Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1251 Breakthrough, Change of Monarch Snake

Text Chapter 1251 Breakthrough, Change of Monarch Snake

The Monarch Snake stepped forward and came to the lover's side. It stretched out two green vines from under its shoulder blades, caressing the body of the little Magneto like a hand, and opened its mouth to sing that the old frog used to comfort it to sleep. The lullaby he hasn't sung for a long time since Frog's death:

~I always meet you in the breeze~

~Clouds hanging over the sky lake~

~Two constellations look at the night sky

~Never meet again——



It has been a long time since the old frog passed away. After cremation, the ashes were taken back to Laowa's hometown by his lover, and they were buried in a quiet cemetery. The monarch snake can also visit him from time to time.

The monarch snake has always been afraid of singing this lullaby, it is afraid that it will recall the scene of the old frog's death, and it is afraid that it will not be able to hold back the tears.

But now looking at the crying little Magneto, when it couldn't help but sing this lullaby to comfort the little Magneto, Monarch Snake found that he didn't shed tears, and wasn't immersed in the grief of the old frog's death.

It turns out that it has long been out of sorrow——

After being integrated into the big family of the beloved, its life is full of happiness and joy all the time, and the dark and miserable life and ill-fated fate have long since left it.

All the misfortunes of the past are over, and its future is bright and happy.

It is no longer a humble existence that just hides in a dark corner where even the light cannot shine. Now it is powerful and charming, and it can already use its energy to help others.

It is no longer dust, but an existence that can shine, its own light can shine and warm others, and bring strength to others.

Looking at the little Magneto at this moment, when the Monarch Snake sings this lullaby, the imprint left by all the past misfortunes on its heart can be regarded as truly eliminated at this moment.



Listening to the lullaby of the Monarch Snake, the little Magneto, crying bitterly in the arms of his lover, seemed to feel that he had returned to his mother, and it also gradually fell asleep in this peace of mind.

"Brother Liangren~ Is Magneto asleep?" Nanako asked softly.


"I don't know what this little guy has gone through before, but seeing him cry so sad is really heartbreaking." Liangren said.

"Also, Monarch Snake, thank you for helping to appease the little magneto. After the little magneto officially joins our big family, you brothers and sisters should take good care of them."

"Beep carving—(???)~中"

"Ya Duo—(???) Desire"

"Aww——??????? Okay"



Several Pokmon expressed their opinions one after another, but they felt sorry for Magneto the most. Monarch Snake, who had come to sing and comfort Magneto just now, closed his eyes silently.

When Ryoto, Nanako and the other Pokémon were feeling suspicious, a strong aura suddenly burst out from the Monarch Snake.

"Monarch Snake, you have broken through!!" My beloved opened his mouth, looking at Monarch Snake in surprise.

"Wum~" The Monarch Snake opened his eyes, worried that it would disturb the sleep of the little Magneto, it hurriedly controlled the closing momentum, looked around the lover and all the partners with a smile, and nodded.

Xueba helps students to explain difficult math problems, and he can also sort out the direct structure and consolidate knowledge points, so as to improve.

The Monarch Snake sang to comfort the little Magneto just now, and he had a clear understanding in his heart, which completely put an end to all the misfortunes in the past. With a happy mood and clear thoughts, he broke through in strength naturally.

Although he has not yet mastered the skill of "hardening plants", the Monarch Snake, who has untied his heart knot, is at this moment that his real combat power and state are close to the peak and perfect state.

【Monarch Snake】♀


Attributes: Grass, Water

Personality: proud, gentle

Traits: lush, torrent, naysayer

Stamina: 110【B】Purple

Attack: 75【C】blue

Defense: 90【C】

Special Attack: 86【C】

Special Defense: 90【C】

Speed: 130【B】Purple

Total: 576


"Attack": hit, beat, cane whip, repay favor, water gun, water cannon, tidal whirl, leaf blade, absorb~

Energy Ball, Dragon Tail, Water Tail, Super Absorption, Ultimate Absorption, Water Wave, Water Oath, Grass Oath~

Grass Blender, Foamy Aria, Sunshine Flames, Hardened Plants, Strong Whip~

"Defense": Mysterious Guardian

"Control": singing, grass flute, tightening, charming, seduction, petrification, vertigo dance, ultrasonic wave, devil's kiss, parasitic seeds, big snake stare

"Auxiliary": praying for rain, provocation, longing, look at me, sweet breath, simple light beam, growth, sunny day, liquid circle, photosynthesis, green grass field


The level of the Monarch Snake has broken through from LV.47 to LV.48,

Although it seems that there is only a level 1 improvement, at the current stage, the gap in strength brought by level 1 is still very large.

Now the Monarch Snake is also in the early stage of the Quasi-Uranus, and has officially broken through to the middle-stage of the Quasi-Uranus, with a level equal to that of Lucario.

Of course, in addition to the breakthrough in level, as a very careful trainer who knows his Pokmon very well, Liangren also found a little change in the attribute panel of the Monarch Snake.

Previously, the character column of the Monarch Snake attribute panel showed "arrogance and indifference", but after the untie knot and breakthrough in strength just now, the panel personality column has changed to "arrogance and gentleness".

Regardless of whether it is a human or a Pokémon, it is difficult to change the personality. Unless it undergoes a particularly large change, the personality will not change under normal circumstances.

But under such circumstances, Monarch Snake's "cold" character has become "gentle", which shows how much change the Monarch Snake has brought to Monarch Snake by taking the initiative to comfort Little Magneto just now.

Although Liang Ren is the trainer of the Monarch Snake, he is also its closest companion and family member.

Compared with the breakthrough in strength, the indifferent character of the Monarch Snake has become gentle, which actually makes the beloved feel more happy and gratified. Of course, the breakthrough in strength is also worth celebrating.

"Lucario, you have to work hard, the Monarch Snake, who was originally behind you in level, has already caught up with you~"

Looking at Lucario next to him, the beloved also urged it a little.

Although Lucario usually trains very seriously and hard, but sometimes a little pressure will make it burst into greater potential.

The power of the body is limited after all, but the power of the heart has no upper limit. The biggest difference between ordinary people and the protagonist is that the protagonist and the Pokmon under him can burst out with powerful heart power at critical moments.

Even if the hard power is not as good as the opponent, even if you are at a disadvantage in the battle, as long as there is a wave of explosions, nothing can be reversed.

Liangren has always paid great attention to guiding and stimulating healthy competition among his Pokmon.

Bi Diao, Dumb Beast, and Tiejiabei are the trump cards of the first echelon of the beloved. Now the three favorites have been chasing after each other and have broken through the king level.

Monarch Snake and Lucario are the main force of Liangren's second echelon, and there are only two of them in the second echelon, so they are the only ones who can conduct healthy competition.

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