Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1247 Moonlit Night Screaming, Special Elf

Text Chapter 1247 The Moonlit Night Screaming Special Elf

Of course, no one doesn't like popularity and being recognized and followed.

Although he knows that these things are time-sensitive and unreliable, since he has such a high popularity and popularity at the moment, he will devote a certain amount of time and energy to serious management without being completely intoxicated by it.

For example, he would spend some time every night without hesitation, replying to fans' comments and private messages on Weibo and other Internet community accounts.

If you make a wish in the exam, your lover will send you blessings~

Ask how the elves are trained, and the beloved will share experience and give some suggestions~

Work, life, emotions, etc., if you encounter setbacks and seek comfort, your beloved will also send you two very heartwarming words of comfort~



Conscientiousness is a very good trait of a good man, as long as it is recognized by him, he will take it very seriously, whether it is training elves or running a personal social account.

Because of his earnestness, Liangren was able to achieve his debut, but within a year, he cultivated and trained three king-level ace main players and two quasi-king-level second echelon elves.

Because of his earnestness, Liangren's popularity and word-of-mouth have soared all the way on the Internet and in the circle of professional trainers.

Whether it's work, career or life, as long as you maintain your seriousness now, I believe there will be many opportunities to benefit from it in the future——

The beloved closed the laptop, turned off the phone, and rubbed the space between his brows.

Training in the morning and driving in the afternoon, after a busy day, my beloved also felt a little physically and mentally exhausted, but Bi Diao and Slow Beast... They are still very energetic, which makes him very envious.

"Lili!!" Just as the beloved was sitting on the picnic mat playing with a few Pokémon, a piercing screaming sound suddenly came from the dark mountain behind.

"Hiss~" Hearing the scream, the beloved could not help but cover his ears.

This voice is not an ordinary voice, it seems to be a sonic attack with mental damage launched by evil, super power, and ghost elves.

The magic sound pierced through the ears, apart from a tingling pain in the eardrums, the beloved felt as if he had eaten a very cold ice cream, and his 'head' was suddenly stimulated.

"Daddy, how's it going? Did you find anything?" The man who sensed the mental attack in the whistling sound and thought it was an attack from a wild Pokémon looked at the dumb beast beside him and asked.

Bi Diao's aerial reconnaissance, Slow Beast's superpower perspective, and Lucario's waveguide radar.

The reason why Liangren can relax so much when traveling is not only because his Pokmon are very powerful, but also because the ability of the three pets can help him predict and avoid danger in advance.

"Yah Duo—(????w????) There is indeed a very strong spiritual attack in this howling sound, but it is not aimed at us."

Slowly Beast released its super power to detect and sense it and said.

Without waiting for the beloved to ask questions, Dullbeast continued: "There is a group of Alidos besieging a Pokémon, and the whistling sound of mental attack just now was caused by this Pokémon in desperation."

The superpower radiates and then reflects back, looking at the scene impression in his mind, looking at which Pokmon is being attacked by Alidos, there is a very interesting expression on the face of the dull beast.

"Is it a super-powered elf?" Seeing the strange expression on the dumbfounded beast, the beloved asked curiously.

"Yah duo—??(??\u003e??\u003c??) ~ not ouch"

"My dear, you will know when you go and have a look, you will definitely be interested in that elf." Dullbeast smiled a little bit.

Hearing what Silly Beast said, my beloved, how could he not understand, obviously this elf that was being attacked by Alidos was very special, and it met his taming and training standards.

Although he has the golden finger to add points to the Pokmon's racial value through attribute coins, but the requirements for the lover are still very strict in the matter of subduing Pokémon.

In addition to the elite route he took, Bi Diao, among the main aces of the current echelon, has developed the characteristic of "strong chest muscles" to reduce the training that offsets the negative effects of "burning courage".

In the middle of the second echelon, Kalio and Monarch Snake are about to launch an assault on the Tianwang class; in the third echelon, there is also the champion fast dragon cub called Mini Dragon, which requires him to devote a lot of time and energy to training.

It can be said that Liangren will be very busy every day and for a long time to come. For now, he has no plan to take in new Pokémon anyway.

Silly Beast also knows what my beloved is thinking, but even so, Silly Beast still said that he would be interested in this Pokmon, which made my beloved even more curious.

"What kind of Pokémon is this? It makes Stupid Beast, who looks easy-going on the outside, but is actually very proud in his heart, feel very special."

Staring at the dark mountain, looking in the direction of the screaming sound just now, my beloved's curiosity was also aroused by the dull beast~

"Brother Liangren, what happened to that voice just now? Was there an attack from a wild Pokémon?" Nanako, who had just finished washing the dishes, also came over and asked her curiously.

"..." My beloved didn't hold back, and told the story of the dull beast's discovery.

"A very special Pokémon?" Nanako was also curious after hearing what her beloved said.

As Liangren's girlfriend and closest travel companion, she is very aware of how high the requirements of Liangren are in the matter of subduing Pokémon. However, even so, Liangren still showed extremely high expectations for this elf. enthusiasm.

"Since you are very interested in it, Brother Liangren, let's go and have a look." Nanako said.

"Hmm ~ good."

"Iron Armor Shell, Monarch Snake, Mini Dragon, you guys are guarding in the camp, Slowly Beast, Lucario, Bi Diao, you three, come with me—"

"Beep carving~"


"Ya duo~"

Hearing his beloved's words, Bi Diao quickly flapped his wings and flew into the night sky, and went to the front to investigate, while Slowly Beast and Lucario also guarded his beloved and Nanako skillfully.

There were two Pokémon guards on the left and right without any hesitation. Under the guidance of the dull beast, they directly crossed the bushes around the camp and ran quickly in the direction where the sound came from just now.

A Pokémon that even the Silly Beast said was special, thought he would be interested, and couldn't help but subdue and cultivate it. At the moment, it was being besieged by a group of Alidos, and he didn't dare to delay it.

After walking out of the camp, Liangren directly let the slow beasts cover them with superpowers and move instantly, and rushed over as fast as possible.

The vision was blurred and distorted for a while, and after a moment of dizziness, the two of them also came to a dense forest filled with the smell of dead branches and leaves.

As soon as he appeared, Ryoto saw four Alidos firing missile needles at a Pokémon, and the besieged Pokémon was already scarred.

"Bi Diao, suppress the violent wind; Slow Beast, use jet flame; Lucario, use Waveguide·Big Breakthrough."

Seeing this besieged elf, the man in the forest appeared, and without thinking about it, he commanded the Pokémon to attack Alidos.

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