Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Contest Opens, A Gathering of Heroes

"As for the rankings, I actually didn't think that much." Regarding this question, the beloved shook his head.

"Although I participated in the Gorgeous Contest held in Shuijing City when I traveled to Fangyuan before, and was lucky enough to make it to the final round of the semi-finals, the Gorgeous Contest is also different from the Fairy Beauty Contest."

"It's my first time to participate in the Fairy Beauty Contest. Compared to other experienced contestants, I'm just a novice, so I can only say that the most important thing is to participate and go all out at the same time~"

"The players participating in this competition are all very good, so no matter what results I achieve in this competition, I will not regret it."

Originally, other contestants still complained about Ryoto, a heavyweight star trainer, but now he heard Ryoto humbly expressing that he is a novice, and they are all excellent contestants.

The contestant, who was quite nervous and complained in his heart, has also greatly improved his sense of love.

Considering that Ryoto will be preparing for the next competition, after the female reporter asked him about his expectations for results and rankings, she stopped asking him any more questions and started interviewing Nanako.



"Okay, thank you very much for accepting my interview. Here I also wish you both success in the competition and a good result in the end."

"Thank you~"

"Thank you~"

Ryoto and Nanako thanked each other politely, and after seeing the reporter back away, they sat down in an empty seat in the player waiting hall.

"Monarch Snake, adjust your state and be ready to play at any time—" After sitting down, the beloved also released the Monarch Snake and said.


"Sayuri, the competition is about to start soon, cheer up."

"Meilu~" Miss Qun'er nodded.



The outside audience entered the arena one after another and found a place to sit down. When the time came to 9:30 in the morning,

The "Flower Rest Festival·Grass Pokémon Beauty Pageant" also officially started at the Yanbeila Grand Theater.

"Patta~" The theater show lights suddenly went out, and then the gorgeous stage lights began to flicker at high frequency.




Turning off the lights in front made the audience quiet for a moment, but then when the stage lights came on, the full-seat audience in the venue also cheered excitedly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have kept you waiting for a long time. The wonderful and charming Pokémon and stage performance ceremony, the beauty pageant of the flower rest festival and grass-type elves, officially begins at this moment!!!"

But hearing his voice but not seeing him, amidst the flickering lights and opening music, a female voice as clear as an oriole sounded.

Immediately after the center of the stage, a hostess in beautiful costumes appeared on a rotating lifting round platform.

"I am the guide of love and dreams, the witness of beauty and splendor ~ Christina."

"Contestants who are striving to be the champion of the beauty pageant, when you stand out from the crowd and win the championship, then you and your elf companions will be able to obtain:

A crystal honor trophy, a gem laurel crown, and a cash prize of 500,000 yuan. "

"All contestants, please come on, show your carefully cultivated elves, and let them conquer the judges and the audience with their charm."

"Let yourself be the brightest star on the stage today!!!"



The host Christina's opening speech not only mobilized the audience's emotions, but also excited the players in the backstage preparation hall.

If everyone was still a little nervous at the beginning, then there is only one thing in the eyes of every player at the moment, and that is the burning desire for the championship.

"First of all, please allow me to introduce the five heavyweight judges in today's competition, they are:

"The person in charge of the Little Orange Island Branch of the Pokémon Center: Ms. Joey Lian,

"Chairman of the Pokémon Beauty Contest Competition Committee: Miss Barbara,

"Pokémon Fashion Weekly Editor: Mr. Igor,

"Pokémon Youyou Magazine Editor-in-Chief: Ms. Hara Sadako,

"And the powerful performer who has won the elf beauty pageant in Yangbeila City for five consecutive times: Miss Nina."

"Let us welcome the arrival of the five judges with the warmest applause and cheers." The hostess announced in a high-pitched voice.



As the host said, the five judges present today are all very popular and well-known celebrities in the industry. As soon as the host finished the introduction, the audience burst into cheers like a tsunami.

Joelian: "..."

Igor: "..."

Hara Sadako: "..."

Barbara: "..."

Nina: "Beauty never lacks spectators, especially on such a grand stage as the Pokémon Beauty Pageant, so all contestants who signed up for the competition, I hope you all go all out and leave no regrets."

As the five judges spoke one after another, sending blessings and encouragement to all the contestants, the enthusiasm of the competition reached a peak in the entire theater including the waiting hall for the contestants.

"I would like to thank the five judges for their blessings to the contestants. I believe that the contestants who have heard these words will definitely do their best to make themselves the brightest in today's competition."

"The game is about to start, and I will finally announce the rules of today's game."

"Today's elf beauty pageant is divided into two stages: the knockout round and the final. In the knockout round, the contestants will perform in groups of three, and the contestants with the highest total scores from the judges will advance."

"The other three will be randomly matched by computer to draw lots, in order to prevent more than two outstanding players from being placed in a group, resulting in premature elimination of potential players."

"In the knockout stage, after the judges select the advanced contestants through scoring, the 5,000 spectators at the scene can use the voting devices provided by the organizer to vote for the remaining two group contestants facing elimination."

"As long as the contestants get more than 3,000 votes, they can get the right to advance. So, audience friends, please keep your eyes open and find out for us the stage star who should not be eliminated."



Because of Liangren's participation, the organizers fine-tuned the rules of the competition system, and all the scoring and voting rights were gathered in the hands of the five judges.

But in the end, after discussing with the organizer, the organizing committee of the competition adjusted the rules of the competition again. The judges scored to select the advanced contestants, and the audience voted to retain high-potential contestants who should not be eliminated prematurely.

In this way, the competition system is more fair, and it is also an opportunity for many players who are too nervous and perform abnormally in the first stage, but are really good.

"There will be two rounds of knockout rounds, and then the final stage will start."

"The final stage is also divided into semi-finals and finals. However, unlike the knockout stage, the trainers and elves walk on the runway together. The protagonists of the final stage are only Pokémon."

"The Pokémon is on stage for a free display. The form is not limited. It can be singing, dancing, or other forms of talent show. According to the charm value of the Pokmon free display lock, the judges will score."

"In the semi-final round, the audience still has the right to vote for the contestants, but the points converted from the final votes only account for 30% of the contestants' final scores~"

"In the final round, there are only five judges who have the right to score the contestants. If the contestants and the audience have already understood the rules of the competition, then we will start the first round of the knockout round and start the group draw."

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