Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1198 All members of the Beloved Group are promoted~

Qiao Yilian, head of the Little Orange Island branch of the Pokémon Center: "It was an amazing and shocking show, and my score is 10 points."

Igor, editor of Pokémon Fashion Weekly: "Whether it's the stage of the Pokémon beauty pageant or other pure catwalk stages, the stage performance of the Liangren contestants can be regarded as perfect."

"For the worthy contestants who can sit on the judge's bench like us, and for the classic catwalk show that can be called a textbook, I also give a perfect score of 10."

Sadako Hara, editor-in-chief of Pokémon Friends magazine: "Just like Mr. Igor's comment, the show of the good man and the monarch snake just now is a classic, and my score is also 10 out of 10."

In the expectant eyes of the host, audience and backstage contestants, following Barbara, the three judges Joelian, Igor and Hara Sadako also gave three 10-point perfect marks one after another.

Nina, a powerful performer who has won the five-time Yanbeila City Fairy Beauty Pageant champion: "For the performance of Prince Mumu Ryoto, I naturally give a perfect score of 10."

Nina winked at the audience and the camera playfully, and then showed the scoreboard, which seemed to be 10 points.


"Although I had expected it when Chairman Barbara gave a perfect score of 10, but when the other four judges also gave a perfect score of 10, I was still so shocked that I couldn't speak."

"The first player with a full score appeared. He is Yoshito Mumu and his partner Monarch Snake. Let us congratulate them (they) for successfully advancing with the warmest applause and cheers."

"Good man Mu Mu... Good man Mu Mu..."

"Good man Mu Mu... Good man Mu Mu..."

"Good man Mu Mu... Good man Mu Mu..."

As soon as the host finished speaking, there was a tsunami of cheers at the scene.

Because this conference was publicized through Liangren Weibo and Sun Daily, the attention is now higher than before.

Today's "Flower Rest Festival Grass-type Pokémon Beauty Pageant" in Yanbeila City is not only on-site, but also broadcast live on TV and online simultaneously.

Seeing Liangren get the unanimous perfect score from the five judges, the fans in front of the TVs of Kanto, Chengdu, Fangyuan, and Orange Islands,

Jumped up and screamed with excitement.

On Kaiyu Street, No. 8, Beicheng, Rainbow City, a small shop with the sign of "Meile Meile" next to the intersection of Fengzhu Road also burst into lively cheers.


"Okay, the three contestants in the ninth group have already decided the first place to advance."

"Marie and Miranda are the two contestants who performed equally brilliantly in the catwalk just now. Whether they can be promoted or not, the right to choose is in the hands of the 5,000 spectators at the scene."

"Mary is No. 1, and Miranda is No. 2. The one-minute voting channel is about to open. Dear audience, are you ready?"

"The voting channel is open, everyone please vote." Liangren successfully advanced after getting five full marks from five judges. Marie and Miranda in the same group had the final chance to advance through the mobile phones of the audience.

"Don't worry, you are now ranked third and fourth on the player scoring list with scores of 48.9 and 47.8 respectively. There is no problem in getting promoted with such scores."

Backstage at the show, Liangren saw that Mary and Miranda in the same group looked very nervous, so he couldn't help but comfort him.

"Hmm~" The two girls nodded, but the final result did not come out, and there was still a stone hanging in their hearts that did not fall to the ground.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the audience to vote. After the one-minute countdown ended, the number of audience votes for the two of them was also displayed.

No. 1 Mary~: 4316

No. 2 Miranda: 4825


"The audience voting data for the two contestants came out. Contestant Mary received 4,316 audience support votes, and contestant Miranda received 4,825 audience support votes."

"Mary and Miranda both received more than 3,000 audience support votes, so congratulations to Mary and Miranda for qualifying for the next round at the same time."



"Miranda... Miranda..."

"Miranda... Miranda..."

Both Mary and Miranda performed very well on the stage before, although for the first time they failed to get the right to advance to the first place because their lovers scored too high.

But in the end, through the support and vote of the audience, the two advanced to the next round together, which is gratifying and well-deserved.

The right to advance to the first place in the group given by the judges' marks is actually conditional.

The competition system stipulates that if the total score of the judges obtained by the group does not reach 35 points, that is to say, the average score of each judge exceeds 7 points.

If the player with the best score among the three in the group does not have more than 35 points, he will not be able to get the right to advance to the first place.

In this case, the three players in the group have only the last chance to advance to the audience vote.

But even the contestant with the best score in the group did not get more than 35 points from the judges, so the chances of getting promoted from the audience's vote would be even slimmer.

Therefore, the strength of the three players in the group is not enough, and it is very likely that they will all be eliminated.

Of course, all three players in the group are eliminated. The probability of this happening is very small, just as small as the three players in the ninth group of my beloved.

But this is the game, cruel but fair.

No chance will be given to any impostors, nor will players with dreams and strength be eliminated in vain.

'Black-box operations, capital's iron hooves trample players' dreams ruthlessly under their feet' It is not uncommon to see the earth in the previous life, but in the world of Pokémon, such things are very rare.



The game was still going on, and the new music sounded soon after the end of the song.

150 players signed up for the competition, and the first round of knockout rounds was divided according to the group of three, and finally a full 50 groups were divided.

After Liangren's ninth group showed on the stage, there were still 41 contestants from the following groups who hadn't appeared on the show, so the ninth group of Liangren and the others ended, and soon the tenth group of contestants appeared on the stage.

There is only one piece of music for a group of contestants, and the duration of one piece of music is four to five minutes.

Each contestant took their Pokémon on stage to the beat of the music and walked around the stage. On average, each player only had a little more than a minute. In addition to the first round of knockout rounds, the judges did not make any comments.

The situation like Liangren just now is special, so the entire competition process, from a group of players on the stage to the final result of the player's promotion, can take up to seven or eight minutes.

After qualifying for the first knockout round, Liangren went back to the player hall and sat down to watch other players' games.

Since he regards this beauty pageant as a new attempt, Ryoto is also very serious. He hopes to learn some experience from this competition and other contestants that will be helpful to his job as a trainer.

If it was an ordinary contestant, the whole game would pass in a 'sleepy' way, and the audience would watch it as a 'lively' and then it would be gone, but the lover is different.

Participating in this competition, he himself came for the purpose of learning, and his own strength is not at the same level as other contestants.

So for my beloved, it's like a high-rise building. He can control and understand this elf beauty pageant condescendingly.



The beauty pageant started at nine o'clock. Three hours later, when it was around eleven o'clock, Nanako, who was divided into 37 groups, took the stage when it was finally the draw.

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