Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1219 Light/Darkness, Golden Python! !

Just now Monarch Snake seemed to have only used one move, "Pray for Rain", but in fact, there was a golden light ball formed by the condensation of "Sunny Sky" in the middle of the misty mist.

The audience only saw the dark clouds, lightning and thunder, but they didn't know that on the upper layer of the dark clouds, there was a golden and warm sun shining on the magnificent sea of ​​clouds.

There is light above and darkness below. The light and darkness are only blocked by a layer of artificially made dark sky, and the next thing the lover and the monarch snake have to do is to blast the sky, so that the audience who are in the dark can see to the real light.


There is no need for a lover to give instructions. The performance of this show has been rehearsed for an afternoon yesterday, and the control of the timing of each link is very precise and in place.

If it was because of irritability and depression at the beginning, the Monarch Snake chose to summon wind and rain to cool himself down.

So after a while of wind blowing and rain, the Monarch Snake was no longer depressed. When he looked up at the sky again, he was bored with the dark clouds that brought him coolness.

Now that it is no longer needed, it is about time for the unsightly rain clouds in the sky to be blown away.

Faced with the weather in nature, Monarch Snake did not choose to passively adapt like other weak beings in nature. It chose to actively change, after all, she has the strength.

The Monarch Snake, who had this thought in his mind, did not hesitate, and immediately acted.

"Wum~" The Monarch Snake looked up at the rainy sky, and let out a long hiss, as if the God of Rain Dragon was giving orders to disperse the rain clouds in the sky.

In the astonished eyes of the judges and the audience, integrating the sunlight energy in the venue, like a dragon drawing water, the densely shining golden energy stars began to converge towards the mouth of the monarch snake.

Because it was already the night when the night fell and the lights came on, and the sky was overwhelmed by dark clouds, the Monarch Snake gathered the energy of the sun, and the speed of accumulating energy to display "Sunshine Flame" seemed very slow.

However, in the dark sky and dimly lit venues, the Monarch Snake cast spells at a slower speed, which instead gave the judges and audience an epic atmosphere.







Looking densely packed,

Stars of energy shining with golden light converged towards the mouth of the monarch, and the judges and audience all stared wide-eyed and opened their mouths in surprise.

Without singing or dancing, or even any unnecessary movements, the Monarch Snake just stood motionless in the center of the stage at the moment, which attracted the judges and the audience to focus on it.

And just as the good man expected, the judges and the audience watched the process of the Monarch Snake's skill accumulating, and they continued to accumulate a feeling of anticipation in their hearts, looking forward to the outbreak of the Monarch Snake's skill.

The light in the venue is relatively dim, in order not to let the shining sun and energy stars steal the limelight of the Monarch Snake on the stage, in order to present a more attractive stage effect.

During the process of the Monarch Snake concentrating the solar energy, the beloved also made a small design, so that the Monarch Snake should not be too strict on the gathered energy, and let part of the energy escape.

The final effect is that the golden energy stars, like gold powder, are all cast on the Monarch Snake. The original emerald green vine snake has now turned into a glittering golden python.

Seeing the changes in Monarch Snake, whether it was the five judges sitting directly in front of the stage or the five thousand spectators off the stage, all of them stared wide-eyed and covered their mouths with shocked expressions.

The judges and the audience are looking forward to the performances of Liangren and Monarch Snake because they have seen too many "mediocre" performances of other contestants, and the senses such as vision and hearing need new and more intense stimulation.

And Liangren and Monarch Snake did it. After they appeared on the stage, they let the judges and audience enjoy a gust of cool wind and a burst of cold rain to calm down their impetuous mood. .

Under the blessing of this fearless and strong will, the Monarch Snake, like a phoenix nirvana and rebirth from the ashes, breaks the shackles of fate, changes its fate against the sky, and evolves from an ordinary rattan snake into a golden python with a body like gold.

At this moment, the monarch snake is incarnated as a golden golden python, which brings unparalleled visual impact and spiritual shock to the judges and audience.

Even if the performance of the good man and the monarch snake ends here, it is estimated that the judges will give a very high score in the end, but obviously the performance of the good man and the monarch snake is not just that.

Can a high score satisfy his lover? His goal is to get a full score from the judges like Nanako, and the performance itself should surpass the dance of Nanako and Miss Qun'er, so...

"Wum~" completed the charge of the sun and flames, and the body was also painted golden with energy stars. In order to prevent the excitement of the judges and the audience from going downhill, the monarch snake moved.

"Boom!!" The thick and thin golden-green energy beams of the water tank blasted out with Monarch Snake's disgust and hostility towards the dark sky.

Immediately afterwards, under the eyes of the judges and the audience with their mouths wide open and shocking expressions, this terrifying beam of energy blasted a huge hole into the gloomy and dim sky.

It feels like a baby sparrow, fully developed in the eggshell, can peck the eggshell on the top of the head with a sharp beak when it breaks out of the shell.

From the inside of the dark and dull eggshell, through the pecked open eggshell, the sparrow baby sees the bright world outside for the first time.

The choreography and design of the performance of The Good Man and the Monarch Snake is not just for the sake of shock and shock, it is not just for the judges and audience, with visual stimulation and impact.

The program that my beloved arranged has connotations. What I said earlier was after gaining strength, but because my mind is in a state of ignorance and dust, I feel proud that I am omnipotent.

Gradually, after gaining knowledge and experience, washing away the lead and the dust on the mirror of the mind, returning to the basics and realizing the limitations of one's own strength, knowing that there is a bigger world outside the narrow world in which you live.

After knowing and understanding all this, the 'Monarch Snake' neither feared nor chose to escape, but was not afraid of the clouds covering my eyes, and wanted to compete with the sky.

Choose to challenge yourself, challenge the rules, and challenge your destiny, so there is a monarch on the stage. .

This is the process and result of self-awareness, self-challenge, and self-transcendence.

The Monarch Snake bravely walked out of the comfort zone, broke the sky that blocked its sight, and saw the bright world outside through the hole in the sky. What people want to convey through this performance and let the audience feel through this performance.





A hole was blown out of the dark sky that blocked sight and blinded cognition, and a hole was torn open. At this moment, the monarch snake stood motionless like a statue on the boundary line between light and darkness.

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