Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1188 The Flower Rest Festival Celebration Begins~

Grass-type Pokémon, which are rarely seen in cities, can be seen everywhere at this moment like a bunch.

Wonderful Frog Flower, Walking Grass, Trumpet Bud,

coconut egg tree, poisonous rose, shuttlecock cotton,

Dashihua, Meihuahua, Youmianmian, Sunflower Monster...

At this moment, there are not only many grass-type Pokémon in the park, but each of them has a very good appearance and mental outlook.

Unlike the elves bred by professional trainers to fight, each of them has a fierce and aggressive expression, and some scars and scars from training and fierce battles can be seen on their bodies.

These grass-type Pokémon in front of me not only have no scars that impress aesthetics, but also look at them from the perspective of their respective races. I dare not say how powerful they are, but they are definitely the top-notch group.

In addition to the Pokmon basking in the sun, the trainer is also practicing stepping with great concentration.

Compared to Ryoto and Nanako Ryoto confidently skipped the first session, focusing on the second session of free program presentation.

Other contestants regard the catwalk show in the first stage as very important, because if they fail to pass the first stage, no amount of careful preparation in the subsequent stages will help.

Of course, from this point, we can see the difference between Ryoto and Nanako and other ordinary contestants.

As a man who squeezed half his body into the ranks of the king of heaven, he has experienced countless competitions, big and small.

Novice trainers, elite trainers, gym trainers, quasi-kings, four kings of the league, champions of the league... He has come into contact with people from all walks of life and levels, and lovers.

When a person has learned a lot and experienced a lot, and his vision and experience have gradually improved, then when dealing with and dealing with some trivial matters, his heart and attitude will also be different.

For other ordinary contestants, today's "Flower Rest Festival Grass Pokémon Beauty Contest" may be their first stage.

For today's game, they have been preparing months or even a year in advance, eager to make a big splash on today's stage, and win their first competition reward in the Pokémon professional field.

Today's game is related to their future and dreams, and they need to do their best to work hard~

And look at my beloved,

Today's "beauty pageant" is just a very small competition for him. The reason why he is willing to participate in this competition is just a whim, and at the same time he wants to exercise the monarch snake.

In addition, with him and Monarch Snake's ability and literacy, maintain this confidence, and then as long as you prepare carefully in advance, you can perform normally in the game.

It may not be 100% sure that the champion will win, but Liangren believes that it is not difficult for him and Monarch Snake to get the ranking.

Of course, this ranking is not about the top 32 or top 16. Not to mention the top three in the 'Championship Asia Season', the top five are also appropriate.

Although he is not a coordinator or a performer, he still thinks he has a very good appreciation of the stage, performance, and beauty.


Because the slow beast exerted distracting and unnoticed superpower psychological hints on the faces of Liangren and Nanako, they were not identified when they came to the park.

Although after the release of Monarch Snake and Miss Qun'er, they attracted a lot of scrutiny, but I just felt that the grass-type Pokémon in other regions are very novel, and the two Pokmon are very temperamental, and they will be strong opponents in today's game.

Looking at the trainers of the two Pokémon, one man and one woman are the faces of ordinary people, and they can't attract people's attention at a glance. After seeing them, they are forgotten in a blink of an eye, without any memory.

It is also a very novel experience for Ryoto and Nanako to change from a star who attracts attention everywhere to an ordinary passerby who is not noticed by people.

But the game was going to be played in an hour, and the two were not distracted by these small things.

After sizing up the other contestants, Ryoto and Nanako also chose a grassy field that was a little quieter and also exposed to the sun, and let Monarch Snake and Miss Qun'er make the final adjustments.



Time passed quickly, and an hour passed quickly.

Ryoto and Nanako didn't spend a full hour in the park, and Monarch Snake and Miss Qun'er didn't need to bask in the sun for that long.

After bathing in the sun for half an hour in the park, the two went straight out of the park, and then took a taxi to the venue for today's game.

"Yangbeila City Theater"

As the competition time approached, the square outside the Grand Theater was crowded with people. The contestants and ordinary audience had already rushed in to enter.

At the four corners of the square, huge festive hydrogen balloons hung with streamers, flying high above the arena, and major sponsors also pulled up banners to send blessings to today's competition and contestants.

In the sky above the square, a group of specially bred and trained Bobos, specially designed to add to the festive atmosphere, also spread their wings, circling around the square and the Grand Theater.

TV station staff and other Internet media reporters are busy shuttling around the square, looking for people who are confident in their demeanor and demeanor, and who have a high probability of being able to say "sarcasm" that the program has a good effect on for interviews.

"Bang bang bang..."


The festive fireworks were shot into the sky, making a loud bang, and the drones that were photographed were also buzzing and circling in the sky.

The Sun News Company arranged to follow Ryoto and Nanako's 24-hour drone Rotom, which was also covered by many drones at the moment, making it impossible to distinguish.

Ryoto and Nanako, who had come half an hour earlier, had already entered the theater.

The outside of the Grand Theater is very lively, and the atmosphere inside the theater is also the same. Even because of the many contestants, the atmosphere is even a bit more dignified and tense.

As soon as they entered the theater, they were led by the organizer's staff to change their clothes. They thought they had escaped the siege of the media machinery, but they didn't expect that they had just changed their clothes and walked into the player waiting hall.

The reporters and camera crews of Yanbeila City TV station enthusiastically surrounded them with microphones, cameras and pickups.

"Mr. Ryoto, Ms. Nanako, we are from Yanbeila City TV Station. We have been waiting for you for a long time. Can you give me a few minutes for a brief interview?"

The reporter holding the microphone was a thin-faced, well-dressed woman with metal narrow-frame glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"Uh, I remember you guys were in the square outside? Why did you suddenly enter the contestant preparation hall of the theater?" My husband asked a little bit depressed, but at the same time he was a little puzzled.

"Mr. Liangren, what you just saw is the second working group of our TV station. We are the first working group. The task we have been assigned today is to interview the two of you." The female reporter explained.

"That's it, okay~" Hearing the female reporter's words, my beloved choked a little.

Although I know that my fame and status are different from the past.

But to participate in a competition, the local city's official TV station specially arranged a group of staff to follow him, shoot and interview him. This kind of arrangement still surprised Liangren a little.

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