Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1175 Pseudo-Grass Skill:

Although Monarch Snake had only two training items this morning, the difficulty and complexity were not comparable to that of Mini Dragon.

The consolidation training of "Strong Whip" is okay. I have mastered all links and procedures yesterday afternoon, and all links have been combined in series. It took some time for training.

If the average proficiency of all other skills in the Monarch Snake's current skill pool is used as a standard, the Monarch Snake has almost 60% mastery of the skill of strong whipping

Of course, the proficiency of skills in the early stage is easy to brush up, and it will be more difficult and less efficient to improve later.

But just like what Liangren said during the training yesterday, Monarch Snake has basically mastered strong whipping, and what follows is a process of practice makes perfect.

However, it is quite difficult for Monarch Snake to learn and initially master "Sunshine Flame" this morning. After all, the time that can be effectively used in the morning is less than that in the afternoon.

"No matter what, let's work hard together." After encouraging the Monarch Snake, the beloved turned his head to look at the Daidai beast and said, "Dadai, your training task remains the same as yesterday."

"Three things in one mind, apply 1.25 times the gravity field to the mini dragon, establish a fetter link with me, and then meditate by yourself."

"Yah Duo—(??o??) Okay, received." Slowly Beast nodded.

Everything was properly arranged, and one person and three pets officially started training this morning.



The mini dragon running to exercise physical fitness, and the monarch snake reviewing and consolidating the strong whipping skills learned yesterday do not require constant supervision from a beloved person.

Ryoto himself is also on the sidelines, practicing karate and other fighting techniques. In May next year, Carlos Miro City will hold the "P1 World Fighting Championships"

As a disciple of the Red Maple Forest Fighting Gym in Jinhuang City, Ryoto originally wanted to represent the Red Maple Forest Fighting Gym in the competition with Nobuhiko, Abe Rei, and big brother Si Dao.

But later, after he joined the Kanto Alliance and became the director of the Alliance Supervision Bureau, his status and status were different, so he was no longer able to represent Hongfenglin Gymnasium in the competition.

As a member of the Kanto Federation delegation, together with Shiba, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, he will represent the Kanto Federation to participate in the P1 World Fighting Championship in Carlos Miro City next year.

As a world championship-level event, the P1 Fighting Competition is not limited to Pokmon, because most of the participating trainers are dancers and fighters, so after the Pokmon competition, there will be a link between the trainers to learn from each other.

For next year's fighting competition, Liangren not only has very high expectations for Lucario, but also has high expectations for himself.



Liangren stopped training for more than half an hour. The 6×10 running physical training of the Mini Dragon is not over yet, but the review and consolidation of the powerful whipping of the Monarch Snake is over.

In the sky, the sun is rising higher and higher, and the sunlight shining on the body has gradually warmed up. Now is a good opportunity to learn and train "Sunshine Flame".

"Monarch Snake, are you ready?" After the Monarch Snake adjusted its state, the beloved asked it.


"Okay~" The beloved who received the response from the Monarch Snake also used his consciousness to call out the system backpack, and then found the skill disc of "Sunshine Flame" and clicked it to use.

Although the skill disc is used,

Pokmon will learn the skills above, but if you don't train as soon as possible while the iron is hot, the experiences and memories of skills instilled in Pokmon will also be blurred and faded.

Therefore, when the good man uses the skill disc for the Pokémon, he is using it for the Pokémon when it is time to train. After using it, he will immediately conduct high-intensity training while the iron is hot.

In this way, the memory of Pokémon will be deep, and the efficiency of improving skill proficiency will be faster. As a trainer with the golden finger of the system, this can be regarded as the experience of a long-term practice.


After using the skill disc, Monarch Snake closed his eyes to understand and absorb the experience memory transmitted into its brain.

After waiting for several minutes, the Monarch Snake slowly opened its eyes.

"How is it, have you learned it?" the beloved asked.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded upon hearing this.

"You are also clear about the whole process, let's implement it once to see the effect."

"Daily, use the bond link to share your super vision with me." Liangren raised his head and shouted to the Daidai who was meditating in the sky.

"Yah Duo—(??o??)~Okay"

Get through the fetter link with Slowly Beast, share the super power perspective of Slowly Beast, and then look at the Monarch Snake who casts the skill Sunshine Flame in front of you, and you can clearly see the flow of energy in the Sovereign Snake's body.

"Wum~" After the Monarch Snake let out a long cry, he stood upright, turned his back and opened his mouth to the sun in the sky.

Long before Liangren decided to let Monarch Snake learn the four skills of "...Sunshine Flame", he searched a lot of information and consulted many friends in the circle.

The four-stroke grass-type big move, the mechanics and principles have been thoroughly studied and understood, and then he started to let the monarch snake learn it.

Pokémon trainers and Pokémon are fighting partners, and the abilities and strengths of Pokémon are also the abilities and strengths of trainers.

If you don't know enough about "self", then you can't talk about using it well.

Therefore, learning and mastering skills is not only a matter of Pokmon itself, trainers must also have a very deep and thorough knowledge and understanding of the mechanism and principle of the skills learned by Pokémon.

Among the four skills of "Powerful Whiplash, Sunshine Flame, Hardened Plant, Flying Leaf Storm", the skill of Sunshine Flame is very, very special.

To be precise, Sunshine Flame is a very special existence not only among the above four skills, but also among all grass-type attack skills.

Because Sunshine Flame is not so much a grass-type skill, it is better to say it is a main fire + secondary grass, a mixed dual-attribute skill.

Grass restrains water, although the sun and flames are defined as grass attribute skills by the academic circles.

However, the damage of Sun Flame to water-type elves is not outstanding, and water-type elves have a very high resistance to Sun Flame.

Grass resists grass, but this move is defined as the sunshine flame of grass-type skills. For grass-type Pokémon, although it does not produce 2 times restraint like pure attribute restraint skills, it also has at least 1.7~1.8 times restraint.

Therefore, in my heart, the definition of the skill "Sunshine Flame" is a fake grass attribute skill, and it should really be classified as a fire attribute skill.

Moreover, the analysis of the mechanism of the Sunshine Flame skill also proved this point.

Most of the other attack skills are Pokmon mobilizing the energy in its own body to launch the attack. If it is a skill with different attributes, at most there is an extra step of power transformation in the process of skill activation.

However, the skill "Sunshine Flame" absorbs energy from sunlight, and only a small part of its own power is used.

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