Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1249 Raiders, the mysterious crystal stone

Text Chapter 1249 Strategy, the mysterious crystal stone

"Little Magneto, let's play with the miniature dragon later, I'll help you heal your physical injuries first."

Seeing that Magneto was playing with the miniature dragon very quickly, the smile on the lover's face became even brighter.

This kind of result is exactly what he hopes to see. Magneto is familiar with his Pokmon, and it will be easier for him to subdue Magneto in the future.

However, since Magneto has been designated as his Pokmon by default, he must also consider its body.

When the little Magneto was rescued from the siege of the four Alidos just now, although the slow beast was healed with the healing wave.

However, in order to invite Magneto to the camp and temporarily keep Magneto by his side, so that he can create opportunities to increase his favorability, Liangren also used a little caution during the process of letting Slowbeast heal just now.

Under his secret hint, although Slowly Beast helped Magneto to heal part of the injury, so that the injury would not continue to deteriorate, but it did not fully heal.

Now he has successfully kept Magneto by his side for the time being, and made him become acquainted with Bi Diao, Slow Beast, Lucario, and Mini Dragon, and established a certain bond of friendship.

In order not to leave hidden wounds on Magneto's body, Liangren also took out a small medicine box and summoned Magneto, who was playing with the miniature dragon, to further treat the injuries.

"Don't move, I'll give you some medicine first."

"Lili~" Little Magneto nodded obediently.

The good man took out a high-quality good wound medicine from the small medicine box, installed the nozzle, and sprayed the whole body of the little magneto carefully.

The "good wound medicine" for treating injuries and restoring physical strength is formulated with medicinal materials such as blue orange and vitality root and tree fruit extracts. The special substances in them will quickly convert into energy when they come into contact with Pokémon's body.

It is for this reason, whether it is a ghost-type elf who has no physical form, a rock-type elf whose body is rock, or an elf whose body is made of metal like Magneto.

As long as you are injured, spray it with wound medicine, as long as the injury is not too serious, then I believe you can recover soon.

The steel attribute physique has a high resistance to insect-type and poison-type attacks. Although it was violently besieged by four Alidos before, the injuries on the little magneto are not serious, and they are mainly traumatic.

Of course, the reason why the injury is not serious, in addition to the strong physical constitution of the small magnet monster, there is another very important reason is:

The reason why the four Alidos would attack the Magneto is not actually for the purpose of hunting and predation. The Magneto whose body is entirely made of metal and magnets is not in the menu of the Alidos.

The reason why he attacks is just out of cruel instinct. As a cunning and cruel Pokmon, Alidos often bullies Pokmon who are weaker than himself.

The previous siege by the four Alidos clubs did not intend to kill the little Magneto, but as a warm-up entertainment before hunting tonight, playing with it as a toy.

Right now, after the beloved has used a good wound medicine on Magneto, the wounds on Magneto's body have almost healed.

However, for the purpose of increasing favorability, the treatment of the beloved did not simply end like this.

In order to make Magneto feel that he is doing his best and has paid a lot for it, the lover called the Silly Beast over again, first came a few healing waves, and then used "electromagnetic waves" to help Magneto recharge it. Got some electricity.

Sharing the super power perspective of the slow beast, I felt the emotional feedback of the little magneton.

Sure enough, after such a multi-step and complicated treatment, Magneto was really grateful to his lover.

In fact, it's no wonder that the beloved is too scheming. He has always treated and paid 200% sincerely for his own people and his Pokmon, and he doesn't ask for the slightest return, without any utilitarianism.

But for people and Pokémon who have nothing to do with you,

No matter how close and easy-going a lover is in getting along, he still has a lot of reservations in his heart.

He is a person who values ​​profit very much. As long as it has nothing to do with him, he hopes to get a good return for every penny he pays.

It is impossible for any non-self or non-self spirit to get anything from the beloved for free. Even if it is temporarily obtained for free, the beloved will look for opportunities in the future to take it back with interest.

Right now, the little magneto has not been subdued by him, no matter how much his lover likes it in his heart, he will not give 100% for nothing without asking for anything in return.

Everything he is doing now is to increase his favorability, he will use some caution, and he will temporarily hold the mentality of attacking the little magnetite.

Of course, as a man with his own way of thinking and doing things, a very mature cognitive system and three views, I don't think there is anything wrong with what I do.

It's like a boy chasing a girl he likes, sending flowers, gifts, and all kinds of courtesies, but also with a very strong purpose, for the purpose of being with other girls, and greedy for her body.

Compared with the scumbag who worked hard in the strategy in the early stage and didn't cherish it after he got it, the good man now has the mentality of building favorability and strategy.

But after he subdued Magneto, he would only cherish Magneto even more, treat it more sincerely, pour all his heart and soul into it, and make it stronger and more outstanding.

"Little Magneto, are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?" After treating the little Magneto, in order to strike while the iron was hot and get more favorability in one go, the lover also came up with food.

"Ya Duo—(′?ω?`)~ The little monster is a steel elf, if it has a mouth, it can also eat batteries, or eat tourmaline like Alola Longyan, and eat screws like Melometan.

But it has no mouth, what can you give it to eat. "

Hearing that the beloved was about to feed the little Magneto, the dumb beast next to him couldn't help but groaned.

"Lili~" Hearing the words of the dull beast, the little magneto blinked like a cute big eye, and looked at his beloved with some doubts and curiosity.

That little expression seemed to say that it didn't need to eat, and it had never eaten before.

Looking at the curious faces of the two pets, the lover couldn't help but smile evilly.jpg

As an excellent Pokémon trainer, when encountering a Pokémon that wants to attack a Pokémon, using some conventional and old-fashioned methods can certainly increase the favorability.

But if you want to increase your favorability by leaps and bounds, you must learn to create some unexpected surprises.

For example, Magneto has no mouth. Whether it is Magneto itself or the people who eat melons like Stupid Beast, they all think that the mouthless Magneto can just recharge and replenish its physical strength, and it doesn't need and can't eat at all.

When the lover wanted to feed the little magneton, it was simply impossible to realize it.

The good man used the mind communication system backpack, flipped his hand and took out a piece of golden yellow crystal clear and irregular crystal.

"Yah Duo—Huh!! What is this?" Seeing the crystal taken out by his lover, Dumbmon frowned and searched in his memory.

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