shadow ball to Sister Michun is not as good as the previous flame jet.

But the jet flame is in the form of a pillar of fire, which needs to continuously output power, so it consumes more.

The shadow ball is to compress the power of the ghost's shadow attribute into a single energy bomb, and then strike the target at a fixed point.

The energy consumption of the shadow ball is relatively small, the change of moves is more flexible, and it can quickly change the landing point according to the opponent's movement, and carry out continuous strikes.

The shadow ball poses a greater threat to Sister Michun. It is no wonder that Ke Na's attitude suddenly became so serious, and what happened next also proved that her vigilance was not unreasonable.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

One after another, the energy bombs of the shadow balls hit the superpower light wall propped up by Miss Michun and exploded, and Miss Michun was also shaken and kept backing away.

Under the continuous blows of the Silly Beast's shadow ball, the light wall shield also buzzed and trembled, as if it had been overwhelmed, and would soon shatter.

"Stupid beast, don't stop, keep attacking." My beloved folded his arms around his chest, and gave the dull beast an instruction with his thoughts.


The Slowly Beast's body looks petite, but its internal strength is very strong.

When Flight H9536 was in distress, Dumbmon used superpowers to protect the plane from being destroyed by storms, thunder, and hail in the strong airflow cloud. It kept outputting superpowers for several hours and finally caused it to go into a coma.

Later, at the Bell Tower in Yuanzhu City, King Feng used the power of the law of life and holy ash to help the dull beast transform its body.

The dull beast that woke up again has become a phantom beast with a talent attribute panel of 6×100, and after adding talent coins, the original 600 phantom beast race value of the slow beast has been directly strengthened to 660——

When breaking through the Heavenly King level, the liquid power in the Pokémon's body will be quenched and compressed again, and then condensed into a solid energy crystal nucleus.

The energy crystal nucleus in Bidiao's body is only the size of a green jujube, the energy crystal nucleus in Tiejiabei is a little bigger, as big as a lemon, and the energy crystal nucleus in Slowly Beast is as big as an adult's fist.

The energy crystal nucleus is not only the material carrier of Pokmon's spiritual will and a symbol of qualifications, but the size of the energy crystal nucleus is also the difference between strength and weakness.

The energy crystal nucleus in the Slowly Beast's body is as big as an adult's fist, which shows the strength of its body.

At this moment, seeing Miss Michun being beaten so violently that she couldn't lift her head up, and the Slowly Beast side was not polite, switching between the shadow ball and jet flames to attack continuously.



With a seriously injured body, facing the shadow ball and spray flames that can hit double damage under the effect of attribute restraint, Miss Milip didn't last long before she was defeated.

"Miss Lost Lips!!"

"Miss Lips has lost her ability to fight. The winner of this game is the trainer Mumu Liangren's dumb beast." The off-court referee also announced the result of the game at this time.

Ding, experience +670

Ding, picked up special attack talent value +1

Ding, picked up special defense talent value +1


Sister Michun is indeed the trump card of Kola's main team, and she unexpectedly burst out two talent red coins, and the lover couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart.

"Daddy, help Sister Michun to heal." Liang Ren said with a wink at the dumb beast floating in the air.

"Ya duo~"

Slowly Beast responded, and raised his hand without hesitation to shoot a healing wave at the seriously injured and unconscious Miss Mi Lip.

After all, today is just an exhibition game. As a senior in the league, Kona intends to praise him and raise his popularity for him. The lover can't cross the river and demolish the bridge.

It is respect to go all out in a battle, and it is a kind of demeanor to be able to do a little work after the game.

In addition, my beloved, he did not forget that after he conceded defeat in the last game, Miss Michun also stopped attacking immediately, and used her thoughts to support the injured Bi Diao to come to him smoothly.

"Thank you~" Seeing his beloved's actions, Ke Na's tense face slowly relaxed, smiling and nodding towards his beloved.

"Sister Michun, thank you for your hard work, come back first and have a good rest."

After Slowly Beast healed Sister Michun, Kona held the poke ball and took Sister Michun back.

In a 3v3 match, both sides now have two Pokémon that have lost their fighting power.

The audience quickly accepted and digested the Dumbbeast's victory over Sister Milip in this game.

For Liangren and Slowly Beast's victory, Liangren's fans don't have any complicated and superfluous thoughts, only full of joy.

And Kona's supporters also used the reason of "Miss Lips fought against Bi Diao before, and her condition is not perfect, and it is not shameful to lose to Stupid Beast in this game" as a reason to complete self-consolation.

"The Ice Queen... The Ice Queen..."

"The Ice Queen... The Ice Queen..."

"Good man Mumu...Good man Mumu..."

"Good man Mumu...Good man Mumu..."



The cheers of the audience outside the venue were one after another. Compared with the audience who were deeply involved, the pressure of ordinary passersby watching the excitement was much less.

The fierce competition made them excited and enthusiastic, and they cheered loudly like trumpets.



The game continued, and the referee announced the preparation order. Liangren's side was still playing the slow beast, and Kona's side was also prompted by the referee, preparing to release the third Pokémon.

"White sea lion, get ready to fight." Kona shouted and threw the elf ball in his hand.


"Niuwu~" The baby ball was opened, and a white sea lion with snow-white fur and elegant body appeared on the playing field.

"White sea lion?" the lover at the other end of the arena murmured secretly.

Ice Queen Kona is one of the four kings of the Kanto Alliance. It is well known that there are five main aces.

Tiejiabei and Miss Michun have already appeared in the previous game. Facing the super-powerful Pokémon of the Silly Beast, Ryoto thought that Kola would send a Silly Hippo to appear in this game. Unexpectedly, Kona would send a white sea lion.

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