Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1208 New

"Shortsboy of the Elf ()"!

The water venue, the white moonlight, the reef... There is nothing wrong with these stage layouts, and the "Aria of Bubbles" is also part of the stage performance that Liangren choreographed for the Monarch Snake.

But the following content is: "Aria of Foam" generates colorful foam, and then cooperates with the expansion and diffusion of the "Liquid Circle" water flow ring to swing out the foam ball.

Under the reflection of the bright moonlight, the foam balls floating towards the judges and auditorium in all directions cracked with a bang and turned into shining crystal energy stars, which brought visual and temperature sensory stimulation to the audience and judges.

Although the design creates an atmosphere of a moonlit night, Liangren still wants to use the quiet and beautiful scene atmosphere of a moonlit night to add color to the visual performance later.

From the beginning to the end, the good man never thought about letting the monarch snake tell about his miserable life experience and suffering life experience on the stage, and perform these personal privacy as a stage program.

But after the Monarch Snake stepped onto the stage, things didn't develop as expected by his beloved, it can be said to run counter to it.

Instead of using foamy arias and liquid circles to create a beautiful scene that stimulates the audience's vision, the singing of foamy arias is used to express emotions, and the performance is completed directly from the beginning to the end with a single trick of foamy arias.

Although what was presented on the final stage was full of praise from the judges and the audience, but Liangren was not happy. Apart from the fact that the result was not due to him, there was also that he was very worried about the mental state of Monarch Snake.

Before taking the stage, Liang Ren was worried that the Monarch Snake would be influenced by the performance of Ye Fairy. In the end, although the result was amazing, the Monarch Snake was indeed influenced by Ye Fairy.

The scene on a moonlit night made Monarch Snake let go of his defenses, and the sad atmosphere planted seeds in Monarch Snake's heart.

The field of water and the aria of foam reminded the monarch snake of his life experience, the father he had never seen, and the mother who abandoned him when he was born.

Unfortunate childhood needs a lifetime to heal.

The old frog, the beloved... These relatives who gradually entered the life of the monarch snake gradually dilute the memories of the sufferings that the fate of the past imposed on the monarch snake.

But memory is a tormenting thing. The more you want to forget, the more you can’t forget. Even if the traces are diluted by time, sometimes they will burst out suddenly, making you deeply remember them when you no longer want to remember them. ground memory.

Monarch Snake hates his parents very much, and wants to get rid of the influence of childhood on him.

But now it is following its lover and in the happiest time of its life.

The Monarch Snake first awakened the genetic skills "Petrochemical Skill, Aria of Bubbles", and now it has activated and awakened the water attribute power in the blood, and has the water attribute forever.

"Maybe Monarch Snake feels pain in his heart every time he uses this power." My beloved thought in a daze.

Thinking of this, the beloved suddenly felt a sense of self-blame. He only thought that the water attribute power in the awakened blood of the Monarch Snake could make up for its shortcomings and become stronger, but he didn't take care of its mood.

Thinking of the Pokémon Center in Dongcheng, Zijin City, Laowa begged to get rid of him and take good care of Monarch Snake before he passed away, and the self-blame in my lover's heart became more and more intense.

"Brother Liangren, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Whether it's me, Bi Diao, or Silly Beast, you all know about your concern for Monarch Snake."

"Whether it's childhood or misfortune in past life, those are all past tense for Monarch Snake. With Brother Liangren accompanying it, you have to believe that Monarch Snake is happy no matter it is now or in the future."

"Because Monarch Snake already has a family and relatives, and as the head of the family, Liangren Geli is Monarch Snake's closest relative, and you have the ability to make all of them live happily."

Nanako put her hand gently on the back of her beloved's and said in a very gentle tone. At the end of the call, the girl also added in her heart: "Now I am also a member of this big family, and I feel very happy too. .”

"Bang——" Nanako had just finished speaking, and without waiting for her lover to respond, the pink friend ball in her pocket suddenly opened, and the monarch snake who was depressed just now suddenly appeared in front of her lover.

"Wum~" The Monarch Snake groaned softly.

Two vine whips stick out from under the collar of the rattan collar on the shoulder blades, just like fairies and elves like to wrap their ribbons around the wrists of those who are close to them. The vine whips gently wrap around the wrists of their beloved.

The emerald green vine whip emits bright red fluorescence, which is the performance of the Monarch Snake when using the skill "Repaying Gratitude".

"Master, thank you." At this moment, a beautiful female voice sounded in the heart of the man.

"This is..." Hearing this voice, the beloved who was feeling guilty suddenly raised his head, looked around, and finally looked at the Monarch Snake in front of him in surprise.

"Monarch Snake, is that you?" My beloved looked at the Monarch Snake in surprise and asked.

"Master, it's me~" Monarch Snake nodded, and the beautiful female voice was remembered in Liang's heart again.

"Hiss~ my God"

The conjecture was confirmed, the question was answered, and the beloved opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"Brother Liangren, what's the matter, what happened?" Nanako asked her with a worried face.

"The Monarch Snake and I, it seems..." My beloved swallowed, turned his head and widened his eyes, looked at the Monarch Snake in surprise and said:

"I seem to have established a "bond link" with the Monarch Snake. "

The mind is connected, the senses are shared, and the Pokémon's mood can be understood without verbal communication. After carefully understanding this state that he is very familiar with, Ryoto said to Nanako in shock.

"Hiss!!" Nanako gasped when she heard her beloved's words.

"Brother Liangren, you are saying that you have established a "bond link" with the Monarch Snake, but the bond link is not..." Nanako confirmed to her husband in disbelief.

It's no wonder that Nanako didn't believe it, because Liangren told her about the process of establishing bond links with several Pokmon under him before.

Goodwill sublimates into tacit understanding, and tacit understanding sublimates into fetters. No matter which step it is, it is very difficult for the trainer and Pokémon.

Even if the trainer and Pokémon have been together for a long time and have accumulated a very deep emotional bond, it is not easy to go further and establish a "bond link" with each other.

In the original book, the bond between Kalunai, champion of the Carlos League, and his subordinate Xanadu is very deep. No words are needed, and only one eye contact during the battle can pass the command and mind to Xanadu.

Karunai described in a previously published book that once she was filming in the mountains, she put the poke ball with Xanadu next to her agent.

Later, there was a sudden heavy fog in the mountain where the film was filmed, and Karunai lost his way in the mountain surrounded by thick fog.

It turns out that because of the strong bond between her and Xanadu, Xanadu ran away from the agent, and then went into the mountains to find the lost Karunai by calling each other.

Such a deep bond is very rare between trainers and Pokémon.

But even so, Karunai and Xanadu failed to establish a bond link. It can be seen that to establish a bond link with Pokémon, a deep bond is only the foundation, and some accidental opportunities and opportunities are needed.

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