Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1278 Pure blood noble, mixed Muggle?

Text Chapter 1278 Pure blood noble, mixed blood Muggle?

Looking down, compared with the hidden characteristic inherited from his father's shiny metal monster: light metal, the six-dimensional attribute of magnetite is even more surprising.

Under normal circumstances, the average six-dimensional attribute of the magnetite race should be

Stamina: 25——Attack: 35

Defense: 70 - Special Attack: 95

Special Defense: 55 - Speed: 45

Comprehensive: (325)


However, the six-dimensional data of this little magneton is:

Stamina: 40——Attack: 55

Defense: 80 - Special Attack: 95

Special Defense: 60 - Speed: 45

Comprehensive: (375)


Except for special attack and speed, which are the average value of the race, the other four items are higher than the average value of the race of the normal magneto.

The combined racial value of 375 is a full 50~ higher than the average race value of normal magnetites

Don't underestimate these 50~

We must know that the small magnet monster is still in the first evolutionary stage. When it evolves into a three-in-one magnet monster → a self-explosive magnet monster, the 50 points higher data will be doubled or tripled later. It is no problem at all.

Even if a very poor trainer cultivated Magneto, the subsequent training did not expand the ability advantage of Magneto. The 50-point ability advantage in the initial stage was still 50 points in the later stage.

But the average race value of the self-exploding Magneto is 535, plus this 50 point talent advantage.


In the late stage, the self-explosive magnetite can also be compared to the quasi-god elf with a race value of 600 like the golden monster.

In addition, Liangren is not a bad or mediocre trainer. When it comes to cultivating Pokémon, Liangren has unparalleled talent.

Magneto has a 50-point talent higher than the racial average, and it is very possible to double it to 100 and double it to 150 in the later stage.

And in addition to his own talent, he also has a system in which talent red coins are added to strengthen the day after tomorrow.

In the future, Magneto will evolve into a self-exploding Magneto with mature combat power, let alone a quasi-god like Metagros, even if it catches up with the power to control time and has a race value of 680 Steel + Dragon Emperor Yaluka Not impossible.

Excitedly looking at Magneto's six-dimensional data several times, Liangren suddenly discovered another point that he hadn't noticed just now.

"Could it be...it's not really what I think it is." My lover looked at the attribute panel of the little magneto in front of him with bright eyes, and then hurriedly took out his mobile phone and clicked on the Pokémon Encyclopedia website to check the status of the giant gold monster. Six Dimensions of Cub Iron Dumbbells.

"Hiss~ Sure enough!!" He glanced back and forth between the screen of the phone and the data panel of the little Magneto in front of him several times, and the conjecture in his heart was confirmed.

【Iron Dumbbell】

Stamina: 40——Attack: 55

Defense: 80 - Special Attack: 35

Special Defense: 60 - Speed: 30

Comprehensive: (300)


The average racial value of Iron Dumbbell is 300, which is 25 points lower than the 325 race value of ordinary magnetites

However, although Magneto has a higher racial value than Iron Dumbbell, that is because Magneto has higher special attack and speed than Iron Dumbbell, and other things such as physical strength, physical attack, physical defense, and special defense are actually inferior to Iron Dumbbell.

Liang Ren compared the six-dimensional data of the race value of a normal magneton with the six-dimensional data of a normal iron dumbbell.

The good man found that the race value of the little magneto under him was six-dimensional, which was the fusion of the six-dimensional race value of the normal magneto and the ordinary iron dumbbell.

And this fusion is not a simple fusion, but to get rid of the dross and take the essence, and gather all the advantages of the two to oneself.

Magneto vs Iron Dumbbell

1 The other four abilities of Magneto are not outstanding enough, but the special attack and speed are stronger than the iron dumbbell, which are 95, 45~

As for the six-dimensional data of this little magneton, the special attack is 95, and the speed is 45——

2 The special attack and speed of the iron dumbbell can't compare with the small magneto,

But physical strength, physical attack, physical defense, and special defense are all better than Magnemite, which are 40, 55, 80, and 60~

And the six-dimensional data of this little magneton, physical strength, physical attack, physical defense, and special defense, are exactly 40, 55, 80, 60~


Just now, I saw that Magneto's six-dimensional data is so good, considering that Magneto's father is a metal monster, and the hidden characteristic is the "light metal" inherited from his father

So Liang Ren wanted to compare the six-dimensional race value of Magneto with the six-dimensional value of Metagross' cub, Iron Dumbbell, to see the differences and similarities between the two.

Unexpectedly, if you don't look at it, you won't know it. When you see it, you are startled. This little magneto monster perfectly combines the advantages of the little magneto monster and the iron dumbbell under normal circumstances.

"According to the six-dimensional data of the race value of the little magneton, the little guy should have inherited all the excellent genes of his father's flashing golden monster and his mother's leader, the self-exploding magneton."

"It seems that if you want to give birth to a good child with excellent genes, the fewer similar genetic factors the parents have, the better. Regardless of whether it is a human or a Pokémon, it is best not to marry close relatives of the same race."

Looking at the six-dimensional data of race value on the panel of Magneto, Ryoto nodded with satisfaction and joked with a relaxed tone.

The fact that Magneto has inherited and inherited all the excellent genes of his father's flashy metal monster and his mother's leader, self-destructing magneto, is more obvious in the skill pool of little magneto~


"Elementary": electric shock, impact, ultrasonic wave, electromagnetic wave, electric ball, spiral ball

"Inheritance·Father": Mind Power, Mind Headhammer, Comet Fist

"Genetic Mother": lock, electromagnetic gun, self-explosion


The electric shock, impact... and other moves and skills shown in the proficiency level can basically be comprehended and learned by ordinary small magnetites at level lv.16.

But if the genetic skills are marked in the last two columns, it is not something that ordinary magnetites can comprehend and learn as the level increases.

The three skills of "mind force, mind head hammer, and comet fist" were inherited from his father's metal monster.

Although under normal circumstances, the Magneto series would not be able to comprehend the Comet Fist skill, but the Comet Fist is a steel-type skill move, and a good person can help Magneto learn it through the system golden finger.

However, only the Metagross side can comprehend the two superpower skills of mind force and mind head hammer, and even if the lover has a golden finger, he can't help Magneto learn it.

"Three-stroke attack skills, mind power has a 10% chance to confuse the opponent, mind head hammer has a 20% chance to make the opponent fall into fear, and Comet Fist is a skill that comes with a physical attack buff~"

"The three skills that Magneto inherited from his father, the shiny golden monster, are all very practical!!" My husband was very happy.

Of course, in addition to inheriting the three skills from his father's flashing gold monster, Magneto also inherited three skills from his mother's leader, the self-destructing magnet monster.

They are "lock" with its own radar lock-on tracking effect, the initial lethality is as high as 120, and the ultra-high power skill with 100% paralysis effect: electromagnetic gun.

And the initial damage value is as high as 200 points, and the "self-explosion" that perishes with the opponent

"The three skills that the little Magneto inherited from his mother's leader, the self-destructing Magneto, are also very practical!!"

"It's just the six-stroke skills inherited from both parents. Even if Magneto doesn't expand its skill pool, it doesn't have to worry about not having the means to deal damage and control until the later stage."

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