Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1203 The final round of corner overtaking

"Shortsboy of the Elf ()"!

After the first round of elimination in the morning, only 96 people and 32 groups remained in the second round of elimination.

The 32 groups where Lailf is in is the last group to appear in the second knockout round.

Lai Erfu scored a high score of 49.3 in the first round, and once again crashed his childhood sweetheart Ye Mili, and the two tied for second place in the scoring list of the second round players.

The off-court audience, who were used to the childhood sweetheart 'Nie Yuan', was no stranger to this. After a few words of teasing, they quickly turned their attention to the remaining two players in the group.

With Lai Erfu Zhuyu in the front, the latter two players seemed a little ordinary in comparison, and because it was the last round of the knockout round, the judges and audience no longer gave the players sympathy points.

Yumi (Knock Monkey): 36.4

Chihiro (wind fairy): 43.2


Yumi No. 2: 2761 (eliminated)

Chihiro No. 3: 3159 (advanced)


In the 32nd group, the last group of this round of knockout rounds, the judges of Lai Erfu scored the highest and got the promotion right. The remaining Yumi and Chihiro in the group can only win the votes of the audience.

In the end, only Chihiro stepped on the qualifying line to advance, while Yumi, who was in the same group, was ruthlessly eliminated.

The second knockout round started at one o'clock in the afternoon. When Lai Erfu and his last group finished the game, it was already half past three.

The schedule was very full, and there were still two rounds of competition to determine the final top three. Therefore, after Lai Fu's group ended, the draw for the semi-final round was held immediately on the venue.


150 contestants signed up for today's beauty pageant. After the first round of elimination, there were only 96 contestants left.

After the second round of elimination, only 25 of the 96 people remained. Compared with the elimination rate of 36% in the first round, the elimination rate in the second round was as high as 74%.

Out of the 150 contestants, only 25 made it to the final round. The beauty pageant seemed to have no smoke, but the cruelty was not weaker than a Pokémon battle.

Fortunately, after the 25 contestants advance to the final round, they will no longer undergo cruel elimination. Each contestant will have two chances to perform on stage, and finally the final contestant will be selected after converting the results of the four rounds of competition proportionally. winner.

Of course, although there are currently 25 contestants who have advanced to the finals and will not be eliminated in the future, the next competition has nothing to do with the trainer.

If it is said that in the knockout stage, the trainer can also act as a supporting role to accompany Pokmon on stage, then only Pokmon himself will be on stage in the final stage.

Because today's competition is a Pokémon beauty pageant, only Pokémon, not trainers, will be selected by the judges and audience.

And in order to prevent star players from operating with their own popularity, in addition to only Pokémon on stage in the final round, the right to comment and score is only available to the five judges in front of the stage, and the audience outside the field will no longer have any right to vote.

Now the audience is really just the audience, not the public judges in the previous two rounds of competition.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."


On the holographic projection light screen in the venue, the result of the draw for the next semi-final will soon be announced.

Because there is no more cruel elimination, there is no need to divide the 25 players into groups, but to directly draw the sequence number of appearance.

"Brother Liangren, I am number 7~" Nanako said.

"Yeah, my side is on stage before you, I'm number 2."

After advancing to the final round, there were not many contestants. He looked up and quickly found his avatar card and appearance number.

"Okay, now the results of the draw for the semi-finalists have come out~"

"There will be a 15-minute intermission. The 25 players who have successfully advanced to the final round in the backstage are invited to help Pokémon adjust their status as soon as possible. The next game will only be more intense than the previous two rounds, so please do your best. "

At the venue, the host raised the microphone in his hand and announced in a passionate voice.

It is not unreasonable for the host to say this. The score discount ratios for the two final rounds are 30% and 35% respectively, which are much higher than the 15% and 20% for the knockout rounds.

Players who did not score very high in the previous knockout rounds can completely overtake in a corner in the final round. It can be said that each of the 25 players who advanced to the final has a chance to win the final victory.

So after the results of the draw for the semi-finals came out, the 25 contestants who advanced to the finals took their Pokémon together and began to use the 15-minute intermission to make final adjustments.

The waiting room that originally accommodated 150 contestants did not seem crowded, because the eliminated contestants were required to watch the game in the side hall, and suddenly it became extraordinarily spacious and spacious at this moment.

Seeing other contestants preparing for the race, preparing to overtake in the next two rounds of the finals, Ryoto and Nanako temporarily separated to find a quiet corner to adjust in order to maintain their own advantages.

"Monarch Snake, I won't be able to play with you in the next two games, so you have to work hard." My beloved took out the ice bucket and poured some 'ice dew' on Monarch Snake with a cup and dish.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded upon hearing this.

Along the way, Liang Ren took it to participate in competitions that it could not pass, and has been on many stages, and it has seen all the big winds and waves, so the current city-level elf beauty pageant, the Monarch Snake will not feel stage fright.

Bowing his head to drink up the dew from the plants fed to him by his lover, the Monarch Snake suddenly became tired and recovered again.

Then my beloved also took out his notebook, and helped the Monarch Snake cue the process——

The final stage has two rounds like the previous knockout stage, but the two catwalk shows in the knockout stage can be exactly the same, but in the final stage, two performances cannot be repeated.

On this magnificent and brilliant stage, there are too many good-looking Pokémon and too many good-looking performances, and each elf has its own charm.

Now that the competition has progressed, both the judges and the audience are more or less aesthetically fatigued. If the following performances are all the same, they will not be exciting and exciting.

So even the Monarch Snake, who won the unanimous full score and advanced twice in the knockout stage, probably won't score too high.

Fortunately, Liangren had already prepared for this. After all, yesterday afternoon, Liangren and Monarch Snake devoted most of their time to rehearsals for the free performances on stage in the final round.

For the two rounds of the knockout round, Liangren practiced the steps for half an hour by himself.

"Just like the previous two rounds of knockout rounds, the first round of semi-finals, the judges' scoring requirements will be a little looser, and the second round of finals will be stricter."

"However, in order to prevent other contestants from 'Tian Ji's horse racing', they used their big moves in the first round to win the first place and get high scores from the judges."

"So we have to go all out in the first round, you know?" the beloved warned the snake monarch very seriously.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded seriously.

As a Pokémon carefully cultivated and trained by the beloved, Monarch Snake deeply remembers "every word" said by the beloved, such as: no matter what time it is, we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and treat it with all our strength.


The halftime break was very short, only 15 minutes. After the audience went to the toilet and came back, the host announced the start of the semi-finals.

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