Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1183 Concession, 2 proposals from my beloved

"Mr. Liangren, hello~"

"Just now our company's staff in charge of contestant information statistics reported that, Mr. Liangren, you signed up for the beauty pageant held by our company tomorrow."

"Mr. Liangren can participate in this beauty pageant. As the organizer of the event, we are deeply honored, but we also have some doubts."

"After all, Mr. Liangren, with your reputation, status and personal strength, it is more than enough to be the guest judge of this beauty pageant."

"So if possible, we would like to invite Mr. Liangto to be the judge of this Pokémon beauty pageant. I don't know what you mean, Mr. Liangto..."

In the building office of "Yangbeila City·Shangmei Culture Communication Co., Ltd.", CEO Levy made a phone call to Liangren under the watchful eyes of other senior leaders of the company.

After a brief self-introduction, Li Wei also explained the purpose of coming to the opposite lover.

After sending out the invitation to 'serve as a judge of the competition', Levi and other company executives also held their breaths, waiting for his reply from the beloved man on the other end of the phone.

"Are you a judge for this Pokémon beauty pageant?"

On the other end of the phone, hearing Li Wei's invitation, my beloved was slightly taken aback.

If Livi didn't come to this call, he would immediately take Monarch Snake downstairs to rehearse for tomorrow's beauty pageant.

He has already prepared to this point, how could he agree to withdraw from the competition and serve as a judge.

"Wait, retire~" Liangren suddenly caught a point.

If he is a judge, then he will naturally withdraw from the competition and can no longer participate in this competition as a player, and he has already signed up for the competition.

"Since I have already registered for the competition, the organizer suddenly expressed that they want to invite me to be a judge. I am afraid that it is false to be a judge, but it is true to let me withdraw from the competition."

"Are you worried that my participation in the next game will destroy the fairness of the game?" My beloved is not stupid, he quickly thought of the problem.

With his reputation, personal strength, and power and status in the league, participating in the competition as a player is very stressful for both the other contestants and the judges who rate the players.

Moreover, there will be an audience voting mechanism for the two sessions of tomorrow's competition. With my current popularity, it is estimated that more audiences will vote for me for the Monarch Snake.

For other ordinary contestants, Liang Ren's participation seems to be a bit of a bully.

Liangren himself is not very interested in this beauty pageant, he mainly wants to exercise the Monarch Snake through this platform.

But since Monarch Snake is very interested in this competition, and has signed up for the competition, and the performances have been arranged and designed, Liangren will naturally not choose to withdraw from the competition because of the difficulties of the organizer.

The lover is easy-going and easy-going, but all of this is based on the fact that there is not much conflict of interest with him and the Pokémon in his hands.

Now that he has chosen to participate in the competition, this beauty pageant is a good training opportunity for Monarch Snake, so he doesn't care if the event organizers make it difficult or whether it is fair or not for other contestants.

He is not interested in the special guest judges of the competition, and he will participate in tomorrow's competition.

Of course, having said that, since the organizer of the event called to invite him personally, he couldn't say a lot of things too bluntly.

After thinking about what to say, the husband also gave a reply to Li Wei on the other end of the phone.

"Thank you very much for the invitation, President Levi. If this call was made at this time yesterday, I think I would be very happy to accept your invitation."

"But now I have signed up for the competition, and when President Levi called, I just discussed the details of tomorrow's performance with my partner, and I was about to take Pokémon downstairs to find an empty venue for rehearsal."

"My Pokmon is full of enthusiasm and anticipation for tomorrow's beauty pageant. As a competent trainer, although I am happy to accept President Levi's invitation, I can't dampen the enthusiasm of my elves."

"So please allow me to sincerely say sorry, I can't agree to your invitation." Organized the language, the beloved declined Li Wei's invitation.


On the other end of the phone, Li Wei and the leaders of Shangmei Culture Communication Company were silent for a moment after hearing what the man said.

The reason for the refusal given by the beloved is also reasonable. For a competent trainer, he must know how to take care of the feelings of his Pokmon.

Liangren has signed up for the competition, and the Pokémon has aroused anticipation and enthusiasm. For tomorrow's performance, the other party has already arranged and prepared for the final rehearsal.

At this time, if you want the other party to withdraw from the competition and accept their invitation to serve as the judges of the competition, they will not agree to this matter on themselves.

However, before the call, Li Wei and Shangmei Culture Company's high-level executives had already had the psychological presupposition of being rejected, so they did not feel too obviously disappointed after their lover declined.

Seeing that Li Wei didn't speak for a long time, on the other end of the phone, the lover seemed to be a little entangled, so he finally thought about it and said:

"I know what you are worried about. In fact, tomorrow's competition is just a beauty pageant, not for contestants to lead Pokémon against each other."

"Personal strength doesn't matter, so I actually don't have much advantage in participating in this competition."

"If you are worried about my reputation, it will be unfair to other contestants during the audience voting session, and the fairness of the competition is reflected in the video, then I have two countermeasures here, and President Levi can use it as a reference."

"The first countermeasure is that the beauty pageant has not started yet. Since you are worried about the fairness of my fame video competition, you can temporarily fine-tune the rules of the competition."

"For example, tomorrow's competition can refer to the masquerade party. The contestants need to wear masks that do not reveal their true faces. The contestants' identities can be replaced by numbers. In this way, the audience and judges' votes will be very fair without revealing the contestants' identities—"

"The second countermeasure is to ensure the fairness of the competition without hiding the identity of the contestants. You can cancel the rule of 'audience voting' and give all the power of scoring to the judges."

"In this way, the advantages of star contestants can be eliminated, and a fair and just competition environment can be given to other ordinary contestants."

"The above two points are the countermeasures I came up with, and you can adopt them at your discretion."

After putting forward two countermeasures and suggestions, the lover stopped talking.

No matter what kind of competition it is, it is impossible to achieve absolute fairness, and no matter what kind of competition, the contestants cannot be exactly the same regardless of their personal strength and popularity.

It is precisely because of such differences that the competition continues to screen, eliminate, and advance, and finally decides a champion. Instead of the initial 100 people participating, those 100 people will enter the finals, and the final 100 people will tie for the first place.

No matter who it is, if you participate, you will get a prize, and if you sign up, you can get the first place. How absurd——

Demanding that the competition environment be absolutely fair is itself the greatest unfairness.

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